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Here Is a Noodle Scratcher

ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
edited April 2012 in Philosophy
Okay so as a species it is commonly known that we have brains and that we have consciousness. But there is actually no way to actually prove we have a consciousness from a scientific point of view, you cannot measure it with any tool. But if we just accept that there is consciousness because I assume we can all agree that even though it is not able to be proven, we all think it exists right? Good. So, this consciousness, it gives us our identity, personality, who we are in retrospect. is the brain merely a receiver like a radio or does it create consciousness?


  • When the brain is damaged we know it affects the thinking mind.

    Are you asking whether counsciousness is "the individual "? The part that makes you, you?
  • maybe the mind consciousness is the music and the brain is the instrument?

    Lovely symphony or discordant melody.
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    is the brain merely a receiver like a radio or does it create consciousness?
    The jury is still out on this one. Way out. What a great question. Tentatively, I might say, "both".

    btw, I just read an article that said that cetaceans (dolphins, whales) are self-aware, show compassion and empathy, and have more complex brains that ours. Impressive.

  • maybe the mind consciousness is the music and the brain is the instrument?

    Lovely symphony or discordant melody.
    Ah what a lovely way to put it at such an hour of the night. Yes maybe, I have had this notion however that there is also a universal consciousness that we are all tapped into via our, instruments.
  • Me too, @Thailandtom.^_^
  • It's only 11:30pm...I had too much coffee at a late hour. Brain fuel. . .
  • No doubt in looking forward to seeing where this goes. :)

  • I had never heard of another animal being self aware? ...I thought it was only a human gift. Can you remember where you saw this. The implications would be phenomenal.

    is the brain merely a receiver like a radio or does it create consciousness?
    The jury is still out on this one. Way out. What a great question. Tentatively, I might say, "both".

    btw, I just read an article that said that cetaceans (dolphins, whales) are self-aware, show compassion and empathy, and have more complex brains that ours. Impressive.

  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited April 2012
    It was in the NY Times a day or two ago, science section, I think. Maybe the Sunday Times. I almost posted a thread on it. Guess I should have.

  • I had never heard of another animal being self aware? ...I thought it was only a human gift. Can you remember where you saw this. The implications would be phenomenal.

    is the brain merely a receiver like a radio or does it create consciousness?
    The jury is still out on this one. Way out. What a great question. Tentatively, I might say, "both".

    btw, I just read an article that said that cetaceans (dolphins, whales) are self-aware, show compassion and empathy, and have more complex brains that ours. Impressive.

    I saw something on orca whales (killer whales), where it showed how they were self aware and could calculate outcomes and cause and effect. One example was there was a sheet of floating ice with a seal on top, they could not nudge the sheet or make the seal slip. SO they made a plan and all 5 of them swam fast at the sheet and then dove under it to create a wave tha broke it up. There were other examples but they are really amazing creatures.
  • I have no doubt cetaceans are self aware. Would also like to read this article.
  • It's only 11:30pm...I had too much coffee at a late hour. Brain fuel. . .
    lmao, Lin drinks coffee everyday (I think maybe I am one of the few people who doesn't in the world), but she made a cup at 10pm and I just shook my head. "you will not be able to sleep tonight." Nope, she did not :lol:
  • I think I'm the only one awake and all of you are a figment of my imagination.

    Or actors in a stage...dancing in an empty room..

    A dream with all the seething that of a demon dreaming.
  • @Thailandtom...women never listen to their male counterparts...its like herding
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited April 2012
    Tom, your story reminds me of a fabulous film that plays on TV from time to time. About a whaling community on the south coast of Australia. One species of whale feeds on a smaller species. So when it was migration time for the smaller species, the big guys would come and make a commotion in the bay, to attract the attention of the whalers. The whalers would come out and harpoon some of the smaller ones, and leave a certain part behind, that was the preferred food of the big guys, and take the rest themselves. Over generations they'd worked out this symbiotic relationship. It was thought to have originated with the Aborigines who lived in the area prior to European colonization.
    I have no doubt cetaceans are self aware. Would also like to read this article.
    It was very short, just a small paragraph. If I find it, I'll post it.

    edit: @ThailandTom How many men listen to their women? It's like herding wild dingos.

