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Has the world tipped beyond the point of no return?

edited August 2011 in Buddhism Today
- Last week in the city where I live, there were riots.
- We have a global economic crisis
- We have politicians that appear to represent the views of (capitalist) business. Most of the masses just don't care or are disenfranchised from politics, which undermines democracy
- The world is consumed with consumerism/want/greed
- There is global warming.

I believe all are completely inter-related , although there is a solution, the world has gone too far down the path of globalisation/capitalism to stop the rot :(

Is Spock:
A) A realist?
B) A pessimist?
C) A typical Buddhist :)


  • NomaDBuddhaNomaDBuddha Scalpel wielder :) Bucharest Veteran
    Spock is A) A realist ;)

    Same things happen in my place too, but without riots, and... I can only watch the social circus performing before my eyes without being able to change something.
    With the risk of sounding like a paranoid old man, this system was made to destroy my generation and the generations to come.
  • DhammaDhatuDhammaDhatu Veteran
    edited August 2011
    I believe all are completely inter-related , although there is a solution, the world has gone too far down the path of globalisation/capitalism to stop the rot :(
    Possibly a realist rather than a Buddhist. Only you know your mind.

    A Buddhist understands the cycles thus does not suffer or is shocked about these things.

    But, yes, your perception of these things are clear.

    Corporate govt has taken over the secular world. Profit & power before people.

  • LincLinc Site owner Detroit Moderator
    Everyone thinks they're living in the end times.
  • Of course, nobody knows what's gonna happen. Some day humanity as we know it will indeed end.

    But if you open a good history book, you might come to the conclusion that peaceful and prosperous times are not the norm for us, earthlings. Just within the last century there have been *two* *world* wars.

    Thus, I suspect that to a neutral observer what is happening right now is more or less business as usual.

    PS. Regarding Global Warming: climate has changed on humans before. Just a little over 10,000 years ago, a good chunk of modern Western world was covered with ice. Just a little over 10,000 years before that, tigers and rhinos roamed places like France or California. And our ancestors were there to see it!
  • We are bombarded from all angles by a media that highlights the whats wrong in our world, for example when was the last time your local news channel had a good happy story at the top of the news ? My guess is a long time, but there is a lot of good news, there is an immense number of acts of love, compassion and kindness all over the world, every second of every day. Just the masses don't hear about it, its not news worthy for the media outlets (or so they think). So the masses who watch the media get the sense of doom and gloom, that everything is falling apart. But in the real world (not the world the media portrays) I think the number of decent, kind, caring, compassionate people far outnumber the ones who are not like this.

    So yes there are a lot of wrongs going on in the world, look at history and you will see as long as humans have been on this earth this has been the case, but there is also a lot of rights going on in the world, so my opinion is, lets start highlight the good things more, and lets get more good people of the world getting their voice heard to get the wrongs of this world changed, and lets start being optimistic that this world can start to change for the better.

    With Metta :D
  • Governments are corrupt and there are riots. Not exactly news to me.

    With metta.
  • Everyone thinks they're living in the end times.
    Exactly. And yet, objectively speaking, most people are more educated, healthier and have better standards of living than ever before.

    As for the rest of the planet? Oops! But - thinking long term - I think the human population is already self-regulating and most demographers agree we'll peak at 9 billion by about 2050.

    Thinking really long term - hey, it's all a big cycle.

  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    Interesting question.
    I think the answer lays somewhere in the middle.
    As things do change and evolve and flow...
    Water, Ocean, River, and all that good stuff!:)
  • 'But if you open a good history book, you might come to the conclusion that peaceful and prosperous times are not the norm for us, earthlings. Just within the last century there have been *two* *world* wars. '
    just want to add, in the 20th century, we had about 100 wars.
    pretty good average.
    there is no tipping point. things continue to evolve. great change
    seems to be on the horizon.
  • Knowing its origin as stated in Buddhism will cool, harmonize and a world of bliss and peace. The problem is secular education that does not deal with nature of humanity, and the politicians are stigmatized on the deluded perception that Buddhism is a religion.
  • Schools (at least in the UK) aren't secular, pretty much all primary schools teach children that Christianity is the right way in life, and then go on to teach them about world 'religions' in little snippets of facts.

