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Loser Sentient Beings.

DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
edited October 2011 in Philosophy
One is a sentient being (sattva) in virtue of not recognizing Buddha-nature. Such a life is one of confusion (samsara) desiring what is not Buddha-nature. While potentially all sentient beings can recognize their Buddha-nature their delusions bind them to a wayward life of suffering. Even those sentient beings who are desirous of realizing their Buddha-nature are limited by their delusions. Such a burden amounts to mistaking what is not Buddha-nature for Buddha-nature.

From the beginning, sentient beings have not recognized their Buddha-nature. As a result of this non-recognition or avidya, samsara is generated. There is no escaping the fact that sentient beings have never known any other condition except samsara. Still, it is almost impossible for us to accept that Buddha-nature is the fundamental nature of existence; more than our present way of life which is fictional. It goes against all of our beliefs.

So what is Buddha-nature? As the Tibetan Lamas tell us, it is utterly open. We can think of it as a limitless, pure, open field or medium. In addition, it is a dynamic—yet totally invisible and fundamentally empty. It is luminous (prabhâsa) or the same, radiant. Some call it clear light. To experience it directly is to understand what compassion or karuna really means; seeing it mystically at work in the world trying to awaken the world. By realizing it one no longer remains entangled with phenomena since phenomena do not actually exist. Only this pristine nature or Mind-nature exists.


  • This is very good. Gratitude, @LeonBasin.
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    This is very good. Gratitude, @LeonBasin.
    Most welcome!:)
  • DaozenDaozen Veteran
    edited October 2011
    Hi Leon,

    Sounds like you are saying that sentient beings cannot transcend samsara, that we are bound to it? But many sentient beings HAVE recognised their Buddha-nature. It's hard, but it can be done (according to those who should know).

  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    Hi Leon,

    Sounds like you are saying that sentient beings cannot transcend samsara, that we are bound to it? But many sentient beings HAVE recognised their Buddha-nature. It's hard, but it can be done (according to those who should know).

    Yea, I think that is what I am saying? :)
  • Perhaps it's time for you to study dependent origination? Sounds like you understand the ignorance part, but the whole point of the dharma is to liberate us from this condition. So there is hope! Dependent origination illustrates this connection I understand (I haven't studied it in detail).

  • yes I love this one...thanks LB
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    yes I love this one...thanks LB
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