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Basic Kindness

taiyakitaiyaki Veteran
edited May 2012 in Arts & Writings
I was meditating today and I thought about what it was like to be a child again.

Remember recess? Remember just playing.

And I directed that attention to my body. Where is that feeling I used to get? The joy, the excitment.

Its the soft spot on the heart. Thats our basic kindness. Its tender. All the pain of growing up. All the joy of life. Just all bottled up in that area.

So I'd like to inquire on what you touch when you break down the essence of being a child. Unfabricated and naked.

Share your findings.


  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    I love spending time with my niece and nephews. They are so spontaneous and unassuming, there's no hidden agenda, no unrealistic expectations. Just honest and unfiltered.
  • taiyakitaiyaki Veteran
    Cats do it for me. :)
  • GuiGui Veteran
    Unfrabricated and naked. To me that is an excellent description of the essence of childhood. The joy of just being there without knowing I am just there. Naked of the process of analysis. Unfrabricated life. I hadn't yet been told what to think about this or that. Bug is bug. Tree is tree. The air feels good on my face when I ride my bike. Being in love with the world without knowing what love is.
  • genkakugenkaku Northampton, Mass. U.S.A. Veteran
    It's like a magician pulling a rabbit out of a hat ... how the hell did that happen?

    And the answer is, I haven't got a clue.

    But it sure is nice.
  • Would you guys say that most people long for that in some way or another, the innocence of childhood, a simpler time in their life, ect.?
  • taiyakitaiyaki Veteran
    Theres an idealism to children and the youth.

    Most angst arises from the loss of the innocence.

    I think we all want freedom on some level. Just gotta shift through the shit they feed you.

    Its there. We all find it eventually. Maybe in stop looking for it. Maybe we let it come to us.
  • Yes, let it come to us.
  • But there was also confusion & frustration because we didn't understand or couldn't communicate well enough yet.

    I hear what you're saying... because there are some Good aspects that should never be forgotten!!
    But being a child is only awesome in hindsight.
  • Diseria, I'm not sure that childhood innocence should be tossed into the same category as being a child, whether it would be awesome or otherwise --- it's about an innocence where we have yet been conditioned by the bias that takes root by adulthood.
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