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Daily Dhamma Drops



  • samahitasamahita Veteran
    edited November 2007
    Ceasing of all Clinging is the Ceasing of all Suffering!

    The Buddha once said about relinquishing the 5 Clusters of Clinging:

    The fading away, silencing, stilling, ceasing and bringing to an end of
    all feeling, all perception, all mental construction, & all consciousness
    only this completely eliminates all suffering, ends all disease, & fully
    overcomes all decaying, all sickness, all ageing, & all death... SN 22:30

    Comments: Let the wave run out in mirror-blank silver lake silence!

    The fluid motion we call a wave, which in the uninformed creates the
    optical illusion of one and the same mass of water moving linearly all
    over the surface of the lake, is produced by the wind, & maintained
    by the stored up energies. Now, after the wind has ceased, and if no
    new wind again whips up the lake water, then the stored up energies
    will gradually be exhausted, & that will cease the perturbed motion!
    The wave will come to an end by gradual diminishing and running out..
    Similarly, if a fire does not get new fuel, it will become quenched...
    Just in exactly the same way is this process of 5 Clusters of Clinging,
    which the uneducated indentifies with & construes as an illusory Ego,
    produced and fed by craving Tanhā, and maintained for some time by
    means of the stored up fuel of past habitual clinging, i.e., the craving!
    If no new craving impels again then sooner or later the accumulation
    of past clinging is exhausted & the process of 5 Clusters of Clinging
    will reach final extinction. This final stilling of the course of clinging:
    Parinibbāna, which takes place at the death of the Arahat, is called
    Anupadisesa-Nibbāna, i.e., Nibbāna with no residual traces of fuel!

    [FONT=&quot] Source: (edited excerpts): [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Venerable Nyanatiloka Mahāthera.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
    The Word of the Buddha: [/FONT]

    On the irreversible & final ceasing of all pain:
    More on this sublime Bliss called Nibbāna: .htm

    The Ceasing of Clinging is Nibbâna!
  • samahitasamahita Veteran
    edited November 2007
    Nibbâna is absolute Freedom, Peace, & Happiness!!!

    The Buddha once said about Nibbāna: The Uncreated Dimension:
    This, truly, is peace, this is the absolute supreme, namely, the end of
    every kamma formation, the final stilling of all mental construction,
    the letting go and leaving behind of every substrate for rebirth &
    fuel for becoming, the fading away of all craving, & the relinquishing
    of all forms of clinging, silencing, ceasing, quiet, Nibbāna.... AN 3:32

    Enraptured, ensnared and obsessed with greed, lust, urge & desire,
    enraged with hate, fuming with anger, stirred by ill will & irritation,
    blinded by ignorance, agitated by confusion, and fooled by delusion,
    overwhelmed, with mind entangled, one aims at own ruin, at the ruin
    of others, at the ruin of both, & one experiences frustration & pain!
    But if lust, hate, and ignorance are eliminated, one aims neither at
    own ruin, nor at the ruin of others, nor at the ruin of both, and one
    experiences neither mental frustration, nor any pain nor any grief!
    Thus is Nibbāna immediate, visible in this life, inviting, captivating,
    fascinating & comprehensible to any intelligent & wise being. AN 3:55

    The elimination of all Greed, the stilling of all Hate, the eradication
    of all Confusion: This quenching, indeed, is the true Nibbāna. SN 38:1

    More on this sublime Blissful State called Nibbāna: .htm

    is absolute Freedom, Peace, & Happiness!
  • samahitasamahita Veteran
    edited November 2007
    Mission Completed! Laid down is all burden! Finally Free!

    The Buddha once said about The Arahat: The Perfected Worthy One:

    For a Disciple thus released, whose mind dwells in pure peace, there is
    nothing to be added to what has been done, and nothing more remains
    for him to do. Just as a rock of one solid mass of granite stone remains
    unshaken by any wind, even so do neither forms, nor sounds, nor smells,
    nor tastes, nor contacts of any kind, whether attractive or repulsive,
    disturb an Arahat. Imperturbable is his mind, gained is release! AN 6:55

    He who has considered all dualities, all differences, all contrasts here,
    who is never more stirred or perturbed by anything in the entire world!
    Such Peaceful One, freed from rage, elevated above sorrow, & without
    fumes of longing, he has passed beyond birth, decay & death... Sn 1048

    More on this sublime Blissful State called Nibbāna:

    is absolute Freedom, Peace, & Happiness!
  • samahitasamahita Veteran
    edited November 2007
    Real & Absolute, but not to be Seen, Heard or Sensed!

    The Buddha once said about The Signless Nibbāna:

    There is that which is unborn, uncreated, unformed & unconstructed!
    If, Bhikkhus, there was not this unborn, uncreated, unformed and
    unconstructed, no escape from what is born, created, formed and
    constructed could ever be realized...
    But since there indeed exists that, which is utterly unborn, uncreated,
    unformed and unconstructed, the escape from this born, created,
    formed & constructed state can therefore indeed be realized!!!
    That which is born, that which is become,
    that which is conditioned,
    that which is dependent,
    that which is co-arisen,
    that which is created,
    that which is unstable,
    that which is the bridge between birth and death
    this seat of disease, with nutriment & birth as its cause,
    will perish...! It is nothing in which to cling or to rejoice...
    The escape from this is calm, beyond the sphere of logic,
    being that which is firmly stable, that which is unborn,
    that which is not co-arisen, but sorrow-free, & stainless,
    this realm is the final ceasing of states involving pain,
    the stilling of all construction, Bliss, Peace...
    Udana – Inspiration: VIII - 3

    The Signless Nibbāna:
    There is that state, where there is neither earth, water, fire nor any air,
    where there is neither solidity, nor any fluidity, nor heat nor any motion,
    where there is neither infinity of space or consciousness, nor nothingness,
    where no subtle state of neither-perception-nor-non-perception remains,
    where there is neither any ‘here’ nor any ‘there’ of this or any other world,
    where there is neither any sun, nor moon, nor planet, nor any universe at all,
    There, Bhikkhus, one cannot designate neither any coming, nor any going,
    nor any remaining, nor duration, nor any beginning & much less any ending...
    Neither is there any activity, nor any movement, nor any fixed stability,
    nor any ground, basis or source for a conditioning medium whatsoever...
    This unity - just this – is the End of Suffering. Udana – Inspiration: VIII - 1

    More on this sublime Blissful State called Nibbāna:

    Nibbâna is immutable Freedom, Peace, & Happiness!
  • samahitasamahita Veteran
    edited January 2008
    Unique Unity:
    Friendship is the GREATEST!
    Friendship motivates the entire Noble life.
    Friendship is synergistic social symbiosis.

    Some verses from The Sutta Pitaka about Friendship:

    Follow only the Good Ones,
    Associate only with the Clever Ones,
    To learn the Truth from these Nobles
    gives an advantage like nothing else.

    To follow the fools & thereby
    copy & choose the bad ways,
    to know no Good Friends,
    is causing only Misery.

    As if one strings rotten fish
    on a straw of grass,
    this grass will soon smell putrid too.
    Exactly so with one who follows fools.

    As if one wraps up perfume
    in a common leaf, this leaf
    will soon smell sweet too.
    Exactly so with one who follows the Wise.


    Adapted from Gemstones of Good Dhamma
    Wheel 342/344 Ven. S. Dhammika, Buddhist Publication Society,
    Kandy, Sri Lanka.

    Quite cordial regards, : - ]
  • SimonthepilgrimSimonthepilgrim Veteran
    edited January 2008
    How good to see you back, bhante. May 2008 be a fruitful year for you.
  • samahitasamahita Veteran
    edited January 2008
    The Seven Links to Enlightenment Out-Shines All!
    The Blessed Buddha once said:
    Supported, Friends, by Himalaya, king of mountains, do the snake-beings
    [nagas] grow a body and get strength. When they have grown a body and
    got strength there, they go to the tiny mountain pools, therefrom to the lakes,
    therefrom to the streams, therefrom to the great rivers, therefrom to the sea,
    & lastly they go to the mighty ocean, where they complete great growth of body.
    Just even so, Bhikkhus & Friends, any one supported by morality, fixed in morality,
    who cultivates the Seven Links to Enlightenment, makes much of them, wins great
    growth of the right conditions and prerequisite causes of mental Enlightenment!!!
    And how does a Noble being, so founded in morality, so fixed in morality,
    cultivate the Seven Links to Enlightenment, make much of them, & win great
    growth of the right conditions and necessary causes of total Awakening?
    Such Noble Being simply cultivates the Link to Enlightenment that is Awareness,
    based on isolation, on detachment, on stilling, which culminates in self-surrender.
    Such Noble Being simply cultivates the Link to Enlightenment that is Investigation,
    based on solitude, on dispassion, on ceasing, which culminates in relinquishment.
    Such Noble Being simply cultivates the Link to Enlightenment that is Energy,
    based on seclusion, on indifference, on cooling, which culminates in elevation.
    Such Noble Being simply cultivates the Link to Enlightenment that is Joy,
    based on retreat, on disinterestedness, on ending, which culminates in renouncing.
    Such Noble Being simply cultivates the Link to Enlightenment that is Tranquillity,
    based on aloofness, on disgust, on stopping, which culminates in deliverance.
    Such Noble Being simply cultivates the Link to Enlightenment that is Concentration,
    based on separation, on release, on finishing, which culminates in emancipation.
    Such Noble Being simply cultivates the Link to Enlightenment that is Equanimity,
    based on withdrawal, on detachment, on stilling, which culminates in self-surrender.
    That is how a Noble being, so founded in morality, so fixed in morality,
    cultivates the Seven Links to Enlightenment, and by making much of them,
    wins to greatness & growth in conditions & causes resulting in Enlightenment.
    Source: Samyutta Nikaya V

    More on the Seven Links to Awakening:
  • samahitasamahita Veteran
    edited January 2008

    Modern cosmology have recently found out that
    the universe is not in steady state but undergoes
    periodic expansion (big bang) and contraction.
    The Buddha told of this > 2500 years ago …!!!

