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ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
edited March 2012 in Buddhism Basics
Farang is a Thai word for basically white people or foreigners. It was the first word I learnt in Thai before I even came here on research into the country itself.

I know this country has not exactly got a deveolped status, but there are many situations where I consider there to be racism existing against farang. I shall give some examples.

For a start, if you are white AKA a farang, you cannot work here unless it is teaching English or you magically have a letter from a Thai employer that wants you to work in their company. But forget about that, Thais are willing to work for far less and the employer will have to pay for a business work permit and you getting the correct visa, which by process is so damn difficult.

You can own a business however, but you need a business visa which has many many rules and restrictions on applying, a lot of them to do with how much money you have in the bank account. You cannot own land here, if you want to own a house you need to have it owned under a Thai nationals name, i.e a partner or something.

As I understand and can speak Thai fairly well, I often listen in to conversations between Thai people when I am say, waiting in line for something, waiting for food or whatever. I often hear that buzz word, 'farang' and then start to listen. Some Thai's really do hate us, and some accept and some want to be us. Everything here is about the colour white. Most cars are white, houses are beautiful if they are white, there are skin products to make your skin white, people hide from the sun etc. But going back to those who hate us farang, we bring a HUGE amount of the GDP to Thailand through tourism. If that was to decline somewhat then Thaland would have a very big problem on it's hands. It is why prostitution is illegal but nothing is done about it, all of the girls/lady boys are most of the time well looked after and pay taxes through that money and send it home to their families. Not exactly a virtuous line of work but if it did not exist trust me, Thailand would be crippled.

I would like to finish by saying this. Going back 50 or so years to when black people were discriminated in the US and the UK or wherever, it feels almost the same here. If you look at all the facts and what I have said, then research into it you will see it is pretty much racism. Rant over :D


  • Yes, racism exists in all cultures everywhere. Especially if you are white and affluent. Just think about the history of colonization, and the ignorance and prejudice that resulted because of it. On all sides.

    Did you have some expectation that people would not discriminate against you because of your culture or heritage? As you have stated, some people in Thai culture are even trying to fulfill some fantasy being white or possibly more Western? That is still a form of prejudice - whether its the favorable kind or not. You shouldn't have that same fantasy about Thailand, because everybody has their own level of ignorance to struggle with. There will be prejudice. Just work on your own.
  • Yes, racism exists in all cultures everywhere. Especially if you are white and affluent. Just think about the history of colonization, and the ignorance and prejudice that resulted because of it. On all sides.

    Did you have some expectation that people would not discriminate against you because of your culture or heritage? As you have stated, some people in Thai culture are even trying to fulfill some fantasy being white or possibly more Western? That is still a form of prejudice - whether its the favorable kind or not. You shouldn't have that same fantasy about Thailand, because everybody has their own level of ignorance to struggle with. There will be prejudice. Just work on your own.
    You make some very good points bodhipunk, although I have lived here 2 years this month I understand the culture pretty well. Maybe when I first came here I thought that they would accept me as who I was, a misconception as every person has their own ideology and beliefs, but as a whole, this place is getting more and more racist. |

    You raised a good point, even thought they want to be whiter, that is still kind of wrong. I joked with my partners son that farang come here and want the sun to be brown, but Thais want to be white. Nobody is ever happy with what they have. I do not have any fantasy about Thailand, well at least anymore, I am spent too much time here to know the ins and outs. It is a deceptive country to say the least, but I still would rather live here than back in merry old England.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    The French treat Foreign nationals in precisely the same way.
    Occasionally, worse.
  • ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
    edited March 2012
    No offense but the French for the most part really cling to their herritage, so I am not surprised.