    I really hope something big happens soon, but I hope its big in a peaceful way. There is already too much violence, and politicians lie persistently. Honestly if I felt that a single party didn't lie I would vote, but there is no truth in anything they say. If we could gradually help our children to avoid violence and lying, and our friends and family, maybe if we all managed that we could create a generation of peaceful people... But I doubt it will happen as long as power is divided unequally.
  • ZaylZayl Veteran
    Yeah I gave up entirely quite awhile ago. I don't even follow any type of politics except for the very local stuff (county or township) because that immediately effects the people around me. I have completely lost faith in any sort of current political system however, to the point where I view it all as a bad joke, and pay it no attention. I do not vote, I have not even registered to vote, I do not plan to vote, as I do not see the point. Things will get bad enough to the point where something is going to have to give. I'm not sure it will be in my lifetime, but eventually things will get so bad that the only way to forge a new world is in the fires of the old.

    Not talking about Armageddon though, but I'm sure within a generation or two the riots may evolve into open revolution in some countries.
  • @hermitwin

    I hear you, but don't you think it's different if if it's consumption and greed that afflicts most of humanity, rather than all out war?

    I think all this is unprecedented in history to have such a massive world population and such easy communication.
  • Wow @Dhamma Dhatu, that is a frightening article indeed, although not entirely surprising.

    To answer your question @Spock, I believe we are already past a tipping point - it's just that we are still falling, and haven't quite hit the floor yet. As a Buddhist, I don't worry too much about it, because I know that what truly matters can never be threatened by external events.

    As a citizen of planet earth, a father, son and life partner, I am concerned that very scary times are ahead for all of us. The unfair division of wealth, the wasting of natural resources, the lack of spiritual principles, the rise of political and religious extremism and the rampant materialism that defines our age will all ultimately destroy our civilization - at least IMHO.

    But that doesn't mean it's the end of the world, or even of all humanity. I believe that coinciding with this destruction will be a 'rebirth' of sorts, and that those who have sight will see, and those that truly value life will live. We are not alone, as much as we may think we are.


    Kwan Kev
  • VincenziVincenzi Veteran
    edited August 2011
    no it has not...

    it is just, that the wheel of dharma has to be turned again...
  • YishaiYishai Veteran
    edited August 2011
    A quote from another forum, some time ago. I think it still applies.
    This is the era when everything that is high will be brought down and everything low will be brought up. From it will eventually arise middle ground, as it has many times before. Time to hang loose while the phenomenal world once again shakes itself out and reorders so that the middle will re-emerge. A Native American elder recently said that this is the time to paddle our canoes to the middle of the raging river, steer carefully, and ride it out.
    source is pink_trike at dhamma wheel.

  • zidanguszidangus Veteran
    edited August 2011
    I take it there are not many optimists on the forum then :(
  • Ha Zidangus....
    Not sure if it's to do with being an optimist.

    When I feel a spot of rain on my baldy head and a big black cloud coming towards me, I don't shout "yay... I think it's going to be sunny"
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    A quote from another forum, some time ago. I think it still applies.
    This is the era when everything that is high will be brought down and everything low will be brought up. From it will eventually arise middle ground, as it has many times before. Time to hang loose while the phenomenal world once again shakes itself out and reorders so that the middle will re-emerge. A Native American elder recently said that this is the time to paddle our canoes to the middle of the raging river, steer carefully, and ride it out.
    source is pink_trike at dhamma wheel.

    Thanks for showing us this quote!
    Awesome stuff!
  • VincenziVincenzi Veteran
    edited August 2011
    A quote from another forum, some time ago. I think it still applies.
    This is the era when everything that is high will be brought down and everything low will be brought up. From it will eventually arise middle ground, as it has many times before. Time to hang loose while the phenomenal world once again shakes itself out and reorders so that the middle will re-emerge. A Native American elder recently said that this is the time to paddle our canoes to the middle of the raging river, steer carefully, and ride it out.
    source is pink_trike at dhamma wheel.
    in amerigan terms (ameriga is a more etymological-correct name for the continent);
    the evil wolf was seriously wounded and is one bite away from being dead シ
  • Hence why you homeboys should start thinking about going to the Western Pureland to learn the Dharma from Amitabha Buddha and help everyone still here!
  • GuyCGuyC Veteran
    edited August 2011
    Hi All,

    If only people listened to "conspiracy theorists" who have been warning (for years) about the concentration of wealth and power into the hands of the few and the destruction of the middle class.

    Make no mistake, this has been planned and orchestrated for a long time. Privately owned central banks have been slowly strangling the American (and global) economies like a gang of pythons.

    Ending the Fed would be a good start. If you're an American, Ron Paul is probably a safe bet.