    "He recalls to mind his various temporary states
    in days gone by - one birth, or two or three or four
    or 5 births, 10 or 20, 30 or fifty, a 100 or a 1000 or
    a 100.000 births, through many aeons of cosmic
    contraction & many aeons of cosmic expansion."

    "Now there comes a time, friends, when, sooner or later,
    after the lapse of a long, long period of contraction,
    this world-system passes away. And when this happens
    beings have mostly been reborn in the World of Radiance,
    and there they dwell made of mind, feeding on joy, radiating
    light from themselves, traversing the air, dwelling in glory;
    and thus they remain for a long, long period of time.
    Now there comes also a time, friends, when, sooner or later,
    this world-system begins to re-evolve by expansion."
    Digha Nikaya 1: Brahma-Jala Sutta


    BUDDHISM & MODERN PHYSICS1: Time & space are not universal!

    Albert Einstein presented the special & general relativity theory
    almost a hundred years ago. Still the philosophical implications
    is only known by few mathematicians.
    Mainly Einstein's relativity theory points out that time & locality
    in space cannot be regarded independent if the observer &
    object is moving fast relative to each other. Differently moving
    observers will experience different speeds of time even when
    using the same watches. They will disagree on the order of
    different events. A 'Universal' time do not exist:

    Buddha also told about this > 2500 years ago … :
    "Bhikkhus, 50 human years is one night & day to the four guardian
    gods. 500 of those divine years are the life span of the four
    guardian gods.

    Bhikkhus, 1600 human years is one night and day to the gods with
    power over to other's creations. 16 thousand of those divine years
    are the life span of these gods. (Paranimmita-vasavatti-deva)"
    Anguttara Nikaya III.71: Muluposatha Sutta; The Roots of the Uposatha


    BUDDHISM & MODERN PHYSICS2: Matter is quanta of discrete events!
    Another implication of both Einstein's theory & also of quantum
    mechanics is that matter cannot be regarded to be continuously
    existing in time nor in space. A movement of a body is therefore
    absolutely speaking events of disappearance in one place & its
    rearising in the next place. This process is though so incredible
    fast that we experience it as continuous existence. Exactly so do
    the Higher Buddha-Dhamma ie: The Abhidhamma consider movement of a
    body of matter to be serial decay & re-arising in adjacent locations.

    About the consistency between modern science (the religion of today)
    and the teachings of the Buddha, there is written several books:

    Buddhism and Science: Buddhadasa P. Kirtisinghe. Published: 1999
    Buddhist Cosmology Science in the Images of Motion and Light
    Randy Kloetzli. Published: 1996


    So modern Science even regarding physical phenomena (rupa)
    is not so 'Modern' after all! Most seem to rediscovering of
    what was known already millenniums ago but ignored &



    : - ]
  • samahitasamahita Veteran
    edited January 2008
    Honourable Friends:
    Release of Mind through Friendliness (Metta-ceto-vimutti)
    [FONT=&quot]Can be reached through systematic & continuous maintenance of this noble wish:
    [FONT=&quot]May all sentient beings without exception, in all 31 forms of individual existence,
    residing in the 3 realms, of inconceivable number, extending infinitely in all 10 directions,
    enduring boundlessly through all past, present and future time, to an absolute complete
    and endless degree, come to see it all as it really is, conquer all craving and hostility,
    reach utter harmlessness, and by that be perfused with the ultimate bliss ... !!!

    The FRIEND of pure GOODWILL (Mettā):
    May I & all beings pay Constant Attention to, Always Aware of infinite Friendliness!
    May I & all beings keep Examining Noble Friendliness based on endless Goodwill!
    May I & all beings put enthusiastic effort & energy into developing limitless Friendliness!
    May I & all beings rejoice in the Blissful Joy emanating from all genuine Noble Friendliness!
    May I & all beings dwell in the Tranquillity which follows Friendliness made inestimable!
    May I & all beings gain one-pointed Concentration arised from the calm of vast Friendliness!
    May I & all beings experience imperturbable Equanimity arised from illimitable Friendliness!

    The all-embracing PITY of UNDERSTANDING EMPATHY (Karunā):
    May I & all beings pay Constant Attention to, Always Aware of infinite Pity!
    May I & all beings keep Examining Noble Pity based on endless Understanding!
    May I & all beings put enthusiastic effort & energy into developing limitless Pity!
    May I & all beings rejoice in the Blissful Joy emanating from all genuine Noble Pity!
    May I & all beings dwell in the Tranquillity which follows Pity made inestimable!
    May I & all beings gain one-pointed Concentration arised from the calm of vast Pity!
    May I & all beings experience imperturbable Equanimity arised from illimitable Pity!

    The MUTUAL JOY: Joy with the success of others too (Muditā):
    May I & all beings pay Constant Attention to, Always Aware of infinite Mutual Joy!
    May I & all beings keep Examining Noble Mutual Joy based on endless rejoicing!
    May I & all beings put enthusiastic effort & energy into developing limitless Mutual Joy!
    May I & all beings rejoice in the Blissful Joy emanating from all genuine Noble Mutual Joy!
    May I & all beings dwell in the Tranquillity which follows Mutual Joy made inestimable!
    May I & all beings gain one-pointed Concentration arised from the calm of vast Mutual Joy!
    May I & all beings experience imperturbable Equanimity arised from illimitable Mutual Joy!

    EQUANIMITY: Unaffectable, Unprovokable, and Undisturbable(Upekkhā):
    May all the infinite number of sentient beings, without even any single exception,
    in all 31 forms of individual existence, residing in the 3 realms, of inconceivable number,
    extending infinitely in all 10 directions, enduring eternally through all past, present & future time,
    to a completely infinite degree, develop Equanimity & become one who smiles silently like a mountain!
    May I & all beings pay Constant Attention to, Always Aware of infinite Equanimity!
    May I & all beings keep Examining Noble Equanimity based on endless imperturbability!
    May I & all beings put enthusiastic effort & energy into developing limitless Equanimity!
    May I & all beings rejoice in the Blissful Joy emanating from all genuine Noble Equanimity!
    May I & all beings dwell in the Tranquillity which follows Equanimity made inestimable!
    May I & all beings gain one-pointed Concentration arised from the calm of vast Equanimity!
    May I & all beings experience imperturbable Equanimity arised from illimitable Equanimity!

    Yeah, let it be even so :-) In brevity the 4 Sublime Abidings permuted with the 7 links to Awakening
    It shines, blazes, lifts, elevates, and protects supremely like indeed nothing else ....
    Going through systematically each morning keeps all day smiling !!! hehehe :-)
    For free copy as a gift of Dhamma, May I & all beings be freed by friendliness thereby![/FONT]More here:
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited January 2008
    samahita wrote: »

    ......So modern Science even regarding physical phenomena (rupa)
    is not so 'Modern' after all! Most seem to rediscovering of
    what was known already millenniums ago but ignored &

    Great Minds think alike.....
    This from another forum:

    ....The Prof. explained that atoms are made up of quarks(?) which are probably made up of something else.....string theory......? and empty space is empty but not really, there is an energy there. Also, an atom changes position when you look at it - the "unmeasureable problem".
    How can that be????????????? So it is there in one position but no, you look and it has moved and you can't find it, this is pure Buddhist philosophy.

    Also, how can everything be made of atoms, from rocks to trees to human beings and be so different? How come we are made of atoms yet we can ask the question "what is an atom"? That is amazing isn't it?

    .....You see before now, I wanted to believe karma and rebirth and went through a phase where I did but there were nagging questions and I kind of wanted to throw the whole thing out but now, with a bit of scientific backing (somehow thrown together in my head) it makes more sense now so I am a believer. In fact, at the end of the programme I burst into tears of complete wonderment at this universe (or multiverse). Feel a bit silly now actually.....

