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Does being double minded give you bad karma?

Does being double minded give you bad karma? Thanks.


  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    What does double minded mean? Having ulterior motives?
  • I have flip flopped on many things I believe some times many times.

  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    People should be open to changing their mind as they learn new information.
  • Being double minded means changing your belief about things and saying one thing and doing another.
  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    The test of a first rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function.
    -F. Scott Fitzgerald

    In politics one gets labeled a flip flopper if you learn enough about anything in order that you actually change your mind about something.

    Saying one thing and doing another is called hypocrasy. I think its somewhat similar to lying. If you say you'll do one thing and then have an actual change of mind/heart about it then explain that to whomever you previously talked to and see if thats ok with them.

    Trust is an important part of relationships though and repeatedly promising one thing and then going back on it or changing your mind will break that trust and have negative consequences.
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    Changing your belief about things isn't a bad thing.
    Saying one thing and doing another is somewhat deceitful. I did a study of the 4th precept recently, and that type of behavior is included in it. Manipulating people, misleading people, are included in the definition of false speech. Or, rather, intentionally doing the opposite of what you profess to believe or practice. Accidents due to confusion or some other circumstance happen and are said to carry no negative karmic load.
  • ToshTosh Veteran
    I used to think that it was good to have beliefs and strong opinions, but I have always naturally been a 'I don't know' kinda guy, especially when it came to stuff like politics or disciplining someone in a work related setting.

    I'm pretty sure Buddhism would say that the 'I don't know' approach, or rather 'a beginner's mind' approach is a good thing.

    But then again, if someone cleverly explains to me why it's good to have strong beliefs and opinions, I could change my mind. :p
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    I'm pretty sure Buddhism would say that the 'I don't know' approach, or rather 'a beginner's mind' approach is a good thing.
    Are you sure? Because I don't recall the Buddha being wishy-washy.

  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    I'm pretty sure Buddhism would say that the 'I don't know' approach, or rather 'a beginner's mind' approach is a good thing.
    Are you sure? Because I don't recall the Buddha being wishy-washy.

    Saying you don't know something isn't being wishy-washy. It's being honest. It's being open-minded.

  • possibilitiespossibilities PNW, WA State Veteran
    edited April 2012
    Yes -- I think Tosh is referring to a Zen 'beginner's mind' as in unending questions...
    saying one thing and doing another
    Obviously badly misleading -- why is there even a question?
  • jlljll Veteran
    karma is about intention. good intention=good karma.
    being undecisive is what intention?
  • I have flip flopped on many things I believe some times many times.
    This has no relation to karma.

  • patbbpatbb Veteran
    I have flip flopped on many things I believe some times many times.
    This has no relation to karma.


    unless you tell someone you'll do something and you don't do it, which is pretty much a lie. (unless something happen which prevent you to do it, and you try your best to let the other person know etc...) In which case a part of you will feel guilt and carry this in your life, running in the background.
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    The way I read the OP, it's asking about two completely different things. 1) Changing one's opinion or beliefs about things, and 2) saying one thing, then doing another. Actions inconsistent with promises or stated beliefs.

    The first is irrelevant to karma. We all (or most of us) change or adjust our beliefs and opinions as we learn and grow. The second would appear to indicate some form of deceit, whether self-deceit or the misleading of others, and as such, violates the 4th Precept against false speech. Without knowing any details, it's hard to say for sure what's going on, or what the underlying cause is, of the inconsistency between the OP's actions and his/her statements. Based on the shred of information we have, this is the best we can do.
  • upekkaupekka Veteran
    I have flip flopped on many things I believe some times many times.
    This has no relation to karma.

    this has relation to kamma, for sure

    one does such a thing because of one's ignorance ( i mean the delusion)

    if there is delusion, there is kamma even though there is no hate or greed

  • Invincible_summerInvincible_summer Heavy Metal Dhamma We(s)t coast, Canada Veteran
    I have flip flopped on many things I believe some times many times.
    This has no relation to karma.

    this has relation to kamma, for sure

    one does such a thing because of one's ignorance ( i mean the delusion)

    if there is delusion, there is kamma even though there is no hate or greed

    If the OP just means that he/she can't make up their mind about how they feel about something, I don't see how karma comes into play. It's not clear whether or not he/she is referring to acting on this confusion either.
  • One saying in Buddhism is to act without a twist. I forget what that means exactly, but it is kind of intuitive to me that you are clear and undivided. My lama taught me to be undivided in my desires either do them or not.
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