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God is on Rick Santorum's side
As an outsider looking in who is more concerned about international relations than American domestic policy, I feel more comfortable with Obama... who is sane.
So, here's hoping Rick Santorum gets the Republican nomination. Romney has flexible "core values" and is hooked into the big cynical corporate world. He would be a pragmatic choice for the Republicans and a compromise of "core values". Therefore he could stand a chance of winning the presidency. As president... he would not be insane, and probably cause far less mischief than Bush Junior, but he would be more risky than Obama. Santorum could not win a general election...surely. The "silent majority" of very sane and worldly Americans, who do not live in an historyless bubble that ends at American shores, would do anything to stop him. Ensuring a second term for Obama.
there, punditry on the cheap...
...and the very idea of finding a root devil to hang things on is impossible. The chain of pain has no beginning.
It's Obama -v- Santorum.
Gas prices surge to $5/gallon.
Or, the bottom falls out of the economy (again) (possibly related to the price of gas).
Or, the crisis over Iran goes very badly for us.
The electorate dump Obama.
......and you mention the Iran situation. Here I do not know what to think, it is such a thicket of relationships and interests and information and misinformation. I like to think I have handle on the world that way... but am at a loss here. It does look like there is a possibility of war breaking out, and a chance it could spiral into a catastrophic mess.
Confident predictions about whether it will or will not happen, and what course things would take if it does happen... can't stand up.
All I can do is live this little life as best as possible.
The Iranian government thinks and acts so far outside the general world diplomatic community, that they seem totally unpredictable. Nothing would surprise me.
Santorum and Romney heade to th GOP convention so close in votes that the delegates "broker" the convention. Jeb Bush becomes the nominee...
Did you know that (according to the Rockefeller campaign in 1968), no candidate who has come to the convention leading in delegates, but who did not win on the first ballot, has gone on to win the nomination.
Santorum is consistent with the Catholic position , isn't he?
I believe he knows this principled position will sink him , but he will not back off....
I also assert that any President, including Santorum, will not substantially interfere with the law as it stands. If anything, he will work toward making late term abortions more difficult or impossible (legally) and this I support.