    Things make more sense yet less sense, if you understand what I mean.

    Amazing, does anyone know of a book - "Quantum Mechanics for Beginners (Mind)" would be a good one!"

    End of quotation.
    With thanks to 'beginner's mind' (Lisa) from 'kalachakranet', for permitting me to quote from her post.
  • samahitasamahita Veteran
    edited January 2008
    The 5 Mental Abilities are what actually Awakens![FONT=&quot]

    The blessed Buddha once said:
    Bhikkhus, friends, there are these 5 abilities (indriya). Which five?[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]The ability (faculty) of faith,
    The ability of energy,
    The ability of awareness,
    The ability of concentration,
    The ability of understanding.[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]And how and where, Bhikkhus and friends, is the faith ability to be found?
    Among the four factors of stream entry!* The faith ability is to be found there.
    And how and where, Bhikkhus and friends, is the energy ability to be found?
    Among the four best efforts! The energy ability is to be found there.
    And how and where, Bhikkhus and friends, is the awareness ability to be found?
    Among the four foundations of awareness! The awareness ability is to be found there.
    And how and where, Bhikkhus and friends, is the concentration ability to be found?
    Among the four jhanas! The concentration ability is to be found there.
    And how and where, Bhikkhus and friends, is the understanding ability to be found?
    Among the Four Noble Truths! The understanding ability is to be found there.

    Quite logical actually & naturally. Note all 5 abilities are rooted in 4 aspects.
    Like a ship having 4 anchors, one in each direction, lies all still, not drifting an inch.

    * 4 factors of stream entry are:
    Having a Noble friend.
    Hearing the True Dhamma.
    Reflecting on this Dhamma.
    Training according to this Dhamma.
  • samahitasamahita Veteran
    edited January 2008

    Please help the
    Forest Sangha to elevate the World of Beings by Dhamma:

    Click here:

    May all sentient & breathing beings become thus Happy thereby

    Friendship is the Greatest
    Bhikkhu Samahita Sri Lanka
  • samahitasamahita Veteran
    edited January 2008
    The 4 Foundations of Awareness:

    Which Four?

    Only if & when the Noble Friend remains regarding any Body -own or other-
    simply as a heaped up group, just as a transient, compounded & complex form,
    only as a fragile, an accumulated & alien assemblage, while being alert, aware &
    clearly comprehending, then will he thereby effectively remove all urge &
    frustration from this world…!!!

    Only if & when a Noble Friend dwells observing any Feeling –from within or
    from without – simply as affective (over-)reaction, just an assigned response,
    only as a fleeting sensation, while being keen, fully conscious & continuously
    attentive, then will he thereby consequently eliminate all desire & discontent
    within this world…!!!

    Only if & when a Noble Friend abides viewing any Mood –present or remote-
    simply as a fancy thought, just as a made up mentality, only a conscious moment,
    while being ready, actively investigating & deliberately discriminating, then will
    he thereby naturally eradicate all longing & sadness inherent in this world…!!!

    Only if & when a Noble Friend lives interpreting any Phenomenon –internal or external –
    simply as a passing mental state, just as a mentally created & conditioned construct,
    only as a experienced appearance, merely as an imaginary reflected imprint,
    while being acutely awake, mindful & carefully understanding, then will he thereby
    overcome all attraction & repulsion rooted in this world…!!!

    A Direct Hit:

    Without any even single exception:
    Whoever in the distant & ancient past has Awakened to full Enlightenment;
    Whoever in the present, right now is Awakening to complete Enlightenment;
    Whoever in the near & far future will Awaken to perfect Enlightenment;
    All those have been freed, is being freed, will be freed through & by:
    Initiating, Cultivating & thoroughly Establishing these 4 Foundations of Awareness!
    The single & sole cause of really Being Present…!!!

    Check it!
  • samahitasamahita Veteran
    edited January 2008
    Jhãna is the 1st Mental Absorption!

    Jhāna is Pāli: In Sanskrit = Dhyāna, in Chinese = Chān, in Japanese = Zen.

    Purified Morality => Clear Conscience, innocence & the mental elation thereof.
    Guarding the Senses => Absence of Temptation, greed, desire, & attraction.
    Clear Comprehension => Acute Awareness & Absolute Mental Presence.
    Contentment => Calm & Stilled Satisfaction even with nothing. Joy & Happiness.

    Mental Factors of Entry:
    1: Absence of any Urge of Desire
    2: Absence of any Aversion of Ill Will
    3: Absence of any Lethargy & Laziness
    4: Absence of any Restlessness & Regret
    5: Absence of any Doubt & Uncertainty
    1: Presence of Directed Thought
    2: Presence of Sustained Thought
    3: Presence of Rapturous Joy
    4: Presence of Pleasurable Bliss
    5: Presence of Single-Pointed Focus

    Subjective Experience:
    Intense presence & awareness. Effortless, undistracted, & focused thinking.
    Attention anchored even at ease at any chosen object. Mind is fixed & unified.
    Result of chain of reasoning arguments is always reached quickly & successfully.
    Body is without any pain & is felt like being a feather inside a big empty silent hall.
    There is Joy, Bliss and Happiness mixed into Solid Calm like a Smiling Mountain!

    1: Directing (adverting to sign of serenity).
    2: Attaining entrance & stabilizing that.
    3: Prolonging & controlling duration.
    4: Emergence from absorption.
    5: Reviewing (looking back on).

    I: Access Concentration like in neighbourhood approaching (upacāra-samādhi).
    II: Full Absorption Concentration fixed & anchored on object (appanā-samādhi).

    Techniques which can induce Jhāna Absorption:
    Awareness of Breathing (ĀnāpānaSati)
    Basic Entirety Object (Kasina)
    Inner Organs & Corpses (KāyagatāSati)
    The 4 Infinite & Divine States (Mettā)
    The 4 Formless States (Āruppa)

    The Path of Purification: Visuddhimagga.
    By the Great Explainer: Buddhaghosa. 5th century AC.

    Having momentarily eliminated the five mental hindrances of:
    Sense Desire, Ill Will, Lethargy & Laziness, Restlessness & Regret, and Doubt & Uncertainty,
    defiling imperfections of the mind that obstruct concentration & understanding,
    quite secluded from sensual pleasures, separated from disadvantageous mental states,
    one enters & dwells in the first Jhāna absorption of directed & sustained thought joined
    with joy & pleasure born of secluded solitude. One makes this joy & pleasure born of secluded
    solitude pervade, perfuse & fill the entire body so that all parts is thrilled by this joy & pleasure
    born of secluded solitude. Even as a clever barber or his apprentice would put soap powder in a
    brass basin, sprinkle it with water, gradually knead & moist it into a ball of foam soaked thoroughly
    everywhere inside out yet without dripping so too he pervade, perfuse & fill his entire body so that
    all parts is completely drenched with joy & pleasure born of secluded solitude.

    More on Jhāna absorption:

    Soaked in Joy!
  • samahitasamahita Veteran
    edited January 2008
    No Need:

    Friends, for the virtuous one, correctly behaving, completed in morality, there is no need to wish:
    “May I enjoy a clear conscience”, since the right action, of correct behaviour completed by[FONT=&quot]
    purifying morality, naturally results in the arising of a clear conscience.
    [/FONT] [FONT=&quot]
    Friends, for the moral one of clear conscience, there is no need to wish: “May gladness pervade me”,
    since any clear conscience spontaneously is followed by the appearance of [FONT=&quot]joyous gladness![/FONT]
    [/FONT] [FONT=&quot]
    Friends, for the glad one there is no need to wish: “May rapture thrill me”,
    since gladness automatically excites exalted rapture.
    [/FONT] [FONT=&quot]
    Friends, for the enraptured one there is no need to wish: “May calm tranquillity still me”,
    since rapture inherently simply evaporates all urge and frustrated restlessness.
    [/FONT] [FONT=&quot]
    Friends, for one dwelling in serene tranquillity there is no need to wish: “May pleasure perfuse me”,
    since abiding calmly in tranquil ease all by itself, makes one delight in pleasure.
    [/FONT] [FONT=&quot]
    Friends, for one perfused by pleasure there is no need to wish: “May I be absorbed in concentration”,
    since a mind filled with pleasure effortlessly & smoothly condenses into a single focused unification!
    [/FONT] [FONT=&quot]
    Friends, for one concentrated there is no need to wish: “May I understand reality as it actually develops”,
    since the undistracted concentrated mind efficiently penetrates phenomena & causes as they really are.
    [/FONT] [FONT=&quot]
    Friends, for one knowing & seeing reality there is no need to wish: “May disgusted disillusion detach me”,
    since seeing reality & knowing how it always becomes, induces detachment by disgusted disillusion.
    [/FONT] [FONT=&quot]
    Friends, for one detached by disillusion there is no need to wish: “May I realize final mental release
    through absolute knowledge & vision”, since such disgusted disillusion, friends, naturally, readily, easily,
    essentially & characteristically culminates in the matchless, unsurpassable & supreme releasing liberation
    by complete knowledge & vision. Yeah, so mighty is morality!

