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Confusion about Theravada and Mahayana.

Captain_AmericaCaptain_America Explorer
edited July 2012 in Buddhism Basics
So I've been recently looking into Buddhism, and I know that there are different schools, the big two being Theravada and Mahayana. I understand that they're both supposed to be different paths to enlightenment but still I wonder about some of it.

I've realized that Mahayana is the more popular one, with things like Tibetan Buddhism being quite popular. What I don't understand get is whether or not Mahayana is a legitimate path. The way I see it is the following that is the closest to the Buddha's original teachings (or anyone's teachings depending on the religion/faith/etc) is the one that is most "true". The reason I think of it this way is because the way I think of Mahayana is just a spinoff with things that were made up to accommodate for different people and whatnot rather than actual words and such from the Buddha himself. As a result, I don't really know what school to follow.

I may be completely wrong in these thoughts, so I'm hoping someone here could clarify things for me.


  • taiyakitaiyaki Veteran
    edited July 2012
    There is no such thing as most true.

    What there is, is human beings who tread the path. Each human being has a different set of circumstances. Thus they are naturally attracted to one vehicle over another.

    And on that note some human beings claim the legitimacy of one over another. But that is a fruitless and pointless argument. Why? Because it doesn't matter.

    Do what works for you. What you are attracted to. Don't leave it at philosophy or religion. Dive in. Practice. And live life according to the vehicle. Let it transform you from your root of existence.

    The fundamental vehicle is based on renunciation. Mahayana isn't just random. The basis of Mahayana is the fundamental vehicle. You know the four noble truths, three marks, etc. On the basis of all that the Mahayana is built as a reaction towards the lack of emphasis on wisdom (prajna) and balancing that with compassion.

    Some schools of Buddhism emphasizes the emptiness of self to the extreme and focuses completely on that and that alone. Forsaking compassion and emptiness of phenomena.

    But at the end of the day they both lead to the same enlightenment and nirvana. Freedom from suffering. Mahayana has a habit of reifying buddha nature into a super consciousness, so be careful of that.

    One is about renunciation. The other about intention and cultivating the good.

    In some ways the dichotomy is meaningless. Don't get caught up in dogma or buddhist polemics. Just practice and live life.
  • CloudCloud Veteran
    The only thing I can say is that all of the schools recognize the authenticity of the Pali Canon. That's not saying to choose Theravada. We all have our particular likes... I like both Zen (Mayahana) and Thai Forest (Theravada), for instance.
  • SileSile Veteran
    edited July 2012
    I would add a suggestion to attend teachings in multiple traditions that interest you--try not to be too biased a head of time--and really trust your gut. The one that feels best is a good place to start; if none feel better than any other, keep attending multiple schools if you can until perhaps one begins to resonate with you more.
  • CloudCloud Veteran
    edited July 2012
    Yeah I agree, study them all and see what they bring to the table. That's how I started, not knowing which one to follow. has a lot of resources to study, for one. also has resources, such as the Pali Canon.
  • TalismanTalisman Veteran
    edited July 2012
    I practice zazen and anapanasati meditation, study primarily the pali suttas (though I have read about a dozen of the mahayana sutras as well), and believe in the aunthenticity and importance of the boddhisattva path

    you dont need to settle down with any school, especially early on your path, discover what it is right for you, and learn from MANY
  • taiyakitaiyaki Veteran
    edited July 2012
    A caricature of the two vehicles:

    The goal for both: FREEDOM

    Theravada: Dualistic vision of Buddhism. Absolute and relative reality are completely different and separate. Nirvana is nirvana. Conventional everyday existence is conventional everyday existence. The Arhat is the final expression as one who is free in the six sense spheres. Renunciation is emphasized because the deathless is what we want baby not this other shit.

    Mahayana's basic premise is that look you're free yet the world is still suffering. Are you not moved to help? And supposively the Arhat naturally progresses to the bodhisattva path towards buddhahood. :]

    Mahayana: Non-Dualistic vision of Buddhism. Absolute and relative reality are non dual, utterly the same. The basis of this is emptiness of inherent existence. Both nirvana and samsara are completely undifferentiated. The final expression is that of Buddhahood which is the experiential view of the union of appearances and emptiness. That means a Buddha can see both appearances and emptiness as the same time. In this view compassion and love is expressed and the bodhisattva returns continuously for suffering beings. Yet they are all empty of inherent existence. But the Middle Way is practiced. Thus one's own nirvana is only important in that it ultimately serves everyone else, yet there is no everyone else. Go figure.