  • @lookingformyway...first, hi and welcome. I'm Alison! Also, our dear dakini is a absorbent sponge for info so just fyi.
  • @lookingformyway...first, hi and welcome. I'm Alison! Also, our dear dakini is a absorbent sponge for info so just fyi.
    Yes welcome lookingformyway, and by the way sorry in advance Dakini, but how old are you? I know it is bad to ask but I never have actually considered, but now Alison has said that you know so much, maybe you have collected your knowledge over the years...

  • What was this whale thinking?

  • Are you insane? You never ask a lady her age! Faux pas!
    @lookingformyway...first, hi and welcome. I'm Alison! Also, our dear dakini is a absorbent sponge for info so just fyi.
    Yes welcome lookingformyway, and by the way sorry in advance Dakini, but how old are you? I know it is bad to ask but I never have actually considered, but now Alison has said that you know so much, maybe you have collected your knowledge over the years...
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited April 2012
    haha, right, Tom! (re: Alison's post) But I read a lot, and I used to work in a university, so I could take classes for free. I have a thirsty mind. And it's a fascinating world, isn't it? Anyway, I'm older than you 20-somethings. :D
  • yes maybe I am insane Alison, has that never occurred to you? I did say sorry in advance. The whale, maybe it was thinking "Get off my property and stop disturbing my kids!"

    lol, this topic has quickly swung around to whales :p
  • edited April 2012
    Free classes.........-states angrily at his endless Uni loans-
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited April 2012

    lol, this topic has quickly swung around to whales :p
    Oh, right, it was about consciousness. So whales have consciousness, and self-consciousness. Their brains are receivers, too. The consciousness field (if there is one) pervades the ocean as well as the air and space. If the brain = consciousness receiver theory is true.

    @Lookingformyway I don't blame you, LFMW. I think it's hideously unfair that the only option for many students these days is loans rather than grants. Plus the cost of higher ed has skyrocketed way beyond the rate of inflation. It's anti-democratic, as I've said here before.

  • This is the reason I refuse to go back for my Phd. Not going to be 50 still paying off loans. No thank you sir.
  • Basically, (whimsical music) God got lonely and because SHE likes to create many different things, such as galaxies and suns...she decided to blow a dust of golden speckled microbes...many millenniums passed and her specks of gold dust ascended and evolved into creators and destroyers.. . Humanity.

  • Humans and possibly whales are self aware and seemingly go against nature...the mind and bran are two parts of a forgot heart, body and spirit.
  • Combine all of them and you have a unique creation! Tada!
  • 42
  • lol, you do make me laugh sometimes, I am sure right now it is probably the coffee actually. I am curious though, what would you class yourself as religiously speaking? As you know I am understanding of other religions very much so, and I am aware that you correspond to a variety of religons, but what would you say were if somebody asked of your religious status on a document of some kind?
  • Abrahamic monotheist...or liberal Muslim (very very liberal) ...the only liberal branch of Islam is Sufism...but they encroached on insanity, ask @zero. I am also into Socrates, Plato and Aristotle...and a hint of Buddha curious.

    Sorry, off topic.
  • Lady_AlisonLady_Alison Veteran
    edited April 2012
    "All I do is go about urging you, young and old, not to care for your body but for the protection of your souls."
    (Soul meant the combination of mind, body and heart)
    (Plato "Apology" 30B)

    Socrates encouraged others to pay attention to the mind and soul and not be governed by bodily appetites and needs.
  • Fair enough, I was just curious because I have been asked my religious status in a variety of situations on documents whilst traveling. Anyway, I have contribruted to the heling of this being threadjacked! This place runs like clockwork, now most people will be going to their beds and a few will still be around until the EU wakes up, I know the people who will be around and what what times hehe. Sad, maybe.
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    Yes, it's true, like clockwork. Fede will be up in a few hours, most of the rest of us are going to crash. ZZZzzzzz (Where's that snooze emoticon?) g'night
  • Night lol. Leon usually is awake latest from the US front, then maybe Tosh and Federica will wake up.
  • Tom what is your religious/philosophical affiliation? You're not a Buddhist are you?
  • lol, what makes you say that I am not a buddhist? Well, I have not really considered it too much to be honest. I aspire to the dharma and believe it to be the way to live ones life, but that is not to say that I live that way 100%. Then again, who is perfect? I do not believe in a creator God or entity, so if I have to write down on paper I would consider myself buddhist. I seriously do intend to ordain when the time is right though.
  • Lol...I already knew're kinda of a secular humanist/Buddhist level 1

    Well we are all level 1.
  • You would consider temporary vows? Or full on?

