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edited March 2012 in General Banter
Anyone here watch MSNBC? I like MSNBC. It's really the only channel I watch.

I like the show Hardball with Chris Matthews.


  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    I watch and listen to it about half the time...split with CNN. And I like Chris Matthews, a lot, but I wish sometimes he would shut up and quite interrupting his own guests, which he does constantly.
  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    I like Rachel Maddow... but sometimes I feel like she nearly rivals O'Reilly for the Liberals. She gets a little too worked up and angry about some things or something, but then again, I can't really fault her for that. I do too...
  • I wish sometimes he would shut up and quite interrupting his own guests, which he does constantly.
    I feel like Chris Matthews is the O'Reilly of the Liberals because of that.
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    I like Rachel Maddow... but sometimes I feel like she nearly rivals O'Reilly for the Liberals. She gets a little too worked up and angry about some things or something, but then again, I can't really fault her for that. I do too...
    I agree. I like her, but she is firmly liberal. I actually like watching O'Reilly, although I rarely catch his show. The only thing I dislike about O'Reilly is that he calls it a "no spin zone", when in reality it's an "O'Reilly spin zone".

  • patbbpatbb Veteran
    just my 2 cents,

    i think of msnbc, fox... as something similar to day time drama shows that older people like to watch..

    just keep giving people emotional ups and downs and keep them hooked and entertained/interested about random things which they can do little about instead of going outside and living our lives.

    The main difference (for me) with daytime tv dramas is that the people who watch these news shows somehow usually feel smarter and feel like they are not wasting their time as much.
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    I wish sometimes he would shut up and quite interrupting his own guests, which he does constantly.
    I feel like Chris Matthews is the O'Reilly of the Liberals because of that.
    Although I haven't received any invitations to appear on his show :crazy: I would not, simply because I find him so rude...but brilliant.
  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    @vinlyn lol. Exactly! I don't have blood pressure problems, but that guy causes me to. Talk about someone not letting their guests speak... sheesh.

    @patbb I totally agree. To be honest, the only way I can typically handle the news is via Stephen Colbert or Jon Stewart. With a wink, a nudge, and a laugh. Everything else just stresses me out...
  • GuiGui Veteran
    kill your tv.
  • Then bury it in an unmarked grave..
  • kill your tv.
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    kill your tv.
    Don't kill it, give it away (recycle, instead of adding to the dump pile). Or set it on Public Television, then remove the dial.

  • kill your tv.
    Why not?
  • kill your tv.
    Don't kill it, give it away (recycle, instead of adding to the dump pile). Or set it on Public Television, then remove the dial.

    ahh yes, goodwill took my ancient hand-me-down TV and it was heavy enough to take 3 people to carry it from the basement

  • Telly03Telly03 Veteran
    edited March 2012
    I watch MSNBC and Fox... I like to catch both sides and figure the truth is somewhere in the middle.

    I personally find MSNBC more biased in regards to the news presentation, however, Fox makes up for it with their opinionated personality shows weaved in the whole mix.

    Has Chris Matthews or Bill O'reilly ever hosted each other? how ugly would that be?
  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    kill your tv.
    Don't kill it, give it away (recycle, instead of adding to the dump pile). Or set it on Public Television, then remove the dial.

    Don't give away your age there. TV's use remotes these days. :p
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited March 2012
    Don't give away your age there. TV's use remotes these days. :p
    haha! Thanks, Telly! oops! :lol:
    Nice to see you around. You haven't been posting much, lately. Maybe we haven't had enough political topics to really inspire you. hee. ^_^ I'll have to come up with something.

  • Don't give away your age there. TV's use remotes these days. :p
    haha! Thanks, Telly! oops! :lol:
    Nice to see you around. You haven't been posting much, lately. Maybe we haven't had enough political topics to really inspire you. hee. ^_^ I'll have to come up with something.