    However I would like to add, how easy is it to obtain a work permit? Not work in itself, but the chance to work?
  • robotrobot Veteran
    Hey Tom. Just a couple of thoughts. I was only in Thailand for six weeks this year and it is a big country. So I was able to see only a portion of it.
    I heard from several people that the young people in the sex trade often help their families up north by sending them money. To me it sounded like a rationalization for using the opportunity to have sex with with young women by older men. Still I'm sure it happens in some cases.
    What I saw up north was what appeared to be relatively prosperous small cities and towns and hamlets where sex tourism is nonexistent or no more so than any city or town anywhere. The farms looked tidy and productive.
    If I was a Thai farmer living and working up there I would do anything to keep my daughter from moving south to have sex with farang for a living. And if she did you can bet that my hatred for farang would be more obvious than it was in almost any Thai people that I encountered.

    That said, being that I did not see much of Thailand it is likely that there are vast areas where people are not prosperous at all, and perhaps they welcome the money that their beautiful daughter can earn by prostituting herself.

    If that is true then I can see why they have strict laws preventing foreigners from working and buying up their land. They are surrounded on three sides by people who are pehaps even less prosperous than they are. Anytime a foreigner takes a job that a Thai can do it contributes to the conditions that cause people to lose their kids to the sex trade.

    On a side note to that. My sister said to me that she had not considered Thailand as a place she would visit because of the sex tourism. Im certain that many people think like her. So you have to deduct the loss of mainstream tourism caused by the sex tourism from the total before you can assume that sex is keeping the country afloat. Of course you have much more experience there than me so I respect your opinion on this.
    As for overt prejudice, I only felt it a couple of times. And since 90% of guys my age are there to have sex with young Thai people, I wasn't surprised. In fact I expected to experience more hostility than I did. Perhaps, as you pointed out, if I understood Thai I would have noticed it more.
  • My wife and I visit Thailand annually and we are considering retiring there. I have noticed that racism was the strongest in Bangkok specially around China Town. That is why we avoid Bangkok and other strong tourist locations when we visit. The people and the culture are more open in the rural farming towns than in the big cities. When we visit we understand that we are the tourist and an outsider, that is why we show as much respect for all that we come in contact with. It has been my observation that many of the european tourists treat majority of the Thai's poorly and without respect. I little loving kindness and respect can work wonders when visiting another country.
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    And I'm not sure it's all a racist thing (perhaps more xenophobic), at all. The Thais have an unrealistic viewpoint of their status in the great scheme of the world. I've had Thais tell me that Thailand was bigger than America. That King Bhumipohl is the most important governmental leader in the world. That the Supreme Sangha in Thailand controls Buddhism world-wide. Etc. Even that, "You no speak good Engrish."
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    Robot raises a good point, that the sex trade breeds resentment of foreigners.

    As far as work visas and all that goes, the US is extremely exclusive with their visa policies, so I wouldn't say that falls under racism. It's fairly common immigration policy, with the exception of countries within the EU. The wanting to be white issue, actually, is a type of self-hatred, but it's caused by global marketing of products, films, and other media from developed countries, which makes white skin seem like a status item. So there may be subconscious (or conscious) resentment of that aggressive marketing. The Thais need to start a native pride movement, or something. Brown is beautiful.

    Just wondering: does "farang" apply only to foreigners of European heritage or descent? Or does it also apply to Japanese, Taiwanese and other wealthy Asian tourists and businesspeople? Given the pedophelic undercurrents in some of Japanese society, I'd think that not all the sex trade patrons are white. Is there resentment of East Asian tourists as well?
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran

    Just wondering: does "farang" apply only to foreigners of European heritage or descent? Or does it also apply to Japanese, Taiwanese and other wealthy Asian tourists and businesspeople? Given the pedophelic undercurrents in some of Japanese society, I'd think that not all the sex trade patrons are white. Is there resentment of East Asian tourists as well?
    Traditionally it referred to Whites, but now is more generally used. I don't see it as having anything to do with the sex trade.

