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Here Is a Noodle Scratcher



  • patbbpatbb Veteran
    So, this consciousness, it gives us our identity, personality, who we are in retrospect.
    you jumped to a conclusion here.

    who says consciousness give us those things?
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited April 2012
    @Lady_Alison, @Lookingformyway and all you whale fans out there:
    The "article" I referred to above turned out to be an announcement in the newspaper for a science show on TV. It's from the series, "Nature" (Public Television), called "Ocean Giants: Deep Thinkers". Presumably you could watch it or buy it from PBS.

    Here's the brief little blip: "In some respects, the brains of whales and dolphins are more complex than ours. Whales and dolphins work cooperatively, show empathy and are self-aware. "Deep Thinkers" finds out how clever--and how much like us--whales and dolphins might be." I thought they sounded almost Buddhistic. :)
  • thanks Dak, I will most defiantly pass this show on to my buddies over at OceanDefenders/WhaleDefenders. Thanks for finding it for me! I appreciate it!
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    thanks Dak, I will most defiantly pass this show on to my buddies over at OceanDefenders/WhaleDefenders. Thanks for finding it for me! I appreciate it!
    If you find it somewhere on the internet, feel free to post it for us.

  • So, this consciousness, it gives us our identity, personality, who we are in retrospect.
    you jumped to a conclusion here.

    who says consciousness give us those things?
    I appreciate your comment and would like to know your opinion on the topic if you have one @patbb?
  • patbbpatbb Veteran
    So, this consciousness, it gives us our identity, personality, who we are in retrospect.
    you jumped to a conclusion here.

    who says consciousness give us those things?
    I appreciate your comment and would like to know your opinion on the topic if you have one @patbb?
    my opinion on this topic was that you seemed to jump to conclusion ;)

    just saw a flaw in your proposition and thought of pointing it out for you.
    you certainly had an interest on trying to understand or form an opinion on the subject, so i thought you'd appreciate to have this flaw pointed out so you don't go too far off with this assumption.

    I also had the impression that you could spend some time reflecting on what make us who we are. there is some interesting reflections to be had on those things.
    whats a personality? whats an identity?
    Buddha, most meditators and most philosophers propose the notion that we are not our thoughts, we are not our feelings... those are things, objects that we possess.

    what is your definition of a personality?
    Whats left of a personality once you take out the thoughts and feelings from it's definition?

    what is your definition of "who we are"?
    Whats left of a "who we are" once you take out the thoughts and feelings (and now maybe even personality?) from it's definition?
  • Thanks for pointing out the flaw there in my thinking @patbb, I will contemplate what you have said when I find some peace and solitude to reflect on it properly. What would you consider makes us who we are, does it have substance?
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