    [/FONT] [FONT=&quot] Source: The Numerical Sayings of the Buddha: Anguttara Nikaya V 2-3

    [/FONT] Natural Bliss!
  • samahitasamahita Veteran
    edited January 2008

    The Non-Empty Void of Blinking States!

    Void, Void, they say! Void of exactly What?
    There is no and never was any permanent individuality internally ‘in here’!
    All process of being is void of ‘continuous’ or ‘same’ personal core identity!
    There is no stable from moment to moment same substance externally ‘out there’.
    All is void constant same enduring lasting entity…
    There is no static existence…
    There is only a flux of change, transience and ever renewed becoming.
    Avoiding both extremes of Eternalism & Annihilationism one should remain in
    the Middle of Dependent Co-Arising:

    When this is present, that appears.
    When this is absent, that does not appear.
    With the emergence of this, that too arises.
    With the ceasing of this, that too disappears.

    Just as there is a mirror and a reflection even so is
    The apprehending & the apprehended;
    That which knows & what is known;
    Mentality & Materiality;
    Mind & Matter.

    Transient indeed is this essentially inseparable Dual Dynamic Appearance,
    Since both elements is momentary, changing, discretely blinking in a passing serial
    sequence of ultra-quick arising & ceasing, how can such be said to exist even for a
    Even while perceived this moment is already gone for never to return.
    This is all, this is the world, and such is all these phenomena:
    Void of permanence, sameness, substance and self!
  • samahitasamahita Veteran
    edited January 2008

    How to Cross Samsara?

    The venerable Upasiva once requested the Buddha: Sir, I am alone, dependent, helpless,
    I can neither cross the flood of sense desire,
    nor the flood of becoming, nor the flood of ignorance, nor the flood of views!
    Please, All-Seeing-One, tell me the meditation object by which, I may cross this flood.

    Aware, direct mind towards Nothingness, replied the Buddha,
    be helped by relying on the
    notion: 'Nothing really is...'!
    Thus by relinquishing all desires, by stilling all speculative
    opinions & by reviewing the elimination of craving day & night,
    one may cross this flood…!!!

    Source: Sutta Nipata 1069-70

    Nothing really is...
  • samahitasamahita Veteran
    edited February 2008
    Careful & Rational Attention Reduces the Mental Hindrances:
    The Blessed Buddha once said:
    When one attends carefully & rationally, unarisen Sense-Desire does neither arise, nor later expand.
    When one attends carefully & rationally, unarisen Evil-Will does neither arise, nor later expand.
    When one attends carefully & rationally, unarisen Lethargy & Laziness does neither arise, nor expand.
    When one attends carefully & rationally, unarisen Restlessness & Regret does neither arise, nor expand.
    When one attends carefully & rationally, unarisen Doubt & Uncertainty does neither arise, nor expand.
    Furthermore the Awareness Link to Awakening arises, & is gradually completed by mental development.
    Any unarisen Investigation Link to Awakening arises, & is gradually completed by mental evolution.
    Any unarisen Energy Link to Awakening arises, & is gradually completed by repeated mental refinement.
    Any unarisen Joy Link to Awakening arises, & is gradually completed by meditative mental improvement.
    Any unarisen Tranquillity Link to Awakening arises, & is gradually completed by mental expansion.
    Any unarisen Concentration Link to Awakening arises, & is gradually completed by mental sophistication.
    Any unarisen Equanimity Link to Awakening arises, & is gradually completed by mental maturation.

    Source (edited extract):
    The Grouped Sayings of the Buddha. Samyutta Nikaya.
    Book [V:93-4] section 46: The Links. 35: Careful Attention...

    More on the 5 Mental Hindrances:

    More on the 7 Links to Awakening:
  • samahitasamahita Veteran
    edited February 2008

    The Utterly Unborn State!

    This, unquestionably - so has there been heard by me -
    was stated by the Lord, was stated by the worthy Arahant:

    There exists indeed, monks, that which is unborn, is unbecome,
    is uncreated, that which is uncaused and unconditioned…
    For if there were not, monks, that which is unborn, is unbecome,
    is uncreated, that which is uncaused and unconditioned…
    there could not be made known right here the absolute escape
    from that which is born, from that which is become,
    from that which is created, from that which is conditioned.
    However since there indeed exists, monks, that sublime state which
    is unborn, which is unbecome, which is uncreated, & unconditioned,
    there is therefore right now made known the complete escape
    from that, which is born, from that, which is become,
    from that, which is created, from that, which is conditioned.
    So said the Lord Buddha while adding:
    That which is born, that which is become,
    that which is co-arisen,
    that which is conditioned,
    that which is created,
    that which is unstable,
    that which is the bridge between birth and death
    this seat of disease, with nutriment as its source,
    is only perishable… It is nothing in which to rejoice!
    The escape from this is stilled calm, beyond the sphere of logic,
    being that which is stable sameness, that which is unborn,
    that which is independent, not co-arisen, grief-free, dustless,
    this state is the ceasing of conditions involving suffering,
    it is the pacification of all formation! It is Peace.
    It is the highest Bliss…
    This matter, too, was stated by the lord, so has there been heard by me.

    Source: The Itivuttaka - Spoken by Buddha. The Unborn Sutta 43

    More on Absolute Peace:

    The Unborn Alternative!
  • samahitasamahita Veteran
    edited February 2008
    Any Intention is creating the Future!
    Any moment of intentional mental activity creates and conditions the future!
    Any moment of
    intentional verbal activity creates and conditions the future!
    Any moment of
    intentional bodily activity creates and conditions the future!
    If the intention behind this thinking, speaking & doing is mixed with either
    greed, hate, ignorance or diluted derivatives thereof, this future will inevitably
    be mixed with resultant states of mental and physical
    If the intention behind this thinking, speaking & doing is mixed with either
    non-greed, non-hate, non-ignorance or diluted derivatives thereof, this future
    will inevitably be mixed with resultant states of mental and physical
    If the intention behind this thinking, speaking & doing is mixed neither with
    greed nor with non-greed, neither with hate nor with non-hate, & neither with
    ignorance nor with non-ignorance, this future will inevitably be mixed with
    resultant states of
    neither pain nor pleasure
    Not intending any stills formation of becoming & is not creating any future…!
    Therefore: Be Aware!
    Watch the intention! Is it mixed with exactly what?
    Intention is literally seeding & producing moments of Ur future!
    No other
    Creator is found! Silencing intention creates Peace!

    Friendship is the Greatest

    Bhikkhu Samahita
    Sri Lanka

    Creating Future!
  • samahitasamahita Veteran
    edited February 2008
    How to be Released into the very End of Suffering?
    The Blessed Buddha once said:
    Bhikkhus, these Four Foundations of Awareness, when firmly established
    by development and cultivation, are both Noble and Liberating! They lead
    one out into the complete elimination of all Suffering. What four?
    Here, Bhikkhus, a Bhikkhu lives & dwells, aware & clearly comprehending,
    while continuously contemplating & reflecting upon:

    1: The Body merely as a decaying & ownerless Formation..
    2: The Feelings just as conditioned Responses fading away..
    3: The Thoughts only as a set of banal ingrained Mentalities..
    4: Any Phenomenon simply as a constructed mental Appearance..

    Thereby removing yearning, urge, envy & frustration rooted in this world..
    These Four Foundations of Awareness, Bhikkhus, when firmly established
    by development and cultivation, are both Noble and Releasing! They guide
    one to the Exit, to the Escape by an absolute destruction of all Suffering!

    Source of reference (edited extract):

    The Grouped Sayings of the Buddha. Samyutta Nikaya.
    Book [V: 166-7] 47 The Foundations of Awareness: 17 Noble...