  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    The term "farang" is a corruption of the English word "foreigner". It has nothing to do with the sex trade, no one said it did. Resentment against foreigners, robot astutely pointed out, comes in part from the sex trade. But not all sex trade patrons are white, though the public perception in Thailand may be that they're white.
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    The term "farang" is a corruption of the English word "foreigner". It has nothing to do with the sex trade, no one said it did. Resentment against foreigners, robot astutely pointed out, comes in part from the sex trade. But not all sex trade patrons are white, though the public perception in Thailand may be that they're white.
    Actually, the Japanese probably have a worse reputation in that regard.

    I feel a couple of posts allude to some kind of relationship between sex tourism and "farang". I could be wrong.

    And, if anything, "farang" is from the French language, not English.

  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited March 2012
    And, if anything, "farang" is from the French language, not English.
    I'm up for etymology. I read years ago that in Afghanistan, the word is "ferengi", and it came from the English word, "foreigner". It entered the vocabulary after young Afghans returned from university studies in the US (according to one source). I can't think of a word in French that would fit the bill, but my French is rusty.
    Actually, the Japanese probably have a worse reputation in that regard.
    This is so sad! The whole sex trade issue is utterly tragic, and the fact that children are involved is almost too much to bear. Such a samsaric world, it's unbelievable the depth of suffering humans willingly create. All so unnecessary. :bawl:

  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    And, if anything, "farang" is from the French language, not English.
    I'm up for etymology. I read years ago that in Afghanistan, the word is "ferengi", and it came from the English word, "foreigner". It entered the vocabulary after young Afghans returned from university studies in the US (according to one source). I can't think of a word in French that would fit the bill, but my French is rusty.
    Actually, the Japanese probably have a worse reputation in that regard.
    This is so sad! The whole sex trade issue is utterly tragic, and the fact that children are involved is almost too much to bear. Such a samsaric world, it's unbelievable the depth of suffering humans willingly create. All so unnecessary. :bawl:

    I believe the French word is farangset, and of course, several neighboring countries were colonized by the French.

    I agree with you about the sex trade. I've actually talked to Westerns who will tell you they are doing the prostitutes a tremendous moral favor by helping them support themselves that opposed to, of course, donating money to them.

  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited March 2012
    OK, here's more than you ever wanted to know about the origin of the word "farang" (forgive me, I'm a linguistics freak):

    It turns out the word "farang" pre--exists the French in SE Asia, and even the Portugese. It dates back to the days of the Franks, and the presence of Arab communities in Spain.

    @ThailandTom I don't know what your skillset is, but I found a number of websites offering jobs for farangs in Thailand. Not just teaching English, but office administrative jobs, etc.
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    The Franks were a bunch of weiners. :p
  • upekkaupekka Veteran

    Some ........ really do hate us, and some accept and some want to be us.

    it feels almost the same 'everywhere'
    take a look around in 'our' own country

    take a deep look at our own attitude when we are in our country

    there is nothing to complain about

  • The whole sex trade thing is sad but a reality. It actually started because of the Vietnam war. When the American soilders were on some sort of leave, they would hop over to Thailand and spend loads of money. Hotels started to spring up and so did places for prostitution to take place. Now it is built into the culture.

    I was looking through a discussion in one of the expat forums and they were discussing how if the sex trade was gone then the economy here would crash, which pretty much true. But also that the girls prefer not to be rescued anymore for the most part. There is a team set-up to stop this from going on and rescue these girls, but some the team members have be known to sexually assult the girls and then just get off.

    The notion of this post was not really to link the sex-trade with the whole farang thing, it was to point out how it is made almost impossible for us to work here, own property etc, how we are thought of and so forth. But yes, as it has been pointed a lot of the time farang come here and act like fools and disrespect the culture. Some people have lived here 10 or so years and they cannot speak a simple conversation in Thai.
  • In Spanish it's called "farangi extranjero"

    Also, the us has bleaching products for black, Indian and people of color.

