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Theists Threaten the Non-Religious on Twitter After Hitchens' Death

edited December 2011 in General Banter

"Earlier this year Blair Scott did an interview on Fox News and it stirred up the religious rage against Atheists. Hateful comments filled the Fox News’ Facebook page. Christians were saying things like, “I hope someone rapes you” and “Atheists are scum, can we start killing them now?” All these threats were in response to Scott questioning the constitutionality of a cross being included at the 9/11 Memorial.

Hatred must lay just beneath the surface for many theists (of which I suspect many are Christian) as we see a second outbreak of shocking threats of violence and death this year. With the passing of Christopher Hitchens last week, the twitter hashtag #godisNotGreat began trending as it was added to many condolences for Hitch. Rather than attempting to understand why atheists were using the phrase and at the very least showing an ounce of respect for our laments, many lashed out . . . once again demonstrating the tribalistic barbarianism that is religion."





More pics of the tweets inside the article.


  • Yep, and the all-seeing,all-knowing and judgmental god will pay their legal bills for killing me. I would love to see the look on their faces when that did not happen.
  • Hate is a human trait, not a religious or political trait.
  • edited December 2011
    Note I am neutral in this topic in the which I have posted. I am taking none of the sides. Note
  • possibilitiespossibilities PNW, WA State Veteran
    Haters are not news.
  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    They really don't see the hypocrisy of their statements do they?
  • I was thinking the same thing. Clearly not. What interests me is that the ones who are doing the most hating are the ones who demand the least.
  • This is one reason I shy away from "religion" and steer more toward "faith." Religion reminds me of the in-crowd at school: wear certain clothes, associate with certain people, think the way we do, or you're not coming to the party.

    Faith requires one to look inward, question, and contemplate.

    People threatening to kill for their God 1) give their religion a bad name 2) look like hypocrites 3) miss the point entirely.

    WWJD? Probably not stick a gun in someone's chest and pull the trigger.
  • The funny thing is that they are helping it trend when they post about it.
  • Wow, Think about it again.
  • Read the comment section of any Youtube video or news comment feed, and you will see some real dissertations of wisdom (sarcasm) That's why I avoid places like Twitter feeds, facebook posts, and the like. This is the only forum I visit because there aren't any blood-dripping-from-fangs loons here. The only other one I visit is by paid subscription, which keeps the crazies away.
  • Hate speech against certain groups is illegal. It sounds like the definition needs to be broadened to include more groups.
  • B5CB5C Veteran
  • Hate speech against certain groups is illegal. It sounds like the definition needs to be broadened to include more groups.
    Last I knew, in the USA, we have freedom of speech. It's the actions that are a problem for the most part, unless you are uttering the hateful words in conjunction with what is then considered a "hate crime".

    @Dakini, where do you live?
  • mithrilmithril Veteran
    edited December 2011
    Aah the usual "If i pour my shit on you do i stop smelling?" dilemma. The answer is obviously "no", but sometimes we just have to try it. The other person smells worse then me then after all, so I don't need to smell it on myself.

    It just shows the net is still nice and open - people can say more or less whatever they like on it. It is nice people feel so at home here - they can say they are frustrated with some ideas without getting kicked out of the club, they can show their disagreement with doing certain things, show their appreciations for some ideas or people, or may just enjoy a nice successful day of trolling. What a beautiful place we have in the world nowadays!
  • For all the denunciations of Islam, I was thinking a few days ago that Christianity, by far, has the most blood and suffering on its' collective hands. The Crusades, the Inquisition, the invasion and genocide of the Americas, the African slave trade, and the tacit acceptance and participation of the Jewish Holocaust.
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