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Removing Asura.



  • So what did the asura do?
  • RebeccaS said:

    Oooh, OK, it's not a room mate - it's not human :lol: This is all terribly confusing, and normally I'd just butt out but I'm just fascinated.

    Learning is always good.
    Are you a visual person? 3/Asura.png
  • MaryAnneMaryAnne Veteran
    edited August 2012
    So let me clarify this whole thing--

    You say: This is not a human being - roommate or friend... this is an ASURA.
    Yet, In another post you (quite snippily) say "nothing mystical about it". Really?
    So you don't think seeing an invisible entity from another realm fits any definition of "mystical"? Why? Because YOU see invisible entities all the time? (You said in your posts this is not the first time you've seen an asura /invisible demon/ ghostly thing that others don't sense or see).

    You also seem to be implying that your other real (human) roommates don't see this entity. nor seem particularly alarmed about its presence, correct? Are YOU the only one alarmed or bothered by its presence? Are you the only reason anyone else in the home is convinced of this asura's presence in the first place?

    You seem a bit agitated that we are not giving you the 'correct' solution to this problem of yours and yet you admit that you left out 'details' that you thought were irrelevant. Well, apparently, those details might be VERY relevant, no? Because it sure is apparent that several of us are/were confused as to what exactly you were talking about.

    Lastly, You seem to be implying this Asura is attached somehow to the woman in the house, and that this woman OWNS the house you share. Perhaps the simplest solution would be for you to move out and detach yourself from the whole issue?

    just sayin'.....

  • MaryAnneMaryAnne Veteran
    edited August 2012
    RebeccaS said:

    Cloud said:

    (if you weren't a Buddhist, it might indeed be a ghost)

    But he said it's not a ghost, it's his room mate.
    Yeah Rebecca, he did kind of say that at one point, but then in posts after that made it more clear that he's talking about an "asura" / ghostly-type demon that only he can see.

    ::shrugs::: I don't know what to make of that either.

    *** Edited to add: Sorry got distracted while typing up my last two posts and missed what had been posted just before these...
  • @MaryAnne You also seem to be implying that your other real (human) roommates don't see this entity. nor seem particularly alarmed about its presence, correct? Are YOU the only one alarmed or bothered by its presence? Are you the only reason anyone else in the home is convinced of this asura's presence in the first place?
    I wonder if it's like Poltergeist. Never saw the movie but I know what it's about. Moving furniture and unfolding your fresh laundry, which, in my opinion would be worse than moving furniture...

    Or is it more like The Shining? Not really doing much... Aside from the whole blood elevator thing... Except driving you crazy one neuron at a time...

    Urgh, getting a little freaked out now. It's broad daylight but I'm home alone :lol:
  • MaryAnne said:

    So let me clarify this whole thing--
    You say: This is not a human being - roommate or friend... this is an ASURA.
    Yet, In another post you (quite snippily) say "nothing mystical about it". Really?

    Not at all. I'm very familiar with mysticism.
    a : having a spiritual meaning or reality that is neither apparent to the senses nor obvious to the intelligence
    b : involving or having the nature of an individual's direct subjective communion with God or ultimate reality
    Definitely doesn't apply to the circumstances.
    So you don't think seeing an invisible entity from another realm fits any definition of "mystical"? Why? Because YOU see invisible entities all the time? (You implied in your posts this is not the first time you've seen an asura /invisible demon/ ghostly thing that others don't sense or see).
    No because of the definition of mystical. One roommate cannot see it, but the other roommate has seen him. Also I didn't imply it wasn't the first time I've seen one, I specifically said I've seen many devas and asuras.
    You also seem to be implying that your other real (human) roommates don't see this entity. nor seem particularly alarmed about its presence, correct?
    FALSE. Would you care to quote where I implied that...?
    Are YOU the only one alarmed or bothered by its presence? Are you the only reason anyone else in the home is convinced of this asura's presence in the first place?
    No, the owner of the house vehemently inquired into the situation, and more or less she is the main reason for the actions we have taken with him. Although I support her.
    You seem a bit agitated that we are not giving you the 'correct' solution to this problem of yours and yet you admit that you left out 'details' that you thought were irrelevant. Well, apparently, those details might be VERY relevant, no? Because it sure is apparent that several of us are/were confused as to what exactly you were talking about.
    It's definitely not because of me that people do not know what an asura is. Read the first post. Read all my comments. I have been clear that it's a real asura. It is because people who have little knowledge or belief of asuras have been commenting that you or others are "confused." Not because of what I have said.
    Lastly, You seem to be implying this Asura is attached somehow to the woman in the house, and that this woman OWNS the house you share. Perhaps the simplest solution would be for you to move out and detach yourself from the whole issue?
    okay thank you.
  • RebeccaSRebeccaS Veteran
    edited August 2012
    Things asuras might do:
    Unfold your newly folded laundry
    Burn down your expensive scented candles when you're not even home to enjoy the smell
    Rearrange the stuff inside the cupboards
    Hide your keys (possibly an indicator I have one because I can NEVER find them)
    Change your bank notes into pennies
    Switch the clean towels with dirty ones while you're in the shower so you're naked, wet and have no choice in using the dirty one
    Take the last bagel/donut/candy bar
    Use up all your bandwidth at the beginning of the month

    OK, sorry, I just still have no idea what an asura actually does so I'm filling in the blanks for myself... :lol:

  • MaryAnneMaryAnne Veteran
    edited August 2012
    More than one of us could not figure out -at first- if what you were talking about was a real human person or an asura. It took you a bit to explain it clearly enough for us to know you were NOT talking about a human. That was you not being clear, not our ignorance (about asuras).

    and there are other implied uses for the word mystical. But I can see you have concluded we are idiots.... So I'm bowing out.

    Just for clarification:

       [mis-ti-kuhl] adjective
    1. mystic; occult.
    2. of or pertaining to mystics or mysticism: mystical writings.
    3. spiritually symbolic.
    4. Rare . obscure in meaning; mysterious.
  • I assumed the word "asura," which is a real word, and a defined Buddhist term, sufficed. On other forums it was perfectly understood that "asura" meant "asura."

    So I donno, but now that it has been elaborated, it no longer matters does it.
  • edited August 2012
    it has become necessary to remove an asura from this place.
    Despite the discussions and conversations elsewhere concerning Buddhist insight and practice with devas and asuras etc.,

    Asuras are similar to devas (gods), which is a great number of heavenly realms where beings live, as opposed to hell. Asuras, or demigods, differ from devas in the sense that they are discontent, prone to anger and delight in fighting. They exist below other devas and interact with humans the same way. This is one of 31 realms of living preserved in Dhamma.

  • This is all very well, but what does it actually do?
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    We can't help you sorry, because for the most part, we have absolutely no idea what exactly you're talking about.
    good luck. hope you find a solution soon.
This discussion has been closed.