  • Ha Zidangus....
    Not sure if it's to do with being an optimist.

    When I feel a spot of rain on my baldy head and a big black cloud coming towards me, I don't shout "yay... I think it's going to be sunny"
    I guess its how you view things, An optimist might say "every cloud has a silver lining" :D

  • Has the world tipped beyond the point of no return?
    No, we just have the internet now.
  • Exactly @Mountains, 24 hour news, news at your fingertips instantly via internet.
    The media like to report on and exaggerate a world in chaos ( for example if you believed everything say FOX news says, you would be so frightened of the outside world you would never leave your house), when in reality these types of things have always happened in the modern age. How many riots in the history of the world ? how many economical crisis ? how many wars ? and guess what civilization is still here.
  • I totally agree that 'consumption and greed'
    afflicts humanity. But the human psychology
    has not changed. Too many people are willing
    to go to war. After every major war, people
    will declare 'never again'.
    It usually last a few years until another
    'justifiable or inevitable' war breaks out.
    the sad thing is we blame others for our suffering.

    I hear you, but don't you think it's different if if it's consumption and greed that afflicts most of humanity, rather than all out war?

    I think all this is unprecedented in history to have such a massive world population and such easy communication.
  • @Yishai, that is an awesome quote, and I am glad you posted it. I believe I had read either that exact quote, or one very similar to it by a Hopi elder. I have always thought there are deep similarities between Buddhism and Native American spiritual traditions, as different as they may appear on the surface.

    I think anyone who claims that everything is peachy and nothing bad is going to happen is in denial. I also think that anyone who gets too wrapped up in all of it or too scared needs to remind him/herself what the true nature of existence is - changing, and impermanent. All things change, and the manner of change is rarely determined by us. How we handle the change is however.


    Kwan Kev
  • edited August 2011

    ... don't you think it's different if if it's consumption and greed that afflicts most of humanity, rather than all out war?

    I think all this is unprecedented in history to have such a massive world population and such easy communication.
    [hippy hat]

    At least part of the problem is that some people are *spoiled rotten*. Ask youself, what can you get right now? There is so much on offer and all your desires can be satiated on a whim. There is an: "I want it and I want it now!" mentality. Supply and demand: If everyone gave up their desires; if we all just stopped consuming, what would happen, worst case scenario?

    If we are a 'herd' as the conspiracy theorists would have it, then isn't that what we asked for? Shall we all sacrifice our tv's, video games, porn, designer clothes & furniture, raves, chocolates, drugs, prostitutes, coffee shops & other hollow celebrations?

    This 'worship at the altar of capitalism' business, that grants us so much freedom, or slavery as the popular film 'fight-club' would have it, really shows in peoples attitudes. Just look at the vicious rivalry when the Playstation 2 came out, as one example. We're at the top of the food chain, and all clambering over one another to get the latest boxed item or look. Depending on which way you look at it, we're either all like a herd of cats (each person vying for some malformed version of what personal power means) Or like a herd of sheep all copying one another because "isn't that what we're supposed to do?" [/hippy hat]

    But, UGH, those are the words of my former stupid, cynical, hypocritical, paranoid, conspiracist self. Not to say that it's all false what I said, just not helping that's all... let he who is WITHOUT sin cast the first stone, not 'let the sinner throw stones.

    BTW- you may be interested in the following It's a 1984 VS Brave new World scenario (in case you missed the first link):

  • The world is becoming a place of extremes. Extreme wealth and extreme poverty. Instant satisfaction and depravity. Fanaticism and liberalism. Conservative and excessive.

    As my quote said, the world is going to shake itself out. This will be done somehow, typically through war or revolution. The flames have been lit. The world is beginning to tremble. There is civil unrest abroad. This will soon become a fullout shake as the world reorders itself. We can only hope to weather this great change and come out in a peaceful place. Is it the end of days? No. Is there going to be change? Yes. Sadly, the only way we ever learned how to allow this change is to destroy and rebuild. If all of humanity could let go of their places of power and wealth and control, it would create less suffering. However, we are still trapped in samsara, deluded and clinging. Peaceful revolution is but a fantasy.

    Such is life, cyclical.
  • The world is becoming a place of extremes. Extreme wealth and extreme poverty. Instant satisfaction and depravity. Fanaticism and liberalism. Conservative and excessive.
    The world was also like this in Buddhas time. In fact civilization has always been like this, what your stating could be said in any era of human civilization.