    I don't get it.
  • Everyone seems to want what they can't have. In the UK there are spray on tans, tanning beds, I guess it is the same as for these people who wish to be white. All of it being unhealthy as well :facepalm:
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    I've never heard "farangi extranjero". "Gringo" is the only term I've heard. And I've always wondered to whom it refers: North Americans? All whites? White North Americans only, or do Asian-Americans, African-Americans and other minorities get included as "gringos"?

    @ThailandTom Who are these teams made up of--Thais or foreign aid workers?

    The girls prefer not to be rescued? They prefer to work until they're killed by AIDS or an abusive client? They just don't think ahead? I bet if education were widely and readily available to girls, far fewer would be choosing the oldest profession.
  • Education is a big issue here, Thai's are pretty low on the intellectual side of things for the most part. They are also not really taught how to think for themselves at school, the system is highly flawed IMO, but owel.

    Yes the title of the discussion came from a news report and was called something like "Thai sex girls don't want to be rescued" I believe that the team is made up of Thai's, but don't quote me on that. I will post the thread here
  • Gringo is what Latin America calls white Americans...not European or Canadian.

    I actually call my husband that you guys think it's racist.

    "Gringito "

    My friends call their husband's a variety of colorful names :

    Jefe :boss
    Viejo : old man
    El guardia : jailer
    ...I wonder what they call
  • maybe we call you people... lol. Some south park episodes would help however, I forget exactly the words but it is about tacos and barretos :p I think tacobender was one, not quite sure though. Anyway, here you go.

  • Burrito also means "little mule " lol

    Yeah, that's me!
  • edited March 2012
    I don't want any people who suck in my country

    I don't care about their race..I won't discriminate..if they suck they suck, if they are cool they are cool.

    Isn't it true there are sucky and cool people in every culture and of every race?
    this is why racism is too narrowminded.. if you really want to hate a lump sum, hate people in general! lol (that doesn't sound very buddhist) so I guess have compassion for those more sucky than yourself...
  • I've been working in kitchens at restaurants and stuff in north america for like 15 years, I've seen almost every single race.. and each has sucky ones, and each has really good ones, whom i fondly remember.. you know... some people you cant blame them for sucking, they are just dumb ..maybe their culture sucks and they have sucky values.. (not sounding very buddhist lol sry)
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    Thanks, Tom. I think that article leaves out a lot of info. STD rates, etc. Sex work in Thailand is still the profession of last resort, it's for people who have no other viable or legal options.
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    Farang is a Thai word for basically white people or foreigners. It was the first word I learnt in Thai before I even came here on research into the country itself.

    I know this country has not exactly got a deveolped status, but there are many situations where I consider there to be racism existing against farang. I shall give some examples.

    For a start, if you are white AKA a farang, you cannot work here unless it is teaching English or you magically have a letter from a Thai employer that wants you to work in their company. But forget about that, Thais are willing to work for far less and the employer will have to pay for a business work permit and you getting the correct visa, which by process is so damn difficult.

    You can own a business however, but you need a business visa which has many many rules and restrictions on applying, a lot of them to do with how much money you have in the bank account. You cannot own land here, if you want to own a house you need to have it owned under a Thai nationals name, i.e a partner or something.

    As I understand and can speak Thai fairly well, I often listen in to conversations between Thai people when I am say, waiting in line for something, waiting for food or whatever. I often hear that buzz word, 'farang' and then start to listen. Some Thai's really do hate us, and some accept and some want to be us. Everything here is about the colour white. Most cars are white, houses are beautiful if they are white, there are skin products to make your skin white, people hide from the sun etc. But going back to those who hate us farang, we bring a HUGE amount of the GDP to Thailand through tourism. If that was to decline somewhat then Thaland would have a very big problem on it's hands. It is why prostitution is illegal but nothing is done about it, all of the girls/lady boys are most of the time well looked after and pay taxes through that money and send it home to their families. Not exactly a virtuous line of work but if it did not exist trust me, Thailand would be crippled.

