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ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
edited January 2012 in General Banter
I just watched the documentary 'Bowling For Columbine', and yes wow. You can open a bank account in certain states and get a free gun for doing so. Buying bullets whilst getting your hair cut. This documentary is really well put together as well.


  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    Yee Haww!!

  • Seriously, the facts and statistics are astonishing on this documentary. I can see why this won an oscar. I am sure some people on this forum have probably seen it already, but I am pretty taken back.
  • Michel Moore is one of my favorites. It is pretty eye opening. I was kind of desensitized to it because I live in the mid-west. People love thier guns here. My brother-in-law has a big stock pile. Guns that I dont even understand why they make, except to kill another person. Its kinda scary.
    People take their second amendment right very seriously around here.
  • @tbunton clearly you have never been to Texas.
  • LOL No I havent. But Ive heard stories.
  • Why did they come from my neighborhood? ... that bitch is lying !
  • Texans love hunting...I'm sure its the same in the Midwest
  • lol no I just heard they have pretty relaxed gun laws there. And its a "red" state that loves its god and guns :) . People really get into hunting here in Indiana. Exspecialy deer hunting, and rabbit hunting. A lot of people I know just have guns though. They go out and shoot them every once in a while but they have this urge to have a lot of guns. idk.
  • My neighbors don't mind shooting them Willy-nilly...for no other better reason than the raccoons are in the garbage.
  • Are you kidding...they have conceal handgun classes like they do Starbucks in across the street from the other.
  • Really??? I have always heard that you can open carry without a permit there. Here in Indiana we have to have a permit just to leave our property with a handgun.
  • Im not sure that's true unless you are on private property or state park... they are not that relax about it...I would have to research.
  • I shouldnt aways believe what I hear. Ive never had to check. Ive never been that far west before.
  • Huh...oh Indiana...east...geography good.

    They don't teach us too good in know where they keep em heavy books.

  • I detest shooting but archery and swords sound fun.

    I think that if you need to kill for your meal...then it must be done humanely...quick, you know.

    Not clearing out a lake with a grenade.
  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    Isn't the law in Texas that if you want to carry you have to wear a big cowboy hat? :buck:

  • lol @person! Is that copyrighted?? :lol:@Lady_Alison
    I completely agree with you. I dont understand the "sport" in killing an innocent being. I do own a gun. For personal protection. I used to have a permit to carry. I let it expire because now Im not sure I would use it if I had to.
    Now the gun just collects dust in my room.
  • Lol ...ok I will tell you what some men do that is hilarious.

    They buy these huge hemi trucks and raise it about three feet from the tires..
    they are suped up..then they go mudding until they are coated with a thick coat of brown mud.

    That's it...they don't wash it off...but I guess it's suppose to impress someone.
  • Look at me I went to the middle of nowhere and threaded through a dirt bath...
  • Long ago I dates these kind of guys and getting in those trucks was like climbing onto a horse.

    Not cool in a dress.
  • Wow. sounds fun :wtf: I never understood that...seems there would be better things to spend time/money on then big tires and mud baths.
  • I was wondering how one would get into such a vehicle set up so high off the ground...
  • You don't want to know...
  • Although at a Walmart..I saw a man take out a step ladder to get in his truck...he was rather old. I just watched him for a minute...even before he got to his seemed like he didn't know where he parked...then he remembered.

    I was worried. I thoughtabout getting a security guard.

    No way that was his truck.

    Sure enough.
  • REALLY? Everything is bigger in Texas. I would have got a security guard just to make sure he got in his truck without falling and breaking something.
  • Hahaha...yeah..
    The problem is that that statement is true.

    And we seem to have storage facilities in every know so that you have a place to keep your crap.

    I am a Stoic minimalist...the only one for miles.
  • Lol. I bet the storage units are huge too.
    Its good to be a minimalist. Good quality. I hate having too much crap.
  • A Spartan lifestyle is healthier...but I came from a family that were complete hoarders.

    My buffer has the worst case of pack rat disease. She has a huge suv and today while I waited for her to run an errand while I waited in the car...

    I actually cleaned it.

    I think she was pissed.
  • Buffer is bffe. Best friend
  • lol. Thats kind of extreame if she got upset. I think it might be time for an intervention at that point.
  • What is a spartan lifestyle? I take it its a little more extreme then minimalist?
  • Spartan is living like a soldier...very little possessions aside from your knowledge.

    Minimalist is a broad term but when I desire to buy something...say a new phone...I make sure it can multi task and do other I have an android.

    My TV which is only one and never turned on really is already built with a DVD player.

    Very little furniture.

    The only thing I splurge on is knowledge.

    No clocks, no art, no pier one imports, no frills.
  • Some people would consider my life extreme but I don't have to dust...

