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Your opinions on this article

edited June 2011 in Arts & Writings

I'd be interetsed to know what people think of this article? I have no idea who he is or where he is from - I think it's quite compelling but then I am deeply suspicious of this sort of thing on the internet.



  • taiyakitaiyaki Veteran
    Pretty straight forward and the typical experience of awakening to ones true nature. what he says is accurate. we are all buddhas pretending to be finite selves. realization is merely realizing what is true and most obvious. it's almost a shame to even call it obvious or simple because those words don't accurately describe how stupid simple it is. we totally miss it because we look with our minds.

    when you find it, you kind of laugh your ass off. it was here all along.
  • CinorjerCinorjer Veteran
    edited June 2011
    I sounds like he believes what he is saying, but it's easy to learn the language of enlightenment. He actually sounds like everyone I ever heard trying to describe a satori moment and I'm happy for him, but there is a reason why in our traditions, the first thing a person should do is find a Master to authenticate the experience and point out it's just a door opening, not a destination.

    Hakuin, one of the Patriarchs of the Renzai Zen school, by his own admission was insufferably proud and stuck up in his behavior after his first brief taste of enlightenment. Then he went to a Master to have his enlightenment confirmed. Here in his own words is what happened:

    I related my understanding to the Master. He said to me, "What about the dog and the Buddha-nature?"

    "There's no way at all for hand or foot to touch it," I replied.

    He suddenly reached out, grabbed my nose in his hand, and gave it a sharp pinch. "How's that for a firm touch!" he declared.

    I was incapable of moving forward. I couldn't retreat. I couldn't spit out a single syllable. After that, I was totally disheartened and frustrated. I sat red-eyed and miserable. My cheeks burned from the constant tears.

    But this man resumed his practice and went on to be one of the greatest Zen Masters that ever taught. He invented the famous "One hand clapping" koan, in fact.

    So I ask Mr. Norquist and everyone: once you've penetrated the illusion of form, then trees are no longer trees, and mountains are not mountains. Now what?

    The coffee is strong this morning and the dogs are sleeping.

  • taiyakitaiyaki Veteran
    trees are trees and mountains are mountains. all actions are buddha.
    you do what is most obvious in the given situation. since you are mirror you reflect what is.

    if someone is suffering, you comfort them. if someone is hungry, you feed them. if it is hot in the sun, you move towards the shade.

    realizing emptiness is one thing. accepting how that emptiness moves is another.
  • trees are trees and mountains are mountains. all actions are buddha.
    you do what is most obvious in the given situation. since you are mirror you reflect what is.

    if someone is suffering, you comfort them. if someone is hungry, you feed them. if it is hot in the sun, you move towards the shade.

    realizing emptiness is one thing. accepting how that emptiness moves is another.
    A deep bow to you this morning.
  • Thank you for posting this article...

    Actually I am disappointed...I can put my signature under every word written in this article. I have had the same experience 3 times over the last month. But I thought they are part of the disillusionment process and it never crossed my mind to call them "awakening". If this is called awakening than I am awake, I don't even need a teacher to authenticate it because it is very obvious...But this is really disappointing because it doesn't solve any of my problems and neither it help me to get rid of my sufferings. Hard solid reality is still there and the suffering comes with it. An awakening experience during meditation doesn't help at all. Because it is gone after you wake up in the morning. Yes, sure you have a better idea about the true nature of reality but then what...I still have to take the suffering.

    What really needs to happen to end the cyclical existence? Please don't tell me the type of realization as described in this article is enough! offense anyone...
  • FenixFenix Veteran
    edited June 2011
    ok, reading the article, he says no karma, never was, so what is then perpetuating misery? And 99.999% of spiritual books wrong? Idont get it
  • taiyakitaiyaki Veteran
    @zen_world if you've awoken to your true nature as you said that is the ending and start of a new life from the vantage point of what was most obvious.

    enlightenment does not solve all the problems. it just orients you back to your original nature and from there you can examine the three marks of existence. if anything awakening to your true nature is the beginning of the spiritual process. it is the beginning of the unhinging of all views and where you just be as awakened consciousness. true acceptance to what is and a sincere letting go of all clinging. actually there isn't much after awakening you can do now since consciousness is operating on a new level. just sit and enjoy the ride where everything you thought you were is going to be burn away until you become simple and wisdom is evident in ever fiber and moment of your life.

    everyone has assumptions on what awakening brings. the mind will never know what awakening is like because awakening is awakening from the mind. then the heart. then the gut. then your whole body. there is no where to hide.
  • taiyakitaiyaki Veteran
    ok, reading the article, he says no karma, never was, so what is then perpetuating misery? And 99.999% of spiritual books wrong? Idont get it
    karma is simply your conditioned mind. this is the mind you've accumulated through living in this existence. ideas were given to you and you created ideas from your life experience. you have an idea of what reality is like so your project views onto reality. reality itself is idealess and just is what it is.

    we call a tree a tree but did the tree say call me a tree? all labels are projections coming from us. labels and concepts are duality meaning they divide. when you don't label or have any preconceived notions you just see reality as it is. that is non duality. just seeing. just hearing. just smelling. just feeling. just tasting.

    don't think and where is your karma? if you keep a not knowing mind you automatically cut all karma, conditioning, and ego.
    if you think with attachment towards ideas then you have your karma, conditioning, and ego.

    so on one level they sages teach that karma is cause and effect. basically it is true. most people live unconsciously and accumulate karma or conditioned states of mind. those who are generally nicer, usually have healthy minds where as the opposite occurs with those who do wicked things. but this is duality and mind.

    zen says what happened when you don't think? when you just are. when you just watch the passing mind?
    you can respond and not react against things. you can see things as they are rather than what you want them to be. you see the non dual reality, which is the silence behind all phenomena. you are the silence and you are the non dual awareness.
    when you keep a not knowing mind you automatically cut all thinking. thus no karma.

    hope you free yourself from this mind game and just see what is.
  • @taiyaki
    Thank you for your comment. I will open a new thread about this.
    We talk a lot about reaching to enlightenment or awakening but we rarely discuss what happens afterwards...In this life time I attained this realization but what will happen whan I die? Will I born again with another body and do not remember anything and start everything all over? I will ask all these questions to my teacher but it is worthwhile to discuss here...thanks
  • Excellent comments Taiyaki, thank you very much
  • check out
  • From someone who isn't Awakened yet (me) this article seems to be in line with other teachers that claim to be so appears to be genuine. And also from what Taiyaki said who clearly seems Awake. Forgive me if I'm deluded but I get flashes from time to time and feel like I'm very close but try no to get hung up on it.
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