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Zombies and Ethics

edited December 2011 in General Banter
This will be a hypothetical post. It is not meant to be the important issues, but rather simply a mind teaser. Please do not be harsh on me. It is in the General Banter.

The typical zombie story will go something like this: A "super-flu" breaks out, killing the many of thousands of people. It is a very infectious disease of huge proportions and fears of the epidemic are becoming reality. Eventually, scientists are able to produce a vaccine for the virus... but it turns out, the vaccine was not thoroughly tested and contained a mutated form of this flu, causing the patients to actually reanimate after "death" occurs. The new virus remains dormant in the brain until the "death" occurs, where the virus suddenly takes over the dying cells and mutates them. Brain function is slowed and mainly primal instincts remain, along with a bad temper and hunger. These infected people are essentially zombies.

The infected people start spreading the virus and then killing their victims, thus reanimating them and creating more zombies. This happens until the many people are infected. These people are born killers and try to destroy anything in their path.

How would you act, as a Buddhist, in a situation like this? How would a monk act? I am the curious, as I may be thinking about writing a story about zombies from a Buddhist monks point of view. I think it would be interesting.

Would it be ethical to kill a zombie? How about looting to get food and supplies? Fighting away looters? Would you hide, run, find a safe place, stay where you are?

Perhaps this is not an entirely real scenario. Although, an infectious virus similar to rabies that could be worse (and essentially create crazed people or "zombies") is a mildly true possibility, or so have I heard.

Thank you all for reading.


  • Are the zombies sentient? I think looting of stores which company no longer exists is fair game. Weaponry is ok, but no aggression.
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited December 2011
    During the Iran hostage crisis Lama Yeshe was asked what should be done. He said that the U.S. should notify U.S.S.R. of what they planned to avert WW3. Then he said they should fly a squadron of bombers so low over Tehran that it would shatter the glass of the buildings.
  • TheswingisyellowTheswingisyellow Trying to be open to existence Samsara Veteran
    I would garner as many automatic weapons I could get my hands on......and let it rip!!!! :zombie: :zombie: :zombie: :sawed: :sawed: :sawed:
  • LOOOLLLL :ninja:

    I would make makeshift weapons out of spare parts such as a chain saw that is rigged to a propane tank and shoots fire.
  • TheswingisyellowTheswingisyellow Trying to be open to existence Samsara Veteran
    LOOOLLLL :ninja:

    I would make makeshift weapons out of spare parts such as a chain saw that is rigged to a propane tank and shoots fire.
    HELL YA!!!!

  • edited December 2011
    virus can be cure by chanting and more effectively with state of art loud speaker systems over the place and buzz them with disco of curing agents - om mani padme hum or Namo Goddess of Mercy or Amitofo. It develops the virus' buddhaness and reconfiguring their bio-data to become virus that love :p but on behalf of monks
  • I have always kind of wanted a situation like that to unfold, it would be interesting. Yes many people would die, but it is something I love in movies and games. It would shake a few people up that is for sure.
  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    there is a church not too far from my apartment that my girlfriend and i have already planned to take over in the event of a zombie apocalypse. all of the windows are high up, it's made of cinder block, and the best part is that the roof even has castle style block work perfect for sniping.

    ahh... a girl can dream.

    on a side note, in your scenario, i don't feel bad killing things that are already dead and about to cause pain and havoc to the living. it's like that story of the buddha where he was on a boat with several men and he became aware that one of the men was plotting to kill the others. the buddha took the negative karma unto himself by killing the man before he could kill the other men.
  • My house is zombie proof. It is a typical thai style 1 story house. It is a little hard to explain, but the roof extends out to the front for about 5 metres which creates and outdoor kind of porch area. This area has a huge metal gate that extends to the top of the roof. The front door is basically 2 doors, one bolted and the other key locked. The windows have these kind of bars, but they do not look hidious or prison like along with your average mosquito frames. We do not have a back garden, it is a solid wall. So I would probably hold up here with my machette I guess lol.

  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    edited December 2011
    I guess it depends if they are actually dead or not. If its an outbreak like 28 Days Later where the victims of the virus are still alive but have gone violently insane that would complicate things from a buddhist point of view. If they're dead, blast away.

    Looting and dealing with the living over resources could get messy. Though if the outbreak is really bad there should be enough stuff to go around.

    The best defensive position against zombies is an upper floor with the staircase removed. The zombies can't get up and you can off them at your liesure. The one potential danger of this strategy is attracting too much attention and getting stuck there without resources. Some kind of long pole weapon with a spike on the end that can kill a zombie without alerting any nearby is a must.

    In the TV show The Walking Dead there's a difference of opinion if the zombies are still alive or dead in the second season.
  • Hmmm, so I am thinking that being nice to zombies may be an example of idiot compassion? Just saying there would be no mouth to mouth resucitation for someone who wanted to eat my brains. (and on that note check out the 80's Return of the Living Dead, if you at all have similar musical tastes the Cramps doing the Living Dead song is awesome)
  • @person - I love The Walking Dead! I just started season 2...soooo good. I'm a huge fan of zombie movies/shows.