    And both schools also have different views coming from philosophy and experiential insight.

    At the end of the day none of this matters unless its facing you directly in your practice. But its interesting to know what the differences are and what the basis for the two views are.
  • PatrPatr Veteran
    Theravada is considered the first turning of the Dharma wheel, i.e. the first chapter.
    The teachings were espoused by the Buddha himself in person.
    The NIKAYAS sutras are a very good starting point, cant go wrong from there. They pertain to everyday issues, how to live your life, the rights and wrongs etc, all described in easy to understand straightforward fashion.

    Mahayana teachings supposedly came a few hundred years after the Buddhas passing.
    They are supposed to build on and expand the Dharma to include a whole new pantheon of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. This is supposed to be a progressive introduction to wider aspects of Buddhism and that they exist in other dimensions.

    Sadly, a lot of people jump right into the philosophical teachings without a proper foundation. ( Humans like to think they are 'there' already, hehe). It will only serve to confuse and distract.

    Lookup the NIKAYAS, then proceed from there. After you have understood the teachings, then the natural progression to Mahayana will come.

  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    This is a really good article on the historical validity of the traditions.
  • DairyLamaDairyLama Veteran Veteran
    I would add a suggestion to attend teachings in multiple traditions that interest you--try not to be too biased a head of time--and really trust your gut. The one that feels best is a good place to start; if none feel better than any other, keep attending multiple schools if you can until perhaps one begins to resonate with you more.
    Good advice. And don't be pressured into making any early commitments.
  • CloudCloud Veteran
    edited July 2012
    And don't forget to look at the schools each in their own context, rather than judged by each other! This is where we need to do some research on the history of the schools, which the internet can easily supply nowadays.

    For instance from a Mahayana perspective, Theravada might be considered a "lesser vehicle" or "Hinayana" (in the definition concerning any schools that don't teach the bodhisattva path or adhere to Mahayana sutras)... but Theravada doesn't consider itself a lesser vehicle. That distinction was made by Mahayana, which means (and so named/proclaimed itself), the "Great(er) Vehicle".

    Whether Theravada, Mahayana or Vajrayana, they should all be looked at from their own viewpoint. It's easy to get pulled into how each school views the other schools, which is kinda like Christianity judging Judaism or vice-versa. From their own perspectives, they're all "right".
  • cazcaz Veteran United Kingdom Veteran
    So I've been recently looking into Buddhism, and I know that there are different schools, the big two being Theravada and Mahayana. I understand that they're both supposed to be different paths to enlightenment but still I wonder about some of it.

    I've realized that Mahayana is the more popular one, with things like Tibetan Buddhism being quite popular. What I don't understand get is whether or not Mahayana is a legitimate path. The way I see it is the following that is the closest to the Buddha's original teachings (or anyone's teachings depending on the religion/faith/etc) is the one that is most "true". The reason I think of it this way is because the way I think of Mahayana is just a spinoff with things that were made up to accommodate for different people and whatnot rather than actual words and such from the Buddha himself. As a result, I don't really know what school to follow.

    I may be completely wrong in these thoughts, so I'm hoping someone here could clarify things for me.
    Dear friend

    It would be untrue to suggest that Mahayana teachings are not genuine or words of Buddha there is a marginal amount of time between the recording of these teachings of Theravada and Mahayana, It is said that there where many turnings of the wheel of Dharma to the capacity of sentient beings and it is a grave error to reject Dharma because of certain historical biases. The actual words of Buddha are not existent, all we have today are written records of his disciples and long oral lineage traditions of teachings and each differ from school to school there being many sub variations of Theravada and Mahayana each having a different recording so each practitioner takes their tradition on with a certain amount of faith that these teachings will be of benefit to them and that they are. The Theravada tradition has produced many thousands of highly accomplished practitioners as have the Mahayana traditions each having Buddha and his teachings as their method of accomplishment so who are we with dust in our eyes to say this is not a teaching of Buddha ?
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    I can point out that the Pali Canon can't be literal translation. How would they have known, the monks at deer park during his first sermon, to start memorizing?

    In the mahayana the samaya from the guru is the relationship of the student to the dharma, er at least that is emphasized rather than texts.

    The different teachings correspond to different students needs. Some students might have been studying tantras prior to meeting Buddha and the great teacher may have met them where they were in transmitting teachings. The flower sermon for example contained no words just offering of a flower and this sermon is historically part of the Zen tradition which is also based on transmission.

