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Is it possible for highly enlightened beings** to be



  • @patbb

    Very interesting point. I may be misunderstanding but it seems like Mr Ingram is not saying simple that aversion is arising in the mind of an Arahat but they it is causing them to suffer and they are acting outwardly on that aversion.

    Who knows... Like you I am nowhere near being capable of commenting with assurance on things like this. The whole thing just has me thinking a bit!

    I appreciate your humility, honesty & suggestions to go to Mr Ingrams forum.

  • Curious: What nationality was the monk you saw?
    I do not know what nationality he was. Physically, I would say Chinese, but there are so many nationalities of Chinese. He was somewhat shorter in stature and heavier boned than Han, quite possibly Tibetan. There were no identifying emblems anywhere indicating any nationality and I was too far away to hear what language they were speaking. He wore a very simple robe, but the exact color of that fabric would have been impossible to determine accurately amidst all the people and in the florescent lighting of the airport. Orange does truly weird things under florescent blue lighting. I was also looking at him through the light he was emitting, which was a yellow/orange/gold light... a truly strange phenomenon.
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited November 2011
    jack kornfield agrees that the heart's awakening is enlightenments maturity.

    just to poke fun. i believe or rather i have a theory that this is head orientated buddhism is the expression of men. men do not know how to love, they are taught how to lust.

    as i've been getting older (23 years of age LOL) i have been finding that men express their love quite differently than women do. not to say that women are completely different but we do express it differently.

    total acceptance is how we express love. this love moves through kindness. =]

    food for thought.
    Wow! Somehow I missed this post earlier. I repeat: wow! Thanks, tai. And I agree that there's a tendency with some practitioners anyway, to get caught up in the intellectual acrobatics of emptiness and Two-realities theory, at the expense of cultivating the heart.

    @ajnast4r I have nothing to add about Kornfield that C_W didn't already say, except that I don't know why he disrobed, maybe he says in one of his books. Have your read: "After Enlightenment, the Laundry"? If you find out, pls let us know.

  • Curious: What nationality was the monk you saw?
    I do not know what nationality he was. Physically, I would say Chinese, but there are so many nationalities of Chinese. He was somewhat shorter in stature and heavier boned than Han, quite possibly Tibetan. There were no identifying emblems anywhere indicating any nationality and I was too far away to hear what language they were speaking. He wore a very simple robe, but the exact color of that fabric would have been impossible to determine accurately amidst all the people and in the florescent lighting of the airport. Orange does truly weird things under florescent blue lighting. I was also looking at him through the light he was emitting, which was a yellow/orange/gold light... a truly strange phenomenon.
    Was just curious, ta aura.
  • Yes - but I tend to find that once you get to know them you will understand why and most likely change your opinion about whether they are an A-hole or not!!!
  • Once you understand why someone's an a-hole they may no longer be one??? :p
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    No. Usually, when I find out why someone's an a-hole - it simply reinforces the view.

    Which is clouded, anyway.
  • And to add some sanity/sense to my initial tongue-in-cheek proposition, here is a post by genkaku on his blog:


    It ends with:
    But whether metaphorical or literal, fiddle faddle is no diet on which to rely for serious nourishment. Relying on the "foremost" or "fully enlightened" exponent of anything may be a good encouragement and a tasty treat, but to the extent that anyone takes that 'anything' seriously, well, isn't there some need to feast on meat and potatoes if you want to grow up strong and healthy?
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