    I don't think it's bad to take out the zombies; they're dead, or at least *I* believe them to be. Can you kill something that's dead? Besides, let's assume you think they're still alive - maybe it is a type of compassion to put a zombie out of their misery. I've always promised my loved ones that if they got bitten by a zombie, I'd take them out. I think it's kinder.

    (Don't forget to plant sunflowers and peashooters!)
  • Oh and about looting - I think it's ethical as long as you share, take what you truly need, and don't exploit the needs of others. Rather than fighting other looters, it would be better to share with them and work together.
  • I find it great how everyone takes this so seriously (me included). From a scientific point of view, how far from a reality could a zombie like being ever come into existence?
  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    I find it great how everyone takes this so seriously (me included). From a scientific point of view, how far from a reality could a zombie like being ever come into existence?
    Ask and ye shall recieve.
  • patbbpatbb Veteran
    edited December 2011
    I think the zombie apocalypse have already happened in many countries of the world.

    Think of Congo for example, the longest civil war in history, the second most bloody conflict in history, 85% of women were raped, cannibalism...
    The only difference with a movie zombie apocalypse is that the virus is money and greed from the extreme demand for the minerals...

    Or check out the "vice guide to Liberia" on youtube if you have the stomach for it, and see hell on earth.
    Liberia is more like the aftermath of apocalypse.
  • @person, very cool link, kudos to you :thumbsup:
  • Does anyone have Zombie Survival Guide by the Max Brookes?
  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    Does anyone have Zombie Survival Guide by the Max Brookes?
    I read his second book, World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War. Very good book, takes several different people and follows their stories through the ordeal.
  • I try to keep an open mind, but I just can't seem to understand this zombie craze
  • I try to keep an open mind, but I just can't seem to understand this zombie craze
    I'll speak for myself only, and say that for me, zombies are fascinating because they used to be human, and still kind of look and move like humans. They're close to being what we are, but they're not like us - it's scary. I like anything to do with zombies.
  • Oh lawd...Zombies :hair:

    Anyone want to chime in about the "Yakshas and Zombies" in the 21 Praises to Tara? I understand Yaksha and perhaps the translation is off, but why include "zombies"? Does it mean actual zombies or is there a greater understanding of the 21 Praises to mean if one chants the mantra and recites the 21 Praises to Tara then the "yakshas and zombies" are figurative internal fears and ememies? Thanks much!
  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    @Aliece8 I've often wondered that myself. :scratch:

    Zombies are Buddhist! :eek:

  • Zombies are Buddhist! :eek:
    But clearly not vegetarians :p
  • edited December 2011

    Werewolfs are not possible.
    Vampires are not possible.
    Frankenstein's monster is not possible.

    Many Hollywood monsters are the impossible. But zombies, or at least very deadly virus, is far from the realm of science fiction.

    That is why I think it intrigues us so. It puts is in a "What would I do in this situation?" position.

    The new show the Walking Dead revolves around the idea of that very much. Are zombies humans? Should we kill them? Are they still family? What do I do? Where do I go? Is life worth living?

    We would learn much of human nature when the dead start to walk.
  • cazcaz Veteran United Kingdom Veteran
    Oh lawd...Zombies :hair:

    Anyone want to chime in about the "Yakshas and Zombies" in the 21 Praises to Tara? I understand Yaksha and perhaps the translation is off, but why include "zombies"? Does it mean actual zombies or is there a greater understanding of the 21 Praises to mean if one chants the mantra and recites the 21 Praises to Tara then the "yakshas and zombies" are figurative internal fears and ememies? Thanks much!
    Its very possible for Zombies to come into existence its more then scientifically viable with the right causes and conditions. In the event of Tara is always helpful :)
    Of course if such a situation ever arose as the OP said measures would have to be taken to make sure they are destroyed monks would not be above defending their selves someones got to keep the Dharma living :)
  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    Does anyone have Zombie Survival Guide by the Max Brookes?
    yes, i highly recommend it!
  • Zombies are undead, ravenous, and will kill practically anything that is not a zombie, or plantlife really. At least that is the way how I would see it. So technically, you are not killing them, since they are already dead. You are just stopping the dead from killing the living.

    I see it much in the same way as removing a corpse from a populated area, since that corpse would breed disease which would kill the living.
  • edited December 2011
    What if the person is actually just sick (i.e. 28 Days Later)? Or are the sick people unable to be helped, and thus 'dead already?'
  • In that case, I'd defer to my usual behavior when dealing with a group of attackers who want only to kill and there is no reasoning with them.

    Kill, kill, kill. At the end of the day either their corpses or mine will be in the streets. In a situation like this, you really don't have the luxury of ethics, sorry to say.
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