    Also the goal of Buddhism is to transmit enlightened mind. If no one is getting enlightened we just have a cool hobby. Therefore some of the enlightened descendents could add teachings as they would also be Buddhas. The Theravada defines a Buddha as one who sets the wheel of dharma in motion in a world and so you would have to say arhats rather than Buddhas. But the mahayana there are Buddhas in the world, you could research padmasambhava for example. It's also a terrible karma to obstruct a bodhisattva in teaching the dharma and I keep that in mind. Of course it's a virtue to disagree, as that is a great learning experience for yourself and those you talk to; I'm talking about divisive speach. We've had some great discussions about the difference between divisive speach and speaking out in injustice such as women's rights etc.

  • CloudCloud Veteran
    edited July 2012
    What's the motivation? Enlightenment for yourself? Helping others toward enlightenment? A combination of both? Whatever school you choose, it's really what you do with it that's going to matter. The way I see it, the branches complement each other... helping create more ideal conditions for enlightenment as well as creating enlightened beings. They don't work against each other at all, since ultimately it's "our" enlightenment that is the aim. Even someone who gets into it for themselves will end up helping others because enlightenment generates that altruistic compassion, like it or not!
  • upekkaupekka Veteran
    may i ask
    which school did produce suttas/sutras in writing?
    mahayana? vajrayana? theravada?
  • VastmindVastmind Memphis, TN Veteran
    @Person...Gratitude for that link. As if the science of the scrolls would'nt be
    enough for my mind, they hit my heart describing my ' brothers and sisters'.
    Sending Metta to all! :):)
  • DairyLamaDairyLama Veteran Veteran
    edited August 2012
    I can point out that the Pali Canon can't be literal translation. How would they have known, the monks at deer park during his first sermon, to start memorizing?
    In those days there was a highly developed oral tradition and people listened closely and remembered what was said. So I'd guess the Pali Canon is a pretty accurate account.
    That's not to devalue the sutras though.
  • DairyLamaDairyLama Veteran Veteran
    Whether Theravada, Mahayana or Vajrayana, they should all be looked at from their own viewpoint. It's easy to get pulled into how each school views the other schools, which is kinda like Christianity judging Judaism or vice-versa. From their own perspectives, they're all "right".
    Yes, and it's important to understand the big picture rather than just viewing things from the standpoint of a particular tradition.
  • CloudCloud Veteran
    edited August 2012
    @PedanticPorpoise, Yes if you can. Understanding them all historically as well as each tradition's views in comparison to the others creates a better "big picture". It can be a lot of work.

    "The more you know." :)
  • seeker242seeker242 Zen Florida, USA Veteran
    If you look at the actual real life daily practices of all the different traditions, I think you find that they are all legitimate. They are not all that different, as all of them basically teach and practice the 4 Noble Truths.
  • DairyLamaDairyLama Veteran Veteran
    "The more you know." :)
  • edited August 2012
    The more we know, the more we don't know. Knowledge is not the goal of the Buddhist way. Knowledge can only cause division and bring suffering. This is why the Buddha warned us against grasping onto dogma. Craving, grasping and possessing, along with all the attempts to do so, ultimately causes suffering to oneself, to those around us, and ultimately reverberate to all that which is in our symbian circle. I agree with the premise that each vehicle has equal validity. I do not believe that the later turnings of the Dharma wheel renders invalid the previous turning, or vice versa. Each has its own historical context. Additionally, without a solid foundation, a house will collapse. That being said, enlightenment is not a contest between others or ourselves. If we constantly seek, or hope to obtain, we will never recognize that illumination is available to us here and now. It is precisely our task to harness that which obscures our Buddha-minds from us. How will knowledge of texts, adherence to different traditions, help us to take our Buddha seats? Such knowledge only brings the false comfort of pride, which causes delusion. That list of consequences can go on and on...
  • CloudCloud Veteran
    @BodhisattvaEverCloud, Greeeeeat, another Cloud. ;)
  • Furthermore, I will decrease the suffering of others if I am able to bridle the wildness of my mind. In so doing, I decrease my suffering. In this way, the Bodhisattva vow will be accomplished. It is not necessarily that which goes into our mouths which defiles us. The musings of our impure minds, our unrestrained mouths, and the corresponding unskilled/unmindful actions defiles us and creates suffering to all. This is the principle of 'Interbeing,' a term that was coined by Thich Nhat Hanh.
  • Relatively recent discoveries have shown that much of Mahayana and Theravada developed simultaneously, so Theravada no longer has a claim to be the earliest, and therefore, most authentic. Even so, scriptural scholars note that some of the Mahayana sutras did come much later, and show Hindu influence. I think the jury is still out on the whole issue, but it is interesting that some of the Mahayana derived from aspects of the Buddha's teachings that monks who recorded the Pali Canon chose to ignore, and did develop at the same time as what eventually became Theravada.
  • CloudCloud Veteran
    @Dakini, Do you happen to have a link? That's the kinda stuff I like to read. :D
  • I tried to go to my old bookmark to that link and found that it wasn't available to the public anymore.
  • It's the same as the link @person posted above. I don't know if you were around for this thread on the issue that I had last year sometime.