    The "Haha" credit belongs to person, which did make me LOL as well :)

    @Dakini I have been here reading, which I find more enjoyable than the political bantering, so don't feel obligated to pull my strings :)
  • Has Chris Matthews or Bill O'reilly ever hosted each other? how ugly would that be?
    I would pay to see that.
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    Has Chris Matthews or Bill O'reilly ever hosted each other? how ugly would that be?
    I would pay to see that.
    The only thing that I have ever seen that is similar is a few years ago at a book signing event that was on some public television station, Bill O'Reilly and Al Franken did a sort of debate. Although I am a moderate Democrat, I like Bill O'Reilly and I like Al Franken. But to be honest, for an hours they both showed that they could be total jerks. It was an embarassment.

  • edited March 2012
    I watch Rachel and Chris and Ed. I listen to Bill and Sean and Rush.
    Then I listen to and watch the trees in the wind.
    I think I know who to believe.
  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    edited March 2012
    I recommend NPR and PBS. Heck even the BBC if you believe that other countries actually exist.
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    I do not. Mostly, But I am trying to cut down, it's really hard!
  • Invincible_summerInvincible_summer Heavy Metal Dhamma We(s)t coast, Canada Veteran
    Coming from Canada, I find American news extremely difficult to watch. Way too sensationalized.

    Also, does anyone else find it disturbing that Bill O'Reilly seems like a more reasonable person ever since Glenn Beck reared his insane head? My blood pressure used to hit the roof when I watched any of O'Reilly's stuff, but ever since Glenn Beck started his thing, I've found myself thinking on occasion, "O'Reilly is fairly reasonable!"

    it's scary.
  • cazcaz Veteran United Kingdom Veteran
    I love watching Fox its entertaining ! Being in England the only other channel we get is CNN on sky which is incredibly boring.
  • RichardHRichardH Veteran
    edited March 2012
    American commercial news networks?..... CNN seems the least insular... Fox is cartoonish... MSNBC is somewhere in the middle.. roughly.

    Really it is like choosing between Coke and Pepsi, no real choice at all.
  • Really it is like choosing between Coke and Pepsi, no real choice at all.
    Liar! Coke all the way.
  • seeker242seeker242 Zen Florida, USA Veteran
    American commercial news networks?..... CNN seems the least insular... Fox is cartoonish... MSNBC is somewhere in the middle.. roughly.

    Really it is like choosing between Coke and Pepsi, no real choice at all.
    Would you like a cow turd or a horse turd?
  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    I feel like there's something to be said for being informed, but of course, like everything else... middle path is important. It all too easily becomes an obsession. I understand people that want to live under a rock and just go away from it all, but I feel a certain sense of social responsibility not to lose my voice and it's relevance to the political issues that affect mine and other's lives.
  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    I feel like there's something to be said for being informed, but of course, like everything else... middle path is important. It all too easily becomes an obsession. I understand people that want to live under a rock and just go away from it all, but I feel a certain sense of social responsibility not to lose my voice and it's relevance to the political issues that affect mine and other's lives.
    I agree, but I'm not sure FOX or MSNBC inform or misinform more. So stick to as unbiased sources as possible.

    You do find certain truths and stories about topics that reinforce one side or the other that are basically true and not reported elsewhere from partisan media so its not totally without merit. IMO, its just such a herculean task to sort through the chaff that I don't go there anymore.
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited March 2012
    Does anyone watch the McNeil-Lehrer News Hour on PBS? Is commercial network news even worth watching? If you have cable, you can watch the news in different languages, and get away from the US spin on things. You can get Canadian world news, also a different perspective.
  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    I feel like there's something to be said for being informed, but of course, like everything else... middle path is important. It all too easily becomes an obsession. I understand people that want to live under a rock and just go away from it all, but I feel a certain sense of social responsibility not to lose my voice and it's relevance to the political issues that affect mine and other's lives.
    I agree, but I'm not sure FOX or MSNBC inform or misinform more. So stick to as unbiased sources as possible.

    You do find certain truths and stories about topics that reinforce one side or the other that are basically true and not reported elsewhere from partisan media so its not totally without merit. IMO, its just such a herculean task to sort through the chaff that I don't go there anymore.
    Good point. And of course, with stations that typically lean either liberal or conservative, there is a high risk of confirmation bias... which most people prefer, obviously.
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