    Details On Four Foundations of Awareness (Sati):

    Friendship is the Greatest
    Bhikkhu Samahita

    Sri Lanka
  • samahitasamahita Veteran
    edited February 2008

    Wise Company gives good Advantage:

    The Blessed Buddha once said:
    I am a friend and helper to all,
    I am sympathetic to all living beings.
    I develop a mind full of love & one
    who always delight in harmlessness!
    I gladden my mind, fill it with joy,
    and make it immovable and unshakable.
    I develop these divine states of mind
    not cultivated by simple men.
    Theragatha 648-9

    I am a friend of the footless,
    I am a friend of the bipeds;
    I am a friend of those with four feet,
    I am a friend of the many-footed.
    May not the footless harm me,
    may not the bipeds harm me,
    may not those with four feet harm me, &
    may not those with many feet harm me.
    AN II 72

    A friend, who always lends a hand,
    a friend both in sorrow and joy,
    a friend who offers good counsel,
    a friend who sympathizes too.
    These are the four kinds of true friends:
    One who is wise, who have understood much,
    will always cherish and serve such friends
    just as a mother tends her only child.
    DN III, 188

    Among tigers, lions, leopards & bears I lived in the jungle.
    No one was frightened of me, nor did I fear anyone.
    Uplifted by such universal friendliness, I enjoyed the forest.
    Finding great solace in such sweetly silenced solitude…
    Suvanna-sama Jataka 540

    And how does a Bhikkhu abide with his mind imbued with friendliness
    extending over one direction? Just as he would feel friendliness on
    seeing a dearly favourite person, so he extends this same loving-kindness
    to all beings in all directions, one by one, & as above so below.
    Abhidhamma Pitaka: Appamañña-vibhanga

    Bhikkhus, whatever kinds of worldly merit there are, all are not worth
    one sixteenth part of the release of mind by universal friendliness;
    in shining, glowing and beaming radiance, in invisible shielding protection,
    such release of mind by universal friendliness far excels & surpasses them all...
    Itivuttaka 27

    Universal Friendliness (Metta) is 1 of the 4 Infinite & Divine States (Appamañña Brahma-Vihara):

    All-Embracing Infinite Friendliness!

  • samahitasamahita Veteran
    edited February 2008

    The Speech of the Buddha on Friendliness:

    What should the clever one advantageously do:

    To attain This State called Peace, is this:
    He should be intelligent, straight, honest,
    Humble, gentle and never proud,
    Contented, and easy to support,
    Not busy, careful, and silenced…
    In abilities & senses, cautious, & modest,
    Not flattering families nor be demanding.
    He should not do even a minor trifle at all,
    That other wise men might criticize.

    Then he should think:
    May all beings be joyous and safe!
    Let every creature's mind rejoice.
    Whatever breathing beings there are,
    No matter whether feeble or firm,
    With none excepted, whether long;
    Tall, big, medium, short or small;
    Whether seen or unseen, visible or not;
    Whether living far or near, here or there;
    Whether existing or just about to become;
    Let every living being's mind be jubilant!!!
    Let none kill or another one undo,
    Nor harm anyone anywhere at all...
    Let none wish another any ill,
    neither from provocation nor from revenge.
    Thus, as a mother with her own life
    Might guard her son, her only child, thus
    Should he maintain an infinite friendliness;
    for every living being, in sympathy for this
    entire universe, unlimited, endless & vast!
    Above, below, and all around, unimpeded,
    without any hatred, without any enemies!
    Whether standing, walking, seated or
    lying down while slumbering, he should always
    maintain such Awareness of gentle kindness...
    This is the Divine Abiding here, they say.
    He that do not traffic with various views,
    Perfected in seeing what is right & wrong,
    Purged of lust for sense-pleasures, he will
    surely not come back here to any womb...

    Source: Minor Readings and the Illustrator

    Have a nice day!

    Friendship is the Greatest
    Bhikkhu Samahita Sri Lanka
  • samahitasamahita Veteran
    edited February 2008

    What is the Essential Foundation of Mental Purity?

    The Blessed Buddha once said:
    Bhikkhus, there are these Four Foundations of Awareness. What four?
    When a Bhikkhu keenly contemplates:

    1: Any Body just as a transient Form...
    2: Any Feeling just as a passing Reaction...
    3: Any Mind just as a momentary Mood...
    4: Any Phenomena just as a discrete Mental State...

    while always acutely aware & clearly comprehending, he thereby removes
    any urge, envy, jealousy, frustration and discontent rooted in this world...
    These are the Four Foundations of Awareness...

    Source of reference (edited extract):

    The Grouped Sayings of the Buddha. Samyutta Nikaya.
    Book [V: 173-4] 47 The Foundations of Awareness: 24 Simple..

    Details On Foundations of Awareness (Sati):


    Have a nice day!

    Friendship is the Greatest
    Bhikkhu Samahita Sri Lanka
  • samahitasamahita Veteran
    edited February 2008

    Voidness is Absolute Absence of Agitation:

    The Blesses Buddha once said:
    Not attending to the experience of People or City, the monk focuses on the single,
    even & same experience of Forest...! His mind is absorbed into that experience of
    Forest and he acquires assured confidence, fixed imperturbability & determination.
    There & then he understands: Whatever agitation there always was in the experience
    of city & people, all that is absent here...!!! Here only remains a minor distraction
    rooted in this silent, sweet, same, single & even experience of endless Forest!
    Thus he understands: This field of experience is indeed Void of experience of the
    buzz of people & city. There is present only this stilled sameness condensed on the
    experience of Forest. Thus he regards the present state as void of what actually is
    absent, while what now still remains in presence, that he notes as still present!
    This, Ananda is the very first step in the gradual, genuine, undistorted, ancient &
    pure descent into Voidness...
    Again & then, Ananda, by now not attending to the experience of forest, the monk shifts
    and focuses until he reaches one-pointed absorption on the single, even & same unified
    Experience of the extensive solidity of Earth...
    Experience of the cohesive fluidity of Water...
    Experience of the vibrating radiation of Heat...
    Experience of the energetic mobility of Motion...
    Experience of the infinitude of Space...
    Experience of the infinitude of Consciousness...
    Experience of the empty void of Nothingness...
    Experience of neither perception nor non-perception...
    Experience of the signless & objectless mental absorption...
    In this void state, he understands that all other phenomena are now quite absent!
    Only the non-voidness due to the subtle signless mental absorption is still present...
    This too, Ananda, is the gradual, genuine, undistorted & pure descent into voidness...

    The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha.
    Majjhima Nikaya 121 [iii 106] The minor speech on Voidness.

    Pure Descent into Voidness! Have a nice day!
  • samahitasamahita Veteran
    edited February 2008

    Any Noble disciple possesses unwavering Faith in the Buddha thus:

    The Blessed One is Worthy, Fully & Perfectly Self-Enlightened, completed in knowledge and behaviour,
    Happily Transcended, Sublime, Expert in all dimensions, Knower of a worlds, unsurpassable Trainer of those
    beings who can be tamed, Teacher & Guide of both gods and men, an Enlightened, Exalted & Blessed One!

    He possesses unwavering faith in the Dhamma thus:
    Perfectly formulated by the Blessed One is the Dhamma, obviously seen right here & now, instantly effective,
    timeless, inviting anyone to come & see, investigate & verify for themselves, leading through gradual progress
    to perfected freedom, directly observable, experiencable & realizable by each intelligence!

    He possesses unwavering faith in the Blessed Buddha’s Sangha Community of Disciples thus:

    Perfectly training is the Blessed One’s Order of Disciples, the right way, the good way, the true way, the direct way.
    The Blessed One’s Sangha of Disciples i.e. the four Noble pairs, the eight sorts of individuals is therefore worthy of gifts, of hospitality, of self-sacrifice, worthy of respectful salutation with joined palms since they embody the
    supreme field for gaining merit in this world!

    Such unwavering Faith in the three Jewels is the very Key that opens the doors to the Deathless Nibbana


    Full Faith Frees!
  • samahitasamahita Veteran
    edited February 2008

    Representation, Image, Display or Manifestation, but not Substance!

    What one 'see' is only an 'Image', not a thing !!! not a 'substance out there', but a construction,
    a mental experience, an immaterial sensation, created by sense-organ, mind & form ‘ in here’...
    Just like the image on the PC-screen is indeed electronically created & not 'really' in there.
    There is an image of an Apple on the screen, but no real apple inside the PC…
    There is an image of an Apple on the mental visual screen, but from that image one cannot
    conclude, that a real apple exists outside, apart from or fully independent of this mind… !!!

    Like in the mirror, there is no 'Person'; Like in the cinema, there is no 'Actors';
    There is only 'Images' of persons and things. They appear as real, but are Not really Real...

    Images of what then, one may ask?
    We will never know as we only have the mental images & never the 'original '!
    To claim that this 'original' exists, is then merely metaphysical speculation based on
    a somewhat naive, simple-minded - if not even childish – materialist world view…

    Seeing Images instead of Realities is halfway to seeing Nothingness…
    Seeing Nothingness is halfway to disabling the urge of Craving…
    Disabling Craving is halfway to the deathless dimension Nibbana!

    The Blessed Buddha once said:
    In the seen is merely the process of seeing & what is seen.
    In the heard is merely the process of hearing & what is heard.
    In the sensed is merely the process of sensing & what is sensed.
    In the thought is merely the process of thinking & what is thought of.
    So knowing, you will not be connected with that…
    So disconnected, you will not be absorbed in that...
    So neither ‘with that’ nor ‘in that’ you are! not by that sensation.
    When there is no ‘you’ inferred or conjectured by that sensation,
    then ‘you’ are neither ‘here’, ‘there’, ‘both’, ‘beyond’ nor ‘in between’…
    Only this - is the End of Suffering!!!