  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    I doubt that almost anybody here identifies with one particular branch of Buddhism because it was the "original". I rather expect that people identify with the branch that has views that are somewhat parallel to their own.
  • CloudCloud Veteran
    edited August 2012
    @Dakini, Thanks! I went ahead and read that thread, though the Tricycle article is closed to anyone but supporting/sustaining members. The only reason I (currently) think the Pali Canon is the closest to what the Buddha said is its self-consistency even within its hugeness. Those teachings all seem to come from the same man and all fit together and expand upon each other like you'd expect (and make the Buddha look like a fully enlightened genius that didn't contradict himself, which is what I'd expect).

    Ooh, I can read it from the other link, excellent:

    We can get clingy and intellectual with scriptures, interpreting them how we like, following our desires around. It's for this reason that I prefer practice-oriented traditions like Zen (Mahayana) and Thai Forest (Theravada) that are basically "shut up and sit". We should try and learn from the scriptures, but it's most important to establish a practice that leads us to actual insight, to seeing for ourselves.
  • "shut up and sit".
    thanks cloud

    providing a good motto for 'me'

  • CloudCloud Veteran
    @upekka, :D Ha! That's my motto. When in doubt, look and see.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    I doubt that almost anybody here identifies with one particular branch of Buddhism because it was the "original". I rather expect that people identify with the branch that has views that are somewhat parallel to their own.
    Or rather, other way round....that their views tie in with that branch of Buddhism...

    I had a stream of thoughts, views and opinions, and discovered that Theravada more-or-less taught exactly that....Theravada was here long before I came up with my dazzling, mind-piercingly logical conclusions.
    It felt all at once, both gratifying and disappointing.
    I thought I'd come up with all that as an original idea. And there it was, thousands of years old, all along.

    Boy, did my Ego take a knock that day..... :D

  • CloudCloud Veteran
    edited August 2012
    @Dakini, Finished reading that article, really great stuff! I agree we can't say anything definitively. It still ends up being about preference. For my part I prefer self-consistency, but that's just me. :) It helps that all the schools accept the authenticity of the Pali Canon, even if they might relegate it to provisional in relation to their own scriptures.

    Much more important than the scriptures is actual practice, and I think all traditions afford us a reliable practice to see for ourselves.
  • howhow Veteran Veteran
    edited August 2012
    @Dakini, Finished reading that article, really great stuff! I agree we can't say anything definitively. It still ends up being about preference. For my part I prefer self-consistency, but that's just me. :) It helps that all the schools accept the authenticity of the Pali Canon, even if they might relegate it to provisional in relation to their own scriptures.

    Much more important than the scriptures is actual practice, and I think all traditions afford us a reliable practice to see for ourselves.
    :thumbup: I see scriptures supporting actual practise and vise versa but tying up your identity in either is a very delusive hole to climb out of..
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    Fascinating... I have a feeling @Jason would be interested....
  • DairyLamaDairyLama Veteran Veteran
    :thumbup: I see scriptures supporting actual practise and vise versa but tying up your identity in either is a very delusive hole to climb out of..
    I agree. Though of course the suttas also describe meditation and mindfulness practices.
  • DairyLamaDairyLama Veteran Veteran
    I rather expect that people identify with the branch that has views that are somewhat parallel to their own.
    Yes, though I wonder if that's always a good thing. ;)
  • SileSile Veteran
    Reminds me of the longstanding belief that Pali is the oldest language of Buddhism - now it seems the language of Gandharan Buddhist texts from Pakistan/Afghanistan may be even more ancient. I treasure all the old languages, regardless of which came first.

    "The Gandharan Buddhist texts are both the earliest Buddhist and South Asian manuscripts discovered so far. Most are written on birch bark and were found in labeled clay pots. Panini has mentioned both the Vedic form of Sanskrit as well as what seems to be Gandhari, a later form (bhāṣā) of Sanskrit, in his Ashtadhyayi."
  • @upekka, :D Ha! That's my motto. When in doubt, look and see.
    See through mind with closed eyes?