    I would like to finish by saying this. Going back 50 or so years to when black people were discriminated in the US and the UK or wherever, it feels almost the same here. If you look at all the facts and what I have said, then research into it you will see it is pretty much racism. Rant over :D
    Thanks for sharing! Interesting stuff! Funny..As I wanted to move to Thailand. I actually have a buddy who lives there. He did the same thing you did. He was from the United States and then moved to Thailand. And then he got a Thai girlfriend. Lol.
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    Thanks, Tom. I think that article leaves out a lot of info. STD rates, etc. Sex work in Thailand is still the profession of last resort, it's for people who have no other viable or legal options.
    Well, I'll probably get myself in trouble here, but I disagree. My best friend in Thailand is from a small village in Issan named Sung Noen. His family was about as poor as you can get...and I've been in the village and in their home in the swamp. Yet, he managed to earn both B.A. and M.A. degrees from Chulalongkorn University. He's was a science teacher, has written published articles on mangroves, and is up relatively high in the Education Ministry. I have known both men and women from a similar background who are everything from chefs to agents for airlines and banks to department store clerks, to prostitutes. There are choices to be made. And while it's difficult to see prostitution as a desirable field of endeavor, I wouldn't exactly say it takes much initiative.

  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    That's utterly fabulous, vinlyn. It's good to know that upward mobility isn't that difficult to achieve. So what do you think motivates girls to go into the sex trade, instead of pursuing these other options? And how many of them actually choose that, how many are given away or sold by their parents? Tom's article would have us believe the days of being sold into the trade are over.
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    Thanks, Tom. I think that article leaves out a lot of info. STD rates, etc. Sex work in Thailand is still the profession of last resort, it's for people who have no other viable or legal options.
    Well, I'll probably get myself in trouble here, but I disagree. My best friend in Thailand is from a small village in Issan named Sung Noen. His family was about as poor as you can get...and I've been in the village and in their home in the swamp. Yet, he managed to earn both B.A. and M.A. degrees from Chulalongkorn University. He's was a science teacher, has written published articles on mangroves, and is up relatively high in the Education Ministry. I have known both men and women from a similar background who are everything from chefs to agents for airlines and banks to department store clerks, to prostitutes. There are choices to be made. And while it's difficult to see prostitution as a desirable field of endeavor, I wouldn't exactly say it takes much initiative.

    Thank you for that! Seriously!
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    That's utterly fabulous, vinlyn. It's good to know that upward mobility isn't that difficult to achieve. So what do you think motivates girls to go into the sex trade, instead of pursuing these other options? And how many of them actually choose that, how many are given away or sold by their parents? Tom's article would have us believe the days of being sold into the trade are over.
    Point of view.
    Morality of family.
    A myriad of other things.

  • Thanks, Tom. I think that article leaves out a lot of info. STD rates, etc. Sex work in Thailand is still the profession of last resort, it's for people who have no other viable or legal options.
    Well, I'll probably get myself in trouble here, but I disagree. My best friend in Thailand is from a small village in Issan named Sung Noen. His family was about as poor as you can get...and I've been in the village and in their home in the swamp. Yet, he managed to earn both B.A. and M.A. degrees from Chulalongkorn University. He's was a science teacher, has written published articles on mangroves, and is up relatively high in the Education Ministry. I have known both men and women from a similar background who are everything from chefs to agents for airlines and banks to department store clerks, to prostitutes. There are choices to be made. And while it's difficult to see prostitution as a desirable field of endeavor, I wouldn't exactly say it takes much initiative.