    Source: Udana – Inspiration: I – 10

    Friendship is the Greatest
    Bhikkhu Samahita Sri Lanka
  • samahitasamahita Veteran
    edited February 2008
    How to be a Real Buddhist through Observance?
    Navam Poya day is the full-moon of February. This holy day celebrates
    the ordination of the Buddha Gotama's main disciples Sāriputta and
    MahāMoggallāna. On this day Buddha also later decides his Parinibbāna.

    On such Full-Moon Uposatha Poya Observance days:
    Any Lay Buddhist simply joins the Three Refuges and undertakes the
    Five Precepts like this: Newly bathed, shaved, white-clothed, with clean
    bare feet, one kneels at a shrine with a Buddha-statue, and bows first
    three times, so that feet, hands, elbows, knees & head touch the floor.
    Then, with joined palms at the heart, one recites these memorized lines
    in a loud, calm & steady voice:

    As long as this life lasts:
    I hereby take refuge in the Buddha.
    I hereby take refuge in the Dhamma.
    I hereby take refuge in the Sangha.
    I hereby seek shelter in the Buddha for the 2nd time.
    I hereby seek shelter in the Dhamma for the 2nd time.
    I hereby seek shelter in the Sangha for the 2nd time.
    I hereby request protection from the Buddha for the 3rd time.
    I hereby request protection from the Dhamma for the 3rd time.
    I hereby request protection from the Sangha for the 3rd time.

    I will hereby respect these Three Jewels the rest of my life!

    I accept to respect & undertake these 5 training rules:
    I hereby accept the training rule of avoiding all Killing.
    I hereby accept the training rule of avoiding all Stealing.
    I hereby accept the training rule of avoiding all Sexual Abuse.
    I hereby accept the training rule of avoiding all Dishonesty.
    I hereby accept the training rule of avoiding all Alcohol & Drugs.

    As long as this life lasts, I am thus protected by these 5 precepts...
    Then, one keeps and protects these sacred vows better than one's
    own eyes & children!, since they protect you & all other beings much
    better than any army! They are the highest offer one can give in & to
    this world! So is the start towards Nibbāna: the Deathless Element!
    This is the Noble Way to Peace, to Freedom, to Ease, to Happiness,
    initiated by Morality, developed further by Dhamma-Study and
    fulfilled by training of Meditation...

    Today indeed is Pooya or Uposatha or observance day, where any lay
    Buddhist normally keeps even the Eight Precepts from sunrise until the
    next dawn... If any wish an official recognition by the Bhikkhu-Sangha,
    they may simply forward the lines starting with "I hereby ..." signed with
    name, date, town, & country to me or join here. A public list of this new
    quite rapidly growing global Saddhamma-Sangha is set up here!

    The New Noble Community of Buddha's Disciples: Saddhamma Sangha:

    Can quite advantageously be Joined Here:

    May your journey hereby be light, swift, and sweet. Never give up !!
    Bhikkhu Samahita:

    For Details on The Origin of Uposatha Observance Days:

    Navam Poya Day!


    a nice day!
  • samahitasamahita Veteran
    edited February 2008

    How to protect oneself and all other beings best: The All Good & Golden Rules:

    Do neither Kill nor praise Killing. Rather avoid taking any kind of Life.
    Also make others stop killing too by praising harmlessness & non- cruelty.
    Greatest is this Offer to the world of Beings: The safety from violent murder!
    Painful future karmic effect of Killing is short lifetime & brutal non-natural death!

    Do neither Harm nor praise any kind of Harming, whether instrumental, mental, verbal or physical.
    Put down the stick, knife, sword, & all weapons. Indeed end now all violence, brutality & hostility!
    Still all aggression by praising mercy & peace. Greatest is this Offer to the world of Beings:
    The safety from injury, wounding & sudden pain. The painful future karmic effects of Harming
    are non-curable disease, disability, & loss of limbs.

    Do neither Steal nor praise any kind of Stealing. Avoid taking what is not freely given.
    Make others abstain from Theft by praising modesty & honesty. Greatest is this Relief
    to the world of Owners: The safety from loss, damage & undue costs to insurances.
    The painful future karmic effect of Stealing is loss, poverty, need, deficiency, hunger, & thirst.

    Do neither abuse sexually nor praise any abuse. Avoid other’s partners & those engaged or protected.
    Make all others abstain from any sexual abuse too. Greatest is this Offer to any parent or lover:
    The safety from deceit, adultery, & sexual abuse. The painful future karmic effect of abuse &
    adultery is future sexual abnormality, disability or much worse.

    Do neither Speak False nor praise any kind of Lying. Rather avoid all Untruth & Falsehood and induce
    all others also to speak only Truth by praising sincerity. Greatest is this Praxis in the world of Beings:
    Honesty ensuring the confidence of trust among many beings. Greatest is this Offer to the world of
    Beings: The painful future karmic effect of lying is being deceived, disrespected, lowly positioned or worse.

    Do neither drink alcohol nor praise any kind of intoxication that induces neglect, & lax carelessness.
    Rather refrain from liquor & make all others abstain too. This is the optimal social habit of behaviour in
    the world of beings ensuring decency, sanity & sound reasoning. The painful future karmic effect of drinking
    is stupidity, insanity, madness, forgetfulness, poor memory and worse.

    There are these five gifts, five great gifts original, long-standing, traditional, ancient, unadulterated,
    unadulterated from the beginning that are not open to suspicion, will never be open to suspicion, and,
    which never are censured by any truly wise recluse & priest!

    Details of The Five Buddhist Precepts (pañca-sila):

    Back to Basics! Have a nice day!

    Friendship is the Greatest
    Bhikkhu Samahita Ceylon
  • samahitasamahita Veteran
    edited February 2008

    Impersonal, selfless, coreless, ownerless & without ego is all constructions:

    There exists no unchanging, same, identical identity such as 'I, Me, My-self, My Ego, My Personality'!
    There exist momentary states of internal form, feeling, perception, construction, and consciousness.
    These five internal clusters of clinging are always changing, becoming otherwise, and never the same!

    There exist no unchanging, same, identical identities such as ' They, We, Them-selves, these Personalities'!
    There exist momentary states of external form, feeling, perception, construction, and consciousness.
    These five external clusters of clinging are always changing, becoming otherwise, and never the same!

    The notion: ' I Am' is false! There is a process of ever renewed becoming: This Am is therefore OK!
    However the pointing reference 'I' is without a referent! It is lacking a real object & points nowhere!
    Egoism is the religious belief in an unverifiable unchanging core substance residing somewhere inside
    all beings as a permanent entity, which is the assumed basis of the self, ego, person, I, me, U, We etc!
    However much one falls in love with this mere 'idea' it remains not to be seen or demonstrated to any!
    Though non-existent this purely mental constructs are nevertheless quite effective as conflict-starter!
    It is the 'king in the inner castle', which should be defended & gratified even when he is not really there!
    How comic! How tragic! How tricky! How difficult to see! How precious to know! How releasing of all!

    More on this counterintuitive selflessness (No-Self = Anatta):

    We Are Not!

    Have a nice day!

    Friendship is the Greatest
    Bhikkhu Samahita Sri Lanka
  • samahitasamahita Veteran
    edited February 2008

    How does one Accumulate a Heap of Advantage?

    The Blessed Buddha once said:
    Bhikkhus, if one should call anything a heap of the Disadvantage, then
    it is these five hindrances, that one could rightly call this. For these are
    verily only one heap of evil Disadvantage, these five mental hindrances...
    What five?
    1: The Mental Hindrance of Desire for Sensing...
    2: The Mental Hindrance of Aversion & Ill-Will...
    3: The Mental Hindrance of Lethargy & Laziness…
    4: The Mental Hindrance of Restlessness & Regret…
    5: The Mental Hindrance of Doubt & Uncertainty…
    If one were to call anything a mass of the Disadvantage, then it is about
    these five hindrances, that one could rightly say this. Since indeed are
    these five mental hindrances an immense stockpile of damage & loss!!!

    If, Bhikkhus, one were to call anything a heap of Advantage, then it is
    these Four Foundations of Awareness, that one could rightly call this.
    For these are verily a perfect mass of sole Advantage, that is, these
    Four Foundations of Awareness... What four?
    1: Awareness of the Body merely as a transient & compounded Form..
    2: Awareness of Feelings just as passing reactive Sensations..
    3: Awareness of Mind only as a group of habitual & temporary Moods..
    4: Awareness of Phenomena simply as momentary Mental States..
    If, Bhikkhus, one were to call anything an Accumulation of Advantage,
    then it is these Four Foundations of Awareness, that one could rightly
    call this. For these are verily a pure & massive abundance of Advantage,
    that is, these Four Foundations of Awareness... !!!

    Source of reference (edited extract):

    The Grouped Sayings of the Buddha. Samyutta Nikaya.
    Book [V: 146] 47 The Foundations of Awareness: 5 Heap of Good...