  • Level 1 lol.. I have never heard of these levels, kinda sounds like scientology talk to me! Also, I have not looked into labels like secular humanist etc before, maybe I should.. By taking vows do you mean when I ordain or now/near future?
  • Lately I have had this tendency to think that there is a universal consciousness and that we have the illusion of being separate in order to survive and propagate while we are in this human form. Something along the lines of survival of the fittest.

    When we look at the food chain here on Earth it seems to us to be quite cruel. Small fish are eaten by big fish and big fish are eaten by bigger fish etc. What does it all mean?

    At each stage of the food chain, matter is raised up to a higher level of conciseness. Humans are at the top of the food chain and we are the ones who have developed the telescope in it's many forms and we are the ones who are reaching out into the Universe with our spacecraft and our ability to make some sense out of what we see. We are literally the eyes and ears of the Universe as it slowly becomes self aware.

    Some humans along the way have been able to see the true nature of reality and have actually tried to teach the idea that all men are brothers/sisters and that we should have respect for all living creatures. The Buddha and Jesus were great men with a loving message, but they actually go against this idea that we must devour each other for the advancement of awareness. They were able to see through the veil of illusion and teach us that we are all the same and that we should be nice to each other.

    I read a very interesting article in the Shambhala Sun called "The Cosmos Wakes Up" that talks more about this idea.
  • ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
    edited April 2012
    @charirama pretty much most of what your said in your post is my notion of a universal consciousness.

    Again, this is not something I agree with doing now, but when I was experimenting with acid 3-4 years ago, there were profound moments where certain aspects of consciousness would become a realization to me. The illusion of time as we view it as humans became very clear to me on a few trips, and also the ability to tap into other peoples minds. Me and a couple of friends tested it a few times and we got some pretty amazing outcomes lets just say.

    I actually think that consciousness could be the fabric of the universe and we have these (as Alison called them), instruments being our brains that act as a kind of radio tuning into it.
  • ZeroZero Veteran
    The thing with acid is that it breaks down the gates that keep reality workable - things that are thoughts become 'real' - the image of reality as created by the mind is distorted.

    Does it mean that what is experienced is any more real than the reality before? or does it mean that the brain is unable to maintain the usual output and by losing this filter and analysing the situation with the non-acid mentality, parallels are drawn which present little correlation in either version of reality?

    We know at least that everything we see / experience / live is helpfully constructed by our brain - this allows us to negotiate the incredibly complex universe - even the concept of seeing and walking are endlessly impossible! but they occur none the less - effortlessly...

    So yes - without a brain, you would not be experiencing this reality - when the brain puts together a 'theory / explanation / concept' it is putting together a series of 1-0 links and extrapolating (so q1 = yes, q2 = yes, q3 = no... therefore this situation is a 1-1-0 - compare that against other situations to see what a range of responses is to a 1-1-0 - make it so - well done you made it out of bed - kind of like that except its fuzzier more like how the universe itself works)

    At this stage of our development, we consider that we are unweaving the fabric of the ultimate reality - our tools are broadly the sciences with mathematics being the purest form - however - there is a limit to this notion - first that mathematics breaks down just when we dont want it to and second the universe isnt thus far co-operating in the process.

    Whatever the ultimate answer - it is clear that in the process of living, we are bringing the intangible to the tangible - we cannot be certain that either 'exist' but we can see it before us every moment - I think, I act, things happen - can we be so arrogant as to seriously believe that we create the intangible in the first place? Is that arrogance when all this may just be in my head or your head? probably - it seems the evidence doesnt point to our being the creator rather our desire to control and feel important might.