  • Leaders and people during the Buddha's time actually listens and practice the teaching.
  • LincLinc Site owner Detroit Moderator
    The world is becoming a place of extremes.
    Disagreed, you simply see more of it. As I said to people who thought the US election in 2000 was a particularly acrimonious affair: you shoulda seen the election of 1800. Now THAT was some extremes! The media was completely insane compared to today. And, say what you will about Congress, there haven't been any pistol duels or bludgeoning in the chambers lately.

    @zidangus I'm quite optimistic, probably to a fault.
  • It is easy to succumb to apocalyptic thinking when there is as much uncertainty as now. The fact that with modern technology news is pouring out of every orifice certainly "helps". A lot of people right now are of the opinion that we are living in exceptionally terrible times and what's happening is somehow very special.

    But don't be hypnotized by this barrage of negativity, look at the situation soberly. It is true that in the last 60 years or so the West (less than a 5th of the world, by the way!) has enjoyed an almost uninterrupted period of stability and prosperity. It is also true that there are strong signs that either stability or prosperity or both are presently declining.

    This is where studying History will help restore some sanity to our panicked minds by putting things into perspective. Life has never been easy or fair, folks! Individuals have always been at the mercy of the powers that be (and even those powers have always had to fight to the death to stay on top) That is the very nature of human condition and there's nothing whatsoever exceptional about today in that regard. If you have any doubt, pick 10 random places on the map, then pick 10 random times within the recorded history and research what day to day life was like for the average Joe in those 10 randomly found Place-and-Time pairs.

    Ironically, if the World was a rock-solid, predictable place, there wouldn't be this forum because there wouldn't have been Buddha. The idea that life is suffering would be prepostrous in an environment that provides guarantees of wealth, liberty and justice. Had Buddha been born some time during the last 60 years in the West, he would probably have been taken for a very morbid and irrationally gloomy person and largely ignored.

    So let us let go of our ideas of what the world should be and accept that it's changing, that we can't control the way it changes, that we can't know how it will change and that the only guarantee is Right Here and Right Now. Be all that you can be right here and right now as the future is a fantasy and the past is forever gone. That's real Buddhism.
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    Hi All,

    If only people listened to "conspiracy theorists" who have been warning (for years) about the concentration of wealth and power into the hands of the few and the destruction of the middle class.

    Make no mistake, this has been planned and orchestrated for a long time. Privately owned central banks have been slowly strangling the American (and global) economies like a gang of pythons.

    Ending the Fed would be a good start. If you're an American, Ron Paul is probably a safe bet.


    Yea, no matter how many individuals believe conspiracies are crap, we cannot deny that the rich own us and are destroying the middle class.
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    I totally agree that 'consumption and greed'
    afflicts humanity. But the human psychology
    has not changed. Too many people are willing
    to go to war. After every major war, people
    will declare 'never again'.
    It usually last a few years until another
    'justifiable or inevitable' war breaks out.
    the sad thing is we blame others for our suffering.

    I hear you, but don't you think it's different if if it's consumption and greed that afflicts most of humanity, rather than all out war?

    I think all this is unprecedented in history to have such a massive world population and such easy communication.
  • edited August 2011
    In reference to THE WORLD, it may be worth remembering we're talking about 'things' from our own vantage point. As male dominant primates we are subject to egocentric, anthropocentric and egocentric biases, the very traits that keep THE WORLD in disequillibrium.

    In light of our own capacity for self preservation, it's understandable that people will feel subjectively under threat when events are kicking off around us.

    You can bet your bottom dollar if things do take a turn for the worse (not sure what is meant by 'the point of no return'- it's a given things do change) there's will always be some relaxed family on a remote island kayaking over the gentle ocean and not feeling any ripples at all.

    Don't forget we all have it coming not matter what our station in life- we just need to adapt to our surroundings. Don't forget the people of Leningrad survived a lengthy siege in WWII- for 3 years- living on bread made from sawdust.

    lets get over it and on with the show..
  • the Second "Diluvio (don't know or care what's the english version of that concept).
  • zidanguszidangus Veteran
    edited August 2011
    @zidangus I'm quite optimistic, probably to a fault.
    Well I'm with you @Lincoln. There is to much pessimism and doom and gloom in the world, lets have more people start highlighting the good things, and be thankful for what they have got, while trying to make a positive difference to the bad things that go on in the world, in the world in whatever way we can, when we can.

  • Not sure, but I was inspired to write this song this spring...