    Aside from that they are usually either very uncomfortable or pleasantly comfortable in my house.

  • Sorry dude...didn't realize how late it was..thanks for the chat. I commented on your profile. Metta
  • Ty for the chat :)
  • I once was looking for a reggae fest and we couldn't find it. Out in a small town area not a suburb but what we considered rural. We found a party and talked ate barbecue with some guys a house near the party. My friends two girls wanted to stay with the guys, but I walked to the party...

    And a truck stopped and rolled down the window. I said 'sup or whatever and ended up getting in and conversed about sales of some local produce.

    He then pulls a gun on me because he thinks I am 21 jumpstreet.. I was very scared but outwardly calm.. Lucky he believed me!

    So that's one of the few times I have seen a gun in a person's hands. I have never been hunting.
  • @Jeffrey...sure it wasn't my cousin? Lol
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    I just watched the documentary 'Bowling For Columbine', and yes wow. You can open a bank account in certain states and get a free gun for doing so. Buying bullets whilst getting your hair cut. This documentary is really well put together as well.
    Yea, it's quite an amazing documentary. I highly suggest it to USA citizens especially!
  • ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
    edited January 2012
    Wow Jeffrey, I have never seen an actual gun let alone one being pulled on me by some madman (sorry if I refer to your cousin Alison), lol. I don't even know what 21 jumpstreet is however :confused:

    But the documentary did answer one question for me, why. Why does the US have such a high murder rate compared with every other developed country. Canada has 7 million guns over 10 million households, but there are something like 140 gun related murders a year. All of the other countries named like Germany, the UK, France etc had below 100, whereas the US had just above 11,000. Is it a history of violence? How can it be when Germany has had such a history of violence, the UK pillaged India and ruled the world in a horrific manner for 300 years. Amount of guns, no look to Canada. The answer is well depicted in documentary, it boils down to fear.

    Also what struck me (something I already knew but not to the extent it existed), was how many innocent people have died over the recent years due to America invading countries. I think it was 50,000 innoncent children, women and men in Iraq alone. I revert back to my friend who now lives in London who had to flee her country because of this. When you see all of the numbers of innocent people killed over the past 50 or so years, the 3,000 people killed in 9/11 doesn't really seem all that much. Of course, it is tragic and deeply sad, but I can totally understand why terrorists do what they do. It is far from correct or the right answer, but I can see why they do it. There is always 2 sides to every tale.

  • ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
    edited January 2012
    Oh it's a latino gang then I take it. Wow, you have the skills of Jonny Depp Jeffrey, kudos to you :p Oh wait sorry misread, the guy thinks you are 21 jumpstreet, why did he have that idea?
  • He didn't know who I was as I had never been amongst those party crowd and he was a dealer. If he was latino I don't know if I should be more scared, I think I was scared enough, he was a redneck as we call them. A white guy.
  • My husband said he would let me run away with Johnny depp if he could run off with Angelina Jolie.

    (Girl moment)
  • Yea I at least am familiar with the term redneck lol. Common to the south if I am not mistaken? Are you white Jeffrey or of another race? i only ask because if you were white I don't see how this guy would assume you were with this gang, unless he was one really paranoid guy.

    @Alison LOL. I am quite fond of Jonny Depp for his acting ability. He manages to play a variety of roles very well. But of course, many people like him for other reasons as well :rolleyes: lol. As for your husband, I disagree, I would choose to run off with Penelopy Cruz Instead :D
  • A redneck is a white stereotypical cowboy who works outside in the sun...hence red neck...or on an oil ridge, or ranch...very hardworking.

    They wear cowboy boots, jeans andgallon hats.

    They drive trucks andhave athick accent.

    I'm from Texas...I have dated them, lived with them, I own a pair of black leather cowboy boots.
  • Yeehaw, little doggies.
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited January 2012
    ThailandTom, no the clip is of a 21 jumpstreet undercover unit TV show. He thought I was cop of some such unit. At least that's what I thought back then. Actually I think he just wanted to show me who's boss and assert dominance. I'm a white guy and he was too, but he still thought I was a cop allegedly because I had never been to their town juvenile party.

    I'm a suburban guy and we call rednecks most anyone. I think of it as people who post pictures on FB of every piece of meat they grill, every animal they kill, and every beer. I don't dislike rednecks they are fine family people.
  • Oh right. Yes I guess, well no I know if you are a dealer you have to be paranoid, it is part of the job description. I got the clip, just not why the guy pulled the gun on you that is all.

    I think a lot of people from the UK know more about the US than you guys think, we do not know all the ins and outs of course, but because of movies and TV shows, we know a fair bit. I can actually pull of a texan accent, well I think I can lol.
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