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Can Buddhism studies be certified ?



  • edited August 2011
    @zen_world , is good you are not angry at me and because of this I wish to learn more from you . In Buddha is good to be "confused" before awake but I in my current awareness if after I am awake I dont think I will be here "discussing" Buddhism .
    Never in my intention to find "a" teacher as I can learned from all sources , why shall I limits myself learning say even directly from Dalai Lama himself ?
    Many living or non-living have Buddha in it , good energy that to me closer to purity . For example , a pen helps human to record , helps my daughter to study -a selfless act , a tree -give selter to many animal , never kill for food , use our waste CO2 and change it into 02 for us and them , never require more space like us is good energy shown by them , so is all learning source in Buddhism not only listening to monks talk
  • Because you need to learn about yourself. Pen won't speak to you. Or may be they do I don't know:) (ok I am being sarcastic)
    Look, if you think you are sooo pure or you can become pure by yourself then you don't need a teacher because that's enough. Live life and be happy...
    Otherwise find a good teacher and he will show you all your mistakes...Internet won't tell you about you...You just thrashing yourself with all these mixed information.
  • edited August 2011
    @Zen-world , is true pen never speak to me if they do I will be in hospital .
    But if I accepted them same and equal to me that they can show me Buddha I surely can learn from them regardless whether they "dead" or "alive" only the good energy from them that I wish to know not their physical or looks . You seems very confident of your remarks & your believe in your teacher so let it be . I had said in many site , in many forum " I am full of rubbish" and I know I am full of rubbish never will never be pure in this life or whenever I have a life .

    Thks for your advice .
  • least you are humble...I am not ...
    you very welcome!
  • edited August 2011
    @zen-world , I am learning nothing else.....I am aware of my intention you are helpfull or try to help me that is the good energy that I could learn from you....
  • @goshiki

    I can definitely confirm you are our former member CSEe.

    We've all gone through this time and again with you. You were unwilling to understand and accept our points then, and you are still unwilling to do so now.

    I guess I'm calling you out on your stubbornness and taking myself out of any picture with you in it until and unless you are willing to open up and

    1. Read something related to Buddhism
    2. Take yourself down a peg and go attend some teachings
    3. Learn to see the wisdom in the teachings and not concentrate on the teacher.

    Good luck.
  • @dorje , whether I am CSEe or goshiki is never an issue as there will always be human like me "wondering" , again you like many member here in this site or other are perhaps "too confident" , "too proud", "too sure" of your method of knowing buddha and fail to open-up to possibilities that Buddha can be learned from other source beside listening solely or helps from "teacher" which have special indicator like "Master" , "venerable" or "Holyness" infront of their name . Why are you guys picking on my personal affair ?
    Why cant you Mr Dorje share your awareness with me regardless whether I have a teacher or not or whether I am CSEe or goshiki......I am learning from the content not the cover of the book....
    Why dont we play a game , lets share our awareness by discussing Buddhism topic of what you have learned , of what you know and by what I currently aware off and try to learn from each other.......that is what I want is to learn.....perhaps you are a monk right , stop acting like policeman and try to Buddhism we are free to act , free to think , free to imagine as long as we are aware of our intention ok sir...again letsfocus on the issue not my personal "shortcoming" or affair ok.....
  • "Masters" hardly ever claim to be as such. Typically they are bestowed that title by others because they are recognized as having acquired knowledge and more explicitly, wisdom. Only those without humility think they know more than others.

    His Holyness was given that title. That doctorate was given, not claimed. It's true that you cannot share awareness and therefore teach awareness directly. However, you can teach a path to acquire this awareness. You can teach the knowledge of how to attain awareness.

    So the process is like this: student recognizes a master(someone you feel has something to teach) , master teaches student all he knows, master recognizes student as having acquired his knowledge, declares student as new master, repeat.
  • Again focus , discuss and share awareness from the issue please dont involve my personal affair not important who I am but is important for me to learn if the purpose of this website is to help people like me to learn ok
  • YishaiYishai Veteran
    edited August 2011
    Titles are always honorary and only mean as much as others allow. You are too caught up in unimportant ideas/conceptions.

    Buddhism is also more than awareness; it's wisdom and compassion. It's knowledge and love.

    My biggest question to you is: are you completely/endlessly happy? If so, great. If not, your current ideas of reality are lacking or faulty in some regarrd

    My posts are completely on topic to the original post. You've become defensive. Relax.
  • edited August 2011
    @Yishai , whether Dalai Lama accept his title , whether he feel great being call a master , whether he feel proud to be known as "master" no one knows but as a human if you realize that other wrongly "awarded" you with title or material that is not should not belong to you are you going to accept it ?
    So should you tell others " dont call me master or I have am also have to call you master" ????
    "teacher" perhaps in many case like "stage foreman" preparing the stage for the singer but he should never be on when you go to concert , do you ask who prepare the stage ???
    Monk , "teacher" even Mr Siddharta is NOT IMPORTANT in searching ownself Buddha is only what we can learn from them same way we can learn from other living or non-living . To regard Dalai Lama is core in learning Buddhism is dis-respect to other living even to non-living .
  • To what extent should we tell others that there is nothing special about us? What gives us the right to deny what they see in us? Obviously, we should be humbled by being so highly regarded, and we should do our best to fulfill that vision of others provided it is a wholesome and harmless endeavor. If someone wants to know what you know, will you deny them? Will you tell them to look at their feces instead?