    My gf is from Issan, Surin I do not know if you are familiar with the place? The sex trade is not really a last resort, it is just a whole lot better paid. My GF for example makes 7,000baht a month, a woman can go out and get maybe 1-2,000 a night if she sells herself. It is not through desperation from what I can see, just the desire to want more money and most of them don't seem to mind. The ladyboys for example love playing their part and trying it on, even when I am with my partner they have tried, we both laughed that was hilarious.
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    What's the mortality rate among sex workers? The average lifespan? Has anyone studied this?
  • I have no idea, but AIDS is pretty wise spread in Thailand so I would guess that a lot of them would end up getting it at some point. I myself went to get a blood test a while ago for HIV simply because I wanted to know, the results came back in 25 minutes :-/ I wonder if that is even possibe, I mean I have heard of people waiting 1-2 weeks..
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited March 2012
    Oh, great, AIDS is widespread. So Thailand is a vector for spreading AIDS worldwide. The world has gone mad. See how samsara spreads exponentially?
  • If people would take care and use protection and educate themselves on the matter, it would be less of an issue. I also read that with each year, the average lifespan of someone with AIDS increases due to medical advances.
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    But how many of those sex workers can afford the expensive drug cocktail?
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran

    My gf is from Issan, Surin I do not know if you are familiar with the place? The sex trade is not really a last resort, it is just a whole lot better paid. My GF for example makes 7,000baht a month, a woman can go out and get maybe 1-2,000 a night if she sells herself. It is not through desperation from what I can see, just the desire to want more money and most of them don't seem to mind. The ladyboys for example love playing their part and trying it on, even when I am with my partner they have tried, we both laughed that was hilarious.
    I would agree with what you have contributed. Yes, very familiar with Surin. Stayed there a few nights while exploring Khmer temples in the region. Surin and Buriram are okay places to stay while exploring the area, but not my favorite cities in Thailand.

  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    Oh, great, AIDS is widespread. So Thailand is a vector for spreading AIDS worldwide. The world has gone mad. See how samsara spreads exponentially?
    In a way that's kind of a mixed bag. Thailand was definitely an exporter of HIV early on, but they were willing to be open and up front about it (surprisingly), and at least at one time they were one of the most progressive countries in the region in dealing with it. I forget his name -- the "Condom King" -- government rep who used to pass our free condoms all the time. Owned a couple of restaurants...Tom...what was the name of the restaurant chain. Quite good least the one up in Chiang Mai. Had condom
    flower bouquets on the table.

    I have no idea what the data is now re HIV in Thailand.
  • I don't know of the resaurant sorry Vinlyn.
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    I don't know of the resaurant sorry Vinlyn.
    I remembered -- "Cabbages And Condoms".

  • lol, that guy really was on the condom theme, good name and I think that Thailand is probably the only place such a restaurant could succeed with such a name.
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    lol, that guy really was on the condom theme, good name and I think that Thailand is probably the only place such a restaurant could succeed with such a name.
    As I understand it, all the profits go to HIV education.

  • OK, here's more than you ever wanted to know about the origin of the word "farang" (forgive me, I'm a linguistics freak):

    It turns out the word "farang" pre--exists the French in SE Asia, and even the Portugese. It dates back to the days of the Franks, and the presence of Arab communities in Spain.

    @ThailandTom I don't know what your skillset is, but I found a number of websites offering jobs for farangs in Thailand. Not just teaching English, but office administrative jobs, etc.
    @Dakini can you please provide the link if you have any on the job front? I have searched before time and time again, I have even had the chance of getting ajob illegally so, but that did not work.
  • When I first saw the OP title it said Ferengi racism. :D
  • When I first saw the OP title it said Ferengi racism. :D
    lol, well yoru eyes deceived you Richard, you should guard those sense doors my friend :p
  • When I first saw the OP title it said Ferengi racism. :D
    lol, well yoru eyes deceived you Richard, you should guard those sense doors my friend :p
    These sense doors? I'm a sleeping bouncer in a cheap bar .

    ....but seriously... sorry to joke up your thread. hands palm to palm.
  • lol, no probs. Who doesn't like a joke? Un glue those hands now! That's an order. If anybody is guilty if joking up or thread-jacking it is mose likely me :(
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited March 2012
    vinlyn said on another thread that selling daughters into the sex trade is still done, and that boys are favored. So probably significantly more boys than girls get an education, especially higher education.

    @ThailandTom Here are a few:
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