    On Foundations of Awareness (Sati):

    On the Five Mental Hindrances (Nivarana):

    Heaping up Good!
  • samahitasamahita Veteran
    edited February 2008

    What actually are the Advantageous Mental States?

    Cut Short:

    Mental states not mixed with any form of hate are Advantageous!
    Mental states not mixed with any form of greed are Advantageous!
    Mental states not mixed with any form of ignorance are Advantageous!

    In Detail:

    At whatever occasion any advantageous thought pertaining to the sense sphere,
    accompanied by gladness & associated with knowledge, pointed to any sense object,
    such as a visible form, a sound, a smell, a taste, a touch, or a mental object, then right
    at that time arises momentarily: Contact, feeling, perception, intention, idea, directed
    thought, sustained thinking, joy, happiness, one-pointedness of the mind, the ability of
    faith, energy, awareness, concentration, understanding, the ability of mind & gladness,
    the ability of vitality, right view, right motivation, right effort, right awareness, and
    right concentration. There arise the powers of conviction, enthusiasm, acute awareness,
    focused concentration, understanding. There arise the powers of shame, of fear of the
    consequences of wrong-doing! There arise non-greed, non-hatred, non-confusion, and
    non-possessiveness. There arises no ill will, but right view, shame & fear of wrongdoing.
    There is then physical calmness and serene tranquillity of mind. There arise then mental
    and bodily readiness, facile mental and bodily flexibility, soundness & rectitude of mind!
    There is then present: Awareness, clear comprehension, mental tranquillity, insight, energy,
    and non-distraction. These & whatever formless immaterial states these causally produce:
    These are the Advantageous mental states...

    The Classification of States. Dhammasangani. The 1st of the 7 Abhidhamma Books.

    More on Advantageous States (Kusala Dhamma):

    What is Advantageous?
  • samahitasamahita Veteran
    edited February 2008

    What actually are the Disadvantageous Mental States?

    Cut Short:
    Mental states mixed or joined with any form of even diluted hate are Disadvantageous!
    Mental states mixed or joined with any form of even diluted greed are Disadvantageous!
    Mental states mixed or joined with any form of even diluted ignorance are Disadvantageous!

    In Detail:

    At whatever occasion any disadvantageous thought pertaining to the sense sphere,
    accompanied by gladness & associated with knowledge, pointed to any sense object,
    such as a visible form, a sound, a smell, a taste, a touch, or a mental object, then right
    at that time arises momentarily: Contact, feeling, perception, intention, idea, directed
    thought, sustained thinking, joy, happiness, one-pointedness of the mind, the ability of
    faith, energy, awareness, concentration, understanding, the ability of mind & gladness,
    the ability of vitality, wrong view, wrong motivation, wrong effort, wrong awareness, and
    wrong concentration. There arise the powers of conviction, enthusiasm, acute awareness,
    focused concentration, understanding. There arise the evil powers of no-shame, of no-fear
    of the consequences of wrong-doing! There arise greed, hatred, confusion, & possessiveness.
    There arises then wrong view, but neither shame, conscience nor any fear of wrongdoing...
    Calm, insight and non-distraction is present. These & whatever formless immaterial mental
    states these later causally produce: These are the Disadvantageous mental states...

    The Classification of States. Dhammasangani. The 1st of the 7 Abhidhamma Books.

    More on Disadvantageous & Detrimental States (Akusala Dhamma):

    What is Detrimental?
  • samahitasamahita Veteran
    edited February 2008

    What are the Neutral States?

    Cut Short:
    Mental states, which neither are Advantageous, nor Disadvantageous are Neutral!

    In Detail: Which states are neither Advantageous nor Disadvantageous?
    1: States that are RESULTING EFFECTS of others states are themselves neutral:
    There are states, which are the resulting effects of prior advantageous & disadvantageous states
    of the sensuous sphere, the fine material sphere, the formless sphere, or of the Supramundane...
    These states are either a feeling, a perception, a mental construction, or a moment of consciousness.
    These effects are neither advantageous nor disadvantageous, but inherently neutral.

    2: UNINTENTIONAL ACTIONS (kiriya kamma) are neutral states:

    There are mental states, which neither are advantageous, nor disadvantageous, nor resultants.
    These are unintentional inert actions, which does not cause any effects or kamma accumulation.
    These states are neither advantageous nor disadvantageous, nor causes, nor effects, but neutral.
    Example: Stepping on & killing an ant, not having seen it, nor wished to harm, is a neutral action.

    3: All forms of MATTER, MATERIALITY, and FORM are neutral states:
    Mountains, trees, food, water, air, knives, weapons, & even atomic bombs are all neutral states.
    It is the intention behind utilizing these dead passive things, which can be either good or bad...

    4: NIBBANA are undecided, indeterminate, and undeterminable:
    The Unconditioned Element of Nibbana is a neutral state, - causing nothing -, & as such neither
    advantageous, nor disadvantageous, nor a resulting effect of anything else...

    These are the Neutral States, which are neither Advantageous nor Disadvantageous.

    The Classification of States. Dhammasangani. The 1st of the 7 Abhidhamma Books.

    What is Neutral?

    Have a nice day!

    Friendship is the Greatest
    Bhikkhu Samahita, Sri Lanka
  • samahitasamahita Veteran
    edited March 2008
    A friend asked some good questions:

    1. How does Buddhism explain Rebirth?

    Answer: Please see here on rebirth linking: _Destinations.htm

    2. Please explain me about "Law of Kamma".
    Answer: Please see here on intentional Action = Kamma & resulting effects (vipaka):

    3. Do Buddhist believe in magic?
    Answer: There is just cause and effect.
    Some causes are very rare. Some effects are thus also very rare.
    Since so rare, these phenomena are often considered as ‘Magic’ or ‘Mystic’
    However, they are only real and natural, but just seldom seen.

    Kamma, Rebirth, & Magic?

    Have a nice day!

    Friendship is the Greatest
    Bhikkhu Samahita Sri Lanka
  • samahitasamahita Veteran
    edited March 2008

    The 8 Pleasures of the Reclusive Sage = Samana-Sukha:

    The absence of possessions & possessiveness...
    Blameless daily begging of alms food...
    Content, calm & composed with modest needs...
    Detached ease regarding all phenomena...
    Fearlessness of robbery, violence & loss...
    Freedom from government, taxation, etc...
    Freedom from bosses, administrators, etc...
    Unobstructed in all directions & realms...

    The Reclusive Bliss = Samana-Sukha! :-)

    Have a nice day!

    Friendship is the Greatest
    Bhikkhu Samahita, Sri Lanka
  • samahitasamahita Veteran
    edited March 2008

    An Advantageous Daily Routine:

    One should often contemplate the inevitable fact of DEATH!
    Why so? Because it makes one approach Nibbana – The Deathless Dimension!
    Neglecting thinking about death makes one accumulate future rebirths,
    and thereby also future rounds of ageing, decay and inevitable death!
    Considering death is therefore quite advantageous, but not pleasant…
    Neglecting death is therefore quite disadvantageous, though more pleasant…
    One looses all (again & again) at the moment of death including this body…
    Death itself is painless and should not be feared. Life is painful & dreadful!
    The only way to escape the fact of death is not to be (re)-born…
    Only this is Peace ! Only this is Freedom from all future suffering!
    Only this is lasting Happiness !

    On daily Death-Contemplation as advised by the Buddha:

    About End-Making!

    Have a nice day!

    Friendship is the Greatest
    Bhikkhu Samahita Sri Lanka
  • samahitasamahita Veteran
    edited March 2008

    Dhamma Evaporates the Mental Hindrances:

    The Blessed Buddha once said:

    When, Bhikkhus, a Noble Disciple listens carefully to the Dhamma, alert with keen ears,
    attending to it as a matter of crucial concern, as something of vital importance, directing
    his entire mind to it, in that very moment, the Five Mental Hindrances are absent in him...
    On that occasion the Seven Links to Awakening develop towards complete fulfilment...
    And what are the Five Mental Hindrances, that are absent on that occasion?
    The mental hindrance of Sense-Desire is all absent on that very occasion.
    The mental hindrance of Evil-Will is all absent in these exact moments.
    The mental hindrance of Lethargy & Laziness is all absent during that period.
    The mental hindrance of Restlessness & Regret is all absent on that event.
    The mental hindrance of Doubt & Uncertainty is all absent in that interval.
    These are the Five Mental Hindrances that all are completely absent on that occasion.
    And what are the Seven Links to Awakening that approaches fulfilment right there?
    The Awareness Link to Awakening develops towards fulfilment on that very occasion!
    The Investigation Link to Awakening arises & approaches fulfilment on that occasion!
    The Energy Link to Awakening also pushes forward towards fulfilment on that occasion!
    The Joy Link to Awakening moves towards complete fulfilment on that unique occasion!
    The Tranquillity Link to Awakening comes close to a stilled fulfilment on that occasion!
    The Concentration Link to Awakening reaches unification fulfilment on that occasion!
    The Equanimity Link to Awakening also gains fulfilment by development on that occasion!
    These are the 7 Links to Awakening that are fulfilled by development on that occasion.
    When, Bhikkhus, a Noble Disciple listens carefully to the Dhamma, alert with keen ears,
    attending to it as a matter of crucial concern, as something of vital importance, directing
    his entire mind to it, in that very moment the Five Mental Hindrances are absent in him.
    On that occasion the Seven Links to Awakening develop towards complete fulfilment...