    The ice caps are melting, the oceans grow higher
    Our forests are burning, lives lost in the pyre
    The climate is changing though some would deny it
    There’s little we value unless we can buy it

    There’s record earthquakes and giant tsunamis
    Young little girls are becoming new mommies
    There’s blood in the streets and unrest in the air
    If it's not on my street then I don’t seem to care

    We got ‘round the clock breaking news
    Talking heads spew outrageous views
    Blogs and tweets and 80-point headlines
    I wish somehow when it’s finally time
    You could some way send us a sign

    Religions are spreading death and hate in your name
    Celebrity culture worships excess and fame
    And those that are hurting asked to share all the pain
    While the richest of all get to pocket the gain

    There’s war all around us, with more on the way
    Those who have nothing are the ones that must pay
    The Golden Rule seems now to be obsolete
    So long’s I got mine, then my world seems complete

    We got ‘round the clock breaking news
    Talking heads spew outrageous views
    Blogs and tweets and 80-point headlines
    I wish somehow when it’s finally time
    You could some way send us a sign
  • ZelkovaZelkova Explorer
    Hi All,

    If only people listened to "conspiracy theorists" who have been warning (for years) about the concentration of wealth and power into the hands of the few and the destruction of the middle class.

    Make no mistake, this has been planned and orchestrated for a long time. Privately owned central banks have been slowly strangling the American (and global) economies like a gang of pythons.

    Ending the Fed would be a good start. If you're an American, Ron Paul is probably a safe bet.


    I highly doubt that getting Ron Paul into office would be a good idea. If he was elected the wealth gap would widen even more and there would be no welfare for people who actually need it i.e. the elderly and the truly disabled. Where would be the programs for kids born into crack-addicted families be? Private organizations could help but it wouldn't ensure that people would get the help they needed. Plus having things like private fire departments is crazy because people would have bidding wars during things like forest fires to have their houses protected and the homes of the poor would burn because they didn't have enough money. Having him as president would just make things worse for the poor and underprivileged.
  • inflation is the most unfair tax, I want grams of gold as money.
  • GuyCGuyC Veteran
    Hi Zelkova,
    I highly doubt that getting Ron Paul into office would be a good idea. If he was elected the wealth gap would widen even more and there would be no welfare for people who actually need it i.e. the elderly and the truly disabled. Where would be the programs for kids born into crack-addicted families be? Private organizations could help but it wouldn't ensure that people would get the help they needed. Plus having things like private fire departments is crazy because people would have bidding wars during things like forest fires to have their houses protected and the homes of the poor would burn because they didn't have enough money. Having him as president would just make things worse for the poor and underprivileged.
    Don't you think that excessive taxes contribute to the list of reasons why the poor are poor and the rich are rich?

    Wouldn't private health care be cheaper for individuals in the long run?


  • ZelkovaZelkova Explorer

    Don't you think that excessive taxes contribute to the list of reasons why the poor are poor and the rich are rich?

    Wouldn't private health care be cheaper for individuals in the long run?


    Taxes is the price we pay for civilised society. Taxes contributes to income equality it doesn't cause it. Take a look at the Nordic countries where there is highly progressive taxes and yet they have a higher standard of living i.e. Norway. And the rich in the U.S. are still benefiting from tax cuts. Even Warren Buffet said that it is time to stop coddling the rich because obviously it isn't helping anything. Thank you for your input.

  • GuyCGuyC Veteran
    Thank you for your input.
    Thank you for yours also.
  • There is no conspiracy. Capitalism is conducted in the wide open. Wall St is criminally negligent and blows the loot, comes crawling for handouts, then pays themselves bonuses anyway.

    And yet ... humans as a whole are better off than we've ever been in history.
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    There is no conspiracy. Capitalism is conducted in the wide open. Wall St is criminally negligent and blows the loot, comes crawling for handouts, then pays themselves bonuses anyway.

    And yet ... humans as a whole are better off than we've ever been in history.
    Interestingly, I just heard a rather extended discussion on CNN this morning that the GOP is not really listening to big business right now.

  • DaozenDaozen Veteran
    edited August 2011
    Seems like the GOP isn't listening to ANYONE (except perhaps the voices in their heads) right now ..
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    Seems like the GOP isn't listening to ANYONE (except perhaps the voices in their heads) right now ..
    How true!

  • I wouldn't even call it the GOP any more, which might be part of the problem. Seems more like the neo-cons have taken over and people still think it is the same group as when Lincoln was around. We should always be mindful of the political groups with which we associate ourselves, as they are quite dynamic.
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