    Nothing constructive would come of that because that's not how we operate.
  • Get This Right:

    Without your Mr Siddharta you will never know what a Buddha is.
  • If someone thinks I'm the wisest, most compassionate person, I'll do my best to be that for them if it helps lessen their suffering n___n
  • @Yishai , I am happier since I think I learn to know the buddha in me , as the more I learn the more I am "happier" , I just hope I can even be happy if one day a good looking doctor tell me I have cancer , that will be a challenge to me .
    If you lost your way in Malaysia and I not sure where you are how can I direct you right , I must be very sure of your destination before I could lead you .
    In Buddhism , even Mr Siddharta is not in purity yet so how can he direct you ? Moreover there are trillions of road to your destination how can I so sure to tell you my path is the easiest or short cut ?
  • edited August 2011
    @dorje, Mr Siddharta was the introducer of Buddhism to mankind ofcause without him I will never know this energy just like without Thomas Edision perhaps we still in dark . But this pure energy of emptiness is not invented by him , is there , is in us , is in all always .
  • @Yishai , in search of own Buddha in my awareness I must focus on learning . Ego , selfishness , showing off will delay my purification process and will cause more suffering to me and others .
    as a human I must not accept thing that not belong to me , in Buddhism NOTHING is attached or owned by me .
  • How do you know he wasn't completely pure?

    In Buddhism, we assume he was completely pure (the Awakened One) because we saw his wisdom. He provided countless unique paths to many people. However, we could not remember all the paths. So we took the most basic parts and recorded those.

    If you do not think he reached enlightenment then we aren't even arguing Buddhism. We are arguing a different religion that only you know about.
  • @Yishai , I said he was never in purity but I never said he never aware . In my awareness as long as we still "have" life , still have "body" we never in purity as in emptiness if something is there is only pollutant .
  • And so it is revealed that we are not arguing Buddhism at all, but some other kind of religion. Maybe you can start a separate thread outlining your religion so that we can discuss your views in the proper context.

    The reason nobody can see eye-to-eye is because it is a completely different belief system you have going on. I would have to suggest also learning more about our beliefs as well. Maybe we can all then have a constructive discussion. :)
  • @Yishai , I dont think so but even Buddhism IS NOT A RELIGION . discussion on anything is great in learning process...thks for giving your comment thats helps me in my own learning process........

  • Buddhism most certainly is a religion. One man created a system of beliefs (religion) . This belief system (religion) was then adopted by his followers. This man was Siddhartha, who was called Buddha. His belief system (religion) , Buddhism. Its followers, Buddhists.
  • edited August 2011
    @Yishai , in my awareness Buddhism is never a religion but that is me try ask other member here surely they have more to share .
    I still cannot "accept" Mr Siddharta created any system or there are system in Buddhism ever .
    Buddhism is about knowing own self awareness by being awake so is impossible to have "a system" or guideline infact I really trying hard to learn your view ...
  • edited August 2011
    In bussiness perhaps agreement is great but in learning Buddhism agreement is bad , if we agree each other how is possible to learn?
    If my view is agreed by you and your view is same as me that is perhaps in politics .....we should learn from our differences , learn from our debate , is only wrong if we defended our views blindly without trying to learn from only wrong if we regard our views is greater than others or must be right.....lets know and learn our differences shall we.....
  • Hehe. Goshiki is already enlightened.
  • @goshiki, if anything, I must say that reading your posts is quite entertaining. I especially like the part where you keep saying "don't judge me, don't focus on me, focus on the the topic". Ok - I am not judging you, I am not focusing on you - but what sir, is the topic?

    You want to learn about Buddhism, but believe it cannot be taught. You don't believe in teachers, or that anyone can teach anything, yet you are here expounding about how you want to learn. You don't want to be judged, yet you are constantly chiding others for judging you for the posts you keep posting here. And this is all simple fact - no judgment, just stating the facts.

    May I ask, given all of the above information, which seems to contain many paradoxes, why do you continue posting here, especially if you believe that Buddhism cannot be taught? Are you maybe trying to convince everyone else that you are correct, and we are all misled? Again, I am not judging, just asking. If that is your belief, than might it not be better to go sit under the Boddhi tree as the Buddha did instead of posting here all the time? Not judging, not critiquing, just asking.

