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Deferred gratification

edited April 2012 in Philosophy
"Deferred gratification and delayed gratification denote a person's ability to wait in order to obtain something that he or she wants. This intellectual attribute is also called impulse control, will power, self control, and "low" time preference, in economics. Sociologically, good impulse control is considered a positive personality trait, which psychologist Daniel Goleman indicated as an important component trait of emotional intelligence. Moreover, people who lack the psychological trait of being able to delay gratification are said to require instant gratification and might suffer poor impulse control. The Stanford Marshmallow Experiment indicates that good impulse control might be psychologically important for academic achievement and for success in adult life" - From wiki

I find this is in accord with Buddhism. Practicing Buddhism make one stronger to resist temptation.
From my personal experiences, the attribute of impulse control, will power, self control can be developed after adulthood.
I think the observance of 5 precepts greatly increase above mentioned abilities. Buddha taught that the precepts develops will power/self control, and will power/self control develops wisdom. Wisdom leads to liberation.


  • genkakugenkaku Northampton, Mass. U.S.A. Veteran
    Yup ... patience is a useful tool.
  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
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