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renouncing my current life



  • And today she emailed me and asked me if I am interested in becoming a resident in the temple until I go back to Turkey. How wonderful is that!
    Excellent. Here, you can learn about how to share Dharma (without believing you must be the next Jesus or Dalai Lama)


    hmmm...interesting DD... that sentence made me realize some of my delusions right away...
  • Yesterday I mentioned my plans to my Zen teacher. And today she emailed me and asked me if I am interested in becoming a resident in the temple until I go back to Turkey. How wonderful is that! Of course I accepted. Hope it works out. I am very happy :) Just wanted to share...
    They say that when the student is ready...
    the teacher arrives!
    And so the great adventure begins...
    best wishes on your journey!

    with metta
  • Yesterday I mentioned my plans to my Zen teacher. And today she emailed me and asked me if I am interested in becoming a resident in the temple until I go back to Turkey. How wonderful is that! Of course I accepted. Hope it works out. I am very happy :) Just wanted to share...
    They say that when the student is ready...
    the teacher arrives!
    And so the great adventure begins...
    best wishes on your journey!

    with metta
    Thank you @aura:) and thank you for your warm wishes....

  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited September 2011
    It's a good omen, Zenworld. :) And this way, you'll be able to learn more dharma before you go home.
  • It's a good omen, Zenworld. :) And this way, you'll be able to learn more dharma before you go home.
    Thank you @Dakini....I guess things really happen for a reason:) I am grateful...
  • TheswingisyellowTheswingisyellow Trying to be open to existence Samsara Veteran
    What does one do when the bottom falls out and one realizes that things and the lies society tells themselves is insufficient? What happens when you see the game for what it is, what happens when you don't want to play anymore?
    Fear gives two choices:

    (1) Play the game and garner material wealth so you don't fall through the bottom yourself.

    (2) Renounce in order to advance spiritually as a way to bathe in the light and escape your own mortality (a sort of materialism in its own right).

    Love gives two choices:

    (1) Play the game and garner material wealth with the intention of helping all sentient beings (including yourself).

    (2) Renounce with the single-minded desire for liberation so that you may help all sentient beings (including yourself). Or renounce out of sheer desperation because you can no longer contribute to the confusion nor can you anymore be engulfed within it.

    I think Love (2) might be the purest and most difficult. Maybe. But it is possible to love and fear - dual motivations are probably quite common.
    In example #2 under love, the first example is that of a Bodhisattva (I am assuming)how does the second exmple refer to love? Love of self that one can no longer engage (thus sparing oneself) nor adding to the confusion (love of others by sparing society your confusion)? In my own way I could ID with the OP. I don't mean this in a negative sense (such that I hate society or want to leave it) but the game society plays seems so contrivd and obvious. It's fear, anger, it's reactivity to nonesense. It's this veil society lives under that continues to lie to itself, tell itself stories and holds onto the worst side of itself like this worst side is a treasure. I think that the idea of the bodhisattva (not that I am here to save everyone or anyone)is a psychological tool to integrate one's idealism with a world that is far from ideal. To bring those ideals down to earth and make them function in this relative world. What alternative is there? Grasp at materialism, sink into nihlism, run away? Just my ramblings. My best to the OP on his journey.
    All the best,
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