    Kwan Kev
  • In my buddha awareness is energy or buddha energy of my awareness. Goshiki wants to increase his awareness and exchange with you. He exchaged his awareness with pen and fish but why then HHDL is accessorized and labeled. Its all about the pure enegry of awareness that you don't understand. If you teach buddhism but wait it can't be done. Or can it? Its not a chicken egg story, it is a pen and fish story. You got that?
  • Uhhhh, 'pen and fish'? No, I don't get that. I've got a pencil and a cricket - is that close enough? Lol.

    In college, I learned about something called "circular reasoning," and something tells me that this whole discussion is filled with it.
    If you teach buddhism but wait it can't be done. Or can it? Its not a chicken egg story, it is a pen and fish story. You got that?
    I guess the answer is no - I don't got it. In any case, it seems that I am missing the point here, and I will leave you and goshiki to your discussion of how the Dalai Lama is overrated and how much you both like fish! haha

    Kwan Kev

  • @kwantum_kev

    Gee.. I can't believe you take my response seriously. Lol
    I was only pretending to be goshiki.
    Guess it wasn't funny lol:)
  • Now I miss goshiki.

  • No zen_world its like this: zen world is no better than dirt. Zen world does not learn from chicken and egg because Mr Egg is no better than dirt. I have not learned anything from the dirt for I am no better than the dirt. The dirt gives me love and compassion and from that I am learning. I am no better than dirt but I learn from every being. I learn from the chicken I eat. Mr Siddartha you are no better than chicken. Can a chicken be certified? No sir a chicken is no better than dirt. Buddhism cannot be taught to the dirt because the dirt is no better than the dirt. Buddhism is the love and compassion of the dirt. Mr Chicken you cannot say that you teach buddhism. The chicken cannot direct the egg no sir. The chicken is only pure awareness which sits upon the egg purifying. The egg is happier in buddha awareness for he does not know anything about the chicken. In fact the egg has no emotions only growing bigger. Mr Siddartha the egg is happy purity. It is very fun no stress to defend egg and chicken for Egg is no better than dirt. These feathers are no Buddha awareness. Happy feathers I can learn from feather loving compassionate feather.

  • @Jeffrey thanks for the chuckle :D
  • Your character can only be judged by others. Even awakening must be certified by another awakened practitoners.

    Or else you get a bunch of people on the internet claiming they know more than others and parroting "metaphysics" they learnt from books.
  • In the UN assembly, they talked to certification instead of humanity. Without certification, DL mouth has to shut :p
  • No zen_world its like this: zen world is no better than dirt. Zen world does not learn from chicken and egg because Mr Egg is no better than dirt. I have not learned anything from the dirt for I am no better than the dirt. The dirt gives me love and compassion and from that I am learning. I am no better than dirt but I learn from every being. I learn from the chicken I eat. Mr Siddartha you are no better than chicken. Can a chicken be certified? No sir a chicken is no better than dirt. Buddhism cannot be taught to the dirt because the dirt is no better than the dirt. Buddhism is the love and compassion of the dirt. Mr Chicken you cannot say that you teach buddhism. The chicken cannot direct the egg no sir. The chicken is only pure awareness which sits upon the egg purifying. The egg is happier in buddha awareness for he does not know anything about the chicken. In fact the egg has no emotions only growing bigger. Mr Siddartha the egg is happy purity. It is very fun no stress to defend egg and chicken for Egg is no better than dirt. These feathers are no Buddha awareness. Happy feathers I can learn from feather loving compassionate feather.
    Hehehe love it that's just wrong.
  • Jeffrey cannot teach buddhadharma, I no better than dirt ;)
  • No zen_world its like this: zen world is no better than dirt. Zen world does not learn from chicken and egg because Mr Egg is no better than dirt. I have not learned anything from the dirt for I am no better than the dirt. The dirt gives me love and compassion and from that I am learning. I am no better than dirt but I learn from every being. I learn from the chicken I eat. Mr Siddartha you are no better than chicken. Can a chicken be certified? No sir a chicken is no better than dirt. Buddhism cannot be taught to the dirt because the dirt is no better than the dirt. Buddhism is the love and compassion of the dirt. Mr Chicken you cannot say that you teach buddhism. The chicken cannot direct the egg no sir. The chicken is only pure awareness which sits upon the egg purifying. The egg is happier in buddha awareness for he does not know anything about the chicken. In fact the egg has no emotions only growing bigger. Mr Siddartha the egg is happy purity. It is very fun no stress to defend egg and chicken for Egg is no better than dirt. These feathers are no Buddha awareness. Happy feathers I can learn from feather loving compassionate feather.

    I'm at work and that made me luagh at my desk. Hilarious Jeffrey. :lol:
  • yes, but you will probably have to migrate temporarily to another country to start and finish the studies in Buddhism
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