    Are we receivers for the higher consciousness? perhaps - but in that regard, everything is a receiver for the intangible - thus far the best thinking is that matter forms around an observed mathematical concept...

    what does that mean for the concept as a whole? Is the intangible the same as the tangible - does it have purpose and does it exist without the tangible? I dont think that our brains will ever be able to truly comprehend reality as they're just not designed to think in that way - at best, we may appreciate the balanced equation and try to explain what that means in a way roughly digestable by our brain - but by explaining, we attempt to make the intangible tangible... are we ever able to comprehend the intangible in any other way?

    cant remember all of this sufi poem I read - it was explaining 'reality' as rising on the crest of a wave and when the wave is gone so is the reality (but the crest becomes a trough? its the same from another view?), or sand that stops for a moment's rest before its blown from east to west... anyway, it ends with what is this thing that is revealed? It is something the mind has never seen...
  • I need to find the comment I read about how acid works on the brain, he illustrated how it is not creating hallucinations but activating other parts of the brain to function. He obviously will explain it a lot better as I have only seen it once myself.
  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran

    I had never heard of another animal being self aware? ...I thought it was only a human gift. Can you remember where you saw this. The implications would be phenomenal.

    There is something called the mirror test, where a mark is placed on an animals face and they look in a mirror. If when they see the mark they reach for their own face they are then considered to be self aware.
    Apes, Bottlenose dolphins, Orcas, Elephants, and European Magpies are the only animals known to have this quality.

  • I had never heard of another animal being self aware? ...I thought it was only a human gift. Can you remember where you saw this. The implications would be phenomenal.

    There is something called the mirror test, where a mark is placed on an animals face and they look in a mirror. If when they see the mark they reach for their own face they are then considered to be self aware.
    Apes, Bottlenose dolphins, Orcas, Elephants, and European Magpies are the only animals known to have this quality.
    I have seen this done on babies or toddlers, when they notice the dot they have reached a state of self awareness. Sometimes it does not come until they are around 2-3 years old.
  • BonsaiDougBonsaiDoug Simply, on the path. Veteran
    edited April 2012
    btw, I just read an article that said that cetaceans (dolphins, whales) are self-aware, show compassion and empathy, and have more complex brains that ours. Impressive.
    Just to throw in a humorous "aside"... In Douglas Adams' "Hitchhiker's Guide" trilogy, when planet Earth was about to be demolished to make way for a hyperspace bypass, the most intelligent species on the planet decided to leave. It was the dolphins. And their parting message... "So long and thanks for all the fish!"
  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    Okay so as a species it is commonly known that we have brains and that we have consciousness. But there is actually no way to actually prove we have a consciousness from a scientific point of view, you cannot measure it with any tool. But if we just accept that there is consciousness because I assume we can all agree that even though it is not able to be proven, we all think it exists right? Good. So, this consciousness, it gives us our identity, personality, who we are in retrospect. is the brain merely a receiver like a radio or does it create consciousness?
    I've left the idea of brain as receiver for conciousness in favor of the projector analogy of Mind being the light that shines through the 'film' of the brain to light up conscious experience.

    Buddhist teachings say consciousness is produced from causes and conditions that in part depend upon the body, that the mind and body support each other. So the idea that mental events happen outside the brain and then the brain just receives them already completed doesn't seem to fit.

    Also, there was a recent study where the brain was shown to make decisions before we became aware of them.
    So if the brain processes happen prior to awareness how can the brain be receiving the information?

    So I don't think consciousness is solely a product of the brain, but its also not independent of it.
  • ZeroZero Veteran
    In Douglas Adams' "Hitchhiker's Guide" trilogy, when planet Earth was about to be demolished to make way for a hyperspace bypass, the most intelligent species on the planet decided to leave. It was the dolphins. And their parting message... "So long and thanks for all the fish!"
    :D great series - in case others have not read it I wont spoiler here other than the mice were the most intelligent - dolphins were number 2...
  • Oh bit late, but: Thank-you, and hello Alison & Tom :)
  • Thanks for the post @person. The whole consciousness debate is one that really has no concrete answer in religion or science at the moment. You make a good point about how our brains are not instruments that receives consciousness with relation to that study.
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