  • Here in the west, we have the opportunity to look at all of the previous turnings with a true 'beginner's mind', as taught by Shunryu Suzuki Roshi. There is no need for us to become fixed within any tradition, but we can learn from all traditions. The Buddha warns us against grasping, clinging, and possessing; which is just what occurs when one exclusively holds onto one teaching/manner of practice over another teaching/manner of practice. The more we know, the more we don't know, and the mind begins to engage in dualisms. I agree. SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP! LOL
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    BEC, that's a very good point, although in my case, my experiences with Buddhism came from my frequent visits (and then living in) Thailand. So it was rather natural for me to move toward Theravada. I don't go out seeking input on the other schools, but -- such as on this site -- when I provided with information about them, I certainly pay attention. So far, I still prefer the Theravada school, but I'm open wisdom, regardless of what school it comes from.
  • Invincible_summerInvincible_summer Heavy Metal Dhamma We(s)t coast, Canada Veteran
    Here in the west, we have the opportunity to look at all of the previous turnings with a true 'beginner's mind', as taught by Shunryu Suzuki Roshi. There is no need for us to become fixed within any tradition, but we can learn from all traditions. The Buddha warns us against grasping, clinging, and possessing; which is just what occurs when one exclusively holds onto one teaching/manner of practice over another teaching/manner of practice. The more we know, the more we don't know, and the mind begins to engage in dualisms. I agree. SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP! LOL
    @BodhisattvaEverCloud - I'm curious to know what your opinion is on Buddhist monasticism then? :p
  • DairyLamaDairyLama Veteran Veteran
    The Buddha warns us against grasping, clinging, and possessing; which is just what occurs when one exclusively holds onto one teaching/manner of practice over another teaching/manner of practice.
    The problem is grasping, not specialising.
  • SabreSabre Veteran
    edited August 2012

    There are many topics on this, and yes, when you just get into Buddhism it is confusing. You think one particular school must have the truth and the other doesn't. But let me tell you how I see things.

    It's not about following this or that school. Within both Therevada and Mahayana there are also big differences of opinion on various matters. So even if you pick one of them, you still have to find your way inside that tradition as well. So what should you do? Trust your own instinct and experience to tell you what's right and what's not. That's what you should do. Only that way can you find the truth. Remeber this is what the Buddha did. He didn't belief the teachers of his time until he had found the truth for himself. He would have wanted us to do the same.

    I have the opinion that the Buddha never set up his teachings to form different schools, neither Therevada nor Mahayana. These were made up afterward. And when these various splits of the sangha occured, there must also have been monks that never cared about being in a particular school because they knew that the Dhamma doesn't work like that. It's our job to find out what that original Dhamma is. And whatever that is, although some schools may be closer than others, in the end it doesn't belong to one particular school of thought. So all this division of schools is artificial, it has no place in reality itself.

    So go with what you feel is right. What texts do ring true to you and which don't? Perhaps they all do. Perhaps you just don't know. And if you don't know, that's still knowing something. And yes, some texts can be dated older than others. But does that make them more true automatically?.. If that was so, aren't the Egyptian texts even older? So should we belief those? No, we should belief what we feel is true, or better even, what we can verify.

    Long story short, within various Buddhist traditions there will have been people who found the real Dhamma, both 'Therevada' practitioners and 'Mahayana' practitioners and others. But there are also many who didn't. So it's up to you to find out for yourself. Just always be aware that just because someone wears a robe, has practiced Buddhism longer than you, or is within a specific tradition, that doesn't automatically mean they are right.

    With metta,
  • howhow Veteran Veteran

    There are many topics on this, and yes, when you just get into Buddhism it is confusing. You think one particular school must have the truth and the other doesn't. But let me tell you how I see things.

    It's not about following this or that school. Within both Therevada and Mahayana there are also big differences of opinion on various matters. So even if you pick one of them, you still have to find your way inside that tradition as well. So what should you do? Trust your own instinct and experience to tell you what's right and what's not. That's what you should do. Only that way can you find the truth. Remeber this is what the Buddha did. He didn't belief the teachers of his time until he had found the truth for himself. He would have wanted us to do the same.

    I have the opinion that the Buddha never set up his teachings to form different schools, neither Therevada nor Mahayana. These were made up afterward. And when these various splits of the sangha occured, there must also have been monks that never cared about being in a particular school because they knew that the Dhamma doesn't work like that. It's our job to find out what that original Dhamma is. And whatever that is, although some schools may be closer than others, in the end it doesn't belong to one particular school of thought. So all this division of schools is artificial, it has no place in reality itself.

