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Islam In Tibet: video

DakiniDakini Veteran
edited February 2012 in Faith & Religion
"The Ornaments of Tibet", Tibetan Muslims


  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    I never knew, I always assumed Buddhism was pretty much universal there. Thanks.
  • genkakugenkaku Northampton, Mass. U.S.A. Veteran

    Interesting. Thank you.
  • I knew there were Muslims around Eastern Tibet, but of the Hui nationality. I didn't know there were Tibetan Muslims. It makes perfect sense that they would filter in from Kashmir via Ladakh, though.
  • That was great @dakini...I didn't know.
  • cazcaz Veteran United Kingdom Veteran
    Muslims have been fairly quiet in Tibet which is why they where practically unheard of shame about the neighbours they could have done with taking a leaf from their book.
  • Muslims in Tibet lived in peace and were not molested by Tibetans in general; Muslims in Uyghur territory live under the Chinese gun, with soldiers coming up and forcing women to remove their headdresses, their schools shut down, and the central Muslim tradition of public prayers banned since 2008. Big difference.

    The last Uyghur "riot" was not a riot at all, but some women and men gathered outside a police station to protest that some of their sons had been held illegally since 2008. Of course, the government will call it a riot--anything to justify what happened next.

    Uyghurs are not at all radicalized; they are very low-key, religiously speaking. The Chinese government tries to piggyback onto the "world terrorism" image to impune their own people as "violent terrorists," but the Uyghur issues have little to do with Islam itself, other than the oppression of it.
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