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Tocharians: Bringers of Buddhism (Video)
Ancient Greek and Chinese historians had long referenced a unique cultural and ethnic group with red or blonde hair and blue eyes since the 3rd century BCE, that settled Afghanistan and forged a vibrant Buddhist empire that spread Buddhism to much of the the world through China and India.
Mysterious 4,000-year-old mummies in the deserts of China with "white Europoid" features and clothing, Aryan Proto-Indo-European/Iranian
These people passed on aspects of their culture to later Asian migrants that settled around them: a love of poetry and oratory, white as a sacred color (in Mongol culture the white foods (dairy foods) are sacred food), a reverence for lakes, considered sacred, the Shambhala myth of a hidden realm high in the mountaints, sun cult (the word "Khor" in Tibetan, denotes the sun and is an Indo-Euro word, found also in Bulgarian and Russian, where it denotes the circle dances oiginally done as sun worship), gold-lined skull cups, as in Tibetan culture. Gold-lined skullcups have been found as far West as Germany, archaeologically, the warrior culture that considered the horse to be a sacred animal (still is, in Turkic cultures in Central and North Asia), etc. These were the predecessors of the Tocharians. They eventually settled into the Inner Asian oasis towns between the Altai Mts. on the north, and the Tibetean plateau in the south, and evolved a high civilization there. Tibetan nomads and Uighurs carry the Indo_european genetic heritage with them today. You can see Indo_euro features in the faces of Tibetan nomads today. Take a look around your local Tibetan community, if you have one. Occasionally blond Kazakhs turn up as living evidence of their "Tocharian" heritage.
This is one of my favorite topics. I should watch the video, before I natter on any more.
I'm pretty sure I saw an episode of the Silk Road TV series dealing with people with European features in the Takla Makan. In one of the programs there was a Buddhist temple in one of the pyramids with a room dedicated to Maitreya.