    So go with what you feel is right. What texts do ring true to you and which don't? Perhaps they all do. Perhaps you just don't know. And if you don't know, that's still knowing something. And yes, some texts can be dated older than others. But does that make them more true automatically?.. If that was so, aren't the Egyptian texts even older? So should we belief those? No, we should belief what we feel is true, or better even, what we can verify.

    Long story short, within various Buddhist traditions there will have been people who found the real Dhamma, both 'Therevada' practitioners and 'Mahayana' practitioners and others. But there are also many who didn't. So it's up to you to find out for yourself. Just always be aware that just because someone wears a robe, has practiced Buddhism longer than you, or is within a specific tradition, that doesn't automatically mean they are right.

    With metta,
  • SileSile Veteran
    I heard a talk today by the Dalai Lama analyzing why the Buddha taught different views on the nature of self - is it because the Buddha was confused? Unlikely, he says. Is it because he wanted to confuse his followers on purpose? Also unlikely. One theory, then, is that the Buddha taught different views purposely to address the various mindsets of students.
  • Here in the west, we have the opportunity to look at all of the previous turnings with a true 'beginner's mind', as taught by Shunryu Suzuki Roshi. There is no need for us to become fixed within any tradition, but we can learn from all traditions. The Buddha warns us against grasping, clinging, and possessing; which is just what occurs when one exclusively holds onto one teaching/manner of practice over another teaching/manner of practice. The more we know, the more we don't know, and the mind begins to engage in dualisms. I agree. SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP! LOL
    @BodhisattvaEverCloud - I'm curious to know what your opinion is on Buddhist monasticism then? :p
    Can you expand upon your inquiry? It seems broad. Thanks

  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    I heard a talk today by the Dalai Lama analyzing why the Buddha taught different views on the nature of self - is it because the Buddha was confused? Unlikely, he says. Is it because he wanted to confuse his followers on purpose? Also unlikely. One theory, then, is that the Buddha taught different views purposely to address the various mindsets of students.
    This has come up a couple of times before (about Buddha teaching different views). It bothers me a bit. If he was looking at the same "truth", but from different perspectives, that is very wise, of course. If he was actually teaching something different, that seems problematic.

  • SileSile Veteran
    vinlyn said:

    I heard a talk today by the Dalai Lama analyzing why the Buddha taught different views on the nature of self - is it because the Buddha was confused? Unlikely, he says. Is it because he wanted to confuse his followers on purpose? Also unlikely. One theory, then, is that the Buddha taught different views purposely to address the various mindsets of students.
    This has come up a couple of times before (about Buddha teaching different views). It bothers me a bit. If he was looking at the same "truth", but from different perspectives, that is very wise, of course. If he was actually teaching something different, that seems problematic.

    It seems possible to me that it's one of those "What is an elephant?" questions. To a flea, we would describe it as soft gray mountain that provides food. To a toad in the road, we would describe it some kind of incredibly dangerous moving tree trunk, pounding toward you, that you must always flee at all costs, etc. It does no good to explain to the toad, during his lifetime as a toad, that the elephant provides food--even though this is true. All that would do is result in lots of toad death. And if we told the flea to flee, he'd die from starvation.

    Are they completely different views? The differences sound far greater to me than some of the differences between view of self in various Buddhist schools.

    In the same talk I referenced, the Buddha advised an elderly Christian friend, who had an incredibly deep feeling of love and concentration on his God, not to investigate emptiness, lest that investigation shake the power of the Christian's practice of devotion, a practice which the Dalai Lama obviously believed was valuable for developing the mind.

    I think very many things take on a different view when you examine them over multiple lifetimes instead of one. The Christian man's practice was already very advanced in this particular lifetime--a devotion-based practice. Better to stick with that, take the mind as far as it can go; in a future life, one may be increasingly suited to other practices. I find it completely possible that (as we can see on this very forum) different people are suited to different practices.

    At the risk of comparing myself to a flea or toad, I think that it's possible to gain one view in one life, then a different one in the next, until finally we see the whole elephant. The individual views, though different, may not be wrong, they may just be incomplete.

    Also, the ultimate view is beyond words and can only really be experienced--is it likely that any school can put into words something that is the equivalent of experiencing a view (even their own)? The teachings say that conceptual thought can only attempt to describe experience; in the end, experience can only be experienced.
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