    Source (edited extract):

    The Grouped Sayings of the Buddha. Samyutta Nikaya.
    Book [V: 95-6] section 46: The Links. 38: Unhindered...

    Have a nice day!

    Friendship is the Greatest
    Bhikkhu Samahita Sri Lanka
  • samahitasamahita Veteran
    edited March 2008

    How do the 7 Links to Awakening lead to Enlightenment?

    Then a certain not very well known Bhikkhu approached the Blessed Buddha and
    asked: Venerable Sir, 'The 7 Links to Awakening, The Links to Awakening' is it
    always said. In what way are they called Links to Awakening?
    They lead to Enlightenment, friend, therefore are they called Links to Awakening.
    Here, Bhikkhu, when one develops, trains, cultivates and refines:
    1: The Awareness Link to Awakening: sati-sambojjhanga.
    2: The Investigation Link to Awakening: dhammavicaya-sambojjhanga.
    3: The Energy Link to Awakening: viriya-sambojjhanga.
    4: The Joy Link to Awakening: piti-sambojjhanga.
    5: The Tranquillity Link to Awakening: passaddhi-sambojjhanga.
    6: The Concentration Link to Awakening: samadhi-sambojjhanga.
    7: The Equanimity Link to Awakening: upekkha-sambojjhanga.
    based upon seclusion, disillusion, and ceasing, maturing & culminating in release,
    then these Seven Links to Awakening, becomes Noble and liberating. They lead
    any one who trains them all out, they lead to utter revulsion, to intense disgust,
    to dispassion, to cessation of craving and greed, to peace, to direct knowledge,
    to complete destruction of suffering. They lead to Enlightenment, to Nibbana...

    Source (edited extract):
    The Grouped Sayings of the Buddha. Samyutta Nikaya. Book [V: 82-83]
    section 46: The Links.19-21: Noble Revulsion leads to Enlightenment....

    Have a nice day!

    Friendship is the Greatest
    Bhikkhu Samahita, Sri Lanka
  • samahitasamahita Veteran
    edited March 2008

    What is the Awareness (Sati) Link to Awakening?

    The Awareness Link to Awakening (sati-sambojjhanga) is the same mental quality,
    which inherently is included in:
    The Four Foundations of Awareness (satipatthana)
    The Ability of Awareness (satindriya)
    The Power of Awareness (satibala)
    The Right Awareness Path Factor (samma-sati-magganga)
    Trained, developed and refined in a degree that gradually enlightens!

    The Buddha once said: What mental fermentations (asava) should be
    overcome by development? If a Bhikkhu by careful & rational attention
    develops the Awareness Link to Awakening based on seclusion, disillusion,
    ceasing, and culminating in relinquishment, neither can any fermentation,
    nor any fever, nor any vexation ever arise in him. MN 2 [i 11]

    The Ability of Awareness is to remain Anchored on any chosen object &
    when this ability is unshakable and well fixed, it is a Power of Awareness!
    Awareness is a Foundation (patthana), when well Established (upatthana)
    continually - without interrupting distractions - on these four objects:

    1: Body as mere form: Just a group of foul & fragile organs...
    2: Feeling as a reactive response assigned to any contact...
    3: Mind as only a changing set of mentalities & moods...
    4: Phenomena simply as momentary mental states...

    Not lasting but transient! Not pleasure but pain! Not Self but impersonal!
    Neither neglecting nor forgetting that these universal characteristics are
    relevant & true for absolutely all aspects of these four objects, the false
    & distorted perception of beauty in what really is disgusting, of pleasure
    in what really is painful, of self in what really is selfless and impersonal,
    gradually fades away and the mental fermentations (asava) of sensing,
    of views, of ignorance and of becoming are overcome by elimination.

    Further inspirations on this lucid quality of Awareness:

    Training of Clear Comprehension (sampajanna):
    Training of the Four Foundations of Awareness (satipatthana):
    What is Right & Noble Awareness? Answer and Details at:
    Further studies in this universally superb mental state:

    What is Awareness?

    Have a nice day!

    Friendship is the Greatest
    Bhikkhu Samahita, Sri Lanka
  • samahitasamahita Veteran
    edited March 2008

    What is the Investigation (Vicaya) Link to Awakening?

    Investigation of states Link to Awakening (dhammavicaya-sambojjhanga)
    is basically the same mental property (pañña-cetasika), that Understands
    everything and which also is inherently included in the:
    The Understanding feet of force (vimamsiddhipada)
    The Ability of Understanding (paññindriya)
    The Power of Understanding (paññabala)
    The Right View Path Factor (samma-ditthi-magganga)

    Trained, developed and refined in a degree that completely Enlightens!
    If one single quality should be pointed out as thee cause of Awakening,
    then it is this Investigation of states Link to Awakening that Enlightens!
    The Buddha once said: What mental fermentations (asava) should be
    overcome by development? If a Bhikkhu by careful & rational attention
    develops an Investigation of states Link to Awakening based on seclusion,
    disillusion, ceasing, & culminating in relinquishment, then neither can any
    fermentation, nor any fever, nor discontent ever arise in him. MN2 [i 11]
    Remaining thus aware, then he examines, analyzes, & comes to understand
    that quality with penetrating insight. While thus aware, exploring into,
    examining, analyzing, & coming to full intuitive comprehension, then this
    Investigation of states Link to Awakening becomes aroused. He develops
    it, & for him it goes to the culmination of its development. MN118 [iii 85]

    The Ability of Investigation of states is to examine, scrutinize & analyse
    any chosen object & when this ability is unshakable and unfailing, it then
    becomes a Power of Investigation of phenomena! By thorough and eager
    investigation one understands that all things are caused and conditioned
    and as such only are compounded constructions, that pass through the
    inconceivably rapid moments (10-43 sec.) of arising, presence, & ceasing!
    Remaining neither the 'same' nor 'stable' for two consecutive moments...
    Comprehending this universal flux gradually disables clinging & craving...
    Therefore do not trust anything (especially not 'your-self'!) blindly...,
    but keep on examining and question what is doubtful & not quite clear.
    The Investigation of states Link to Awakening is the sword that cuts
    through the jungle of views to real seeing, understanding and knowing:

    The last five (III-VII) of these Seven Purifications:
    I: Purification of morality (sila-visuddhii)
    II: Purification of mind (citta-visuddhi)
    III: Purification of view (ditthi-visuddhi)
    IV: Purification by overcoming doubt (kankha-vitarana-visuddhi)
    V: Purification by knowledge & vision of what is path and not-path
    VI: Purification by knowledge and vision of progress on the path.
    VII: Purification of knowledge and vision (ñanadassana-visuddhi).

    The Three Comprehending Contemplations:
    Contemplation of Impermanence (aniccanupassana)
    Contemplation of Suffering (dukkhanupassana)
    Contemplation of Impersonality (anatta)

    The 9 kinds of real Insight-Knowledge consisting in directly Knowing:

    1. Contemplation of Arising and Ceasing (udayabbayanupassana-ñana)
    2. Contemplation of Instant Dissolution (bhanganupassana-ñana)
    3. Contemplation of Appearance as Terror (bhayatupatthana-ñana)
    4. Contemplation of Danger (adinavanupassana-ñana)
    5. Contemplation of Disgust (nibbidanupassana-ñana)
    6. The Desire for mental Release (muccitu-kamyata-ñana)
    7. Reflecting & repelling contemplation (patisankhanupassana-ñana)
    8. Equanimity regarding all constructions (sankharupekkha-ñana)
    9. Adaptation confirming to the absolute truth (saccanulomika-ñana).

    Further inspirations on this probing quality of Investigation of states:
    Feeding Investigation:
    Not Examining!

    What is the Investigation?
    Curious Investigation Understands!

    Have a nice day!

    Friendship is the Greatest
    Bhikkhu Samahita, Sri Lanka
  • samahitasamahita Veteran
    edited March 2008

    What is the Energy (Viriya) Link to Awakening!

    The Energy Link to Awakening (Viriya-sambojjhanga) is basically the
    same mental property (viriya-cetasika), as that which performs any
    effort & which also is inherently included in the:
    The Energy Feet of Force (viriyiddhipada)
    The Ability of Energy (viriyindriya)
    The Power of Energy (viriyabala)
    The Right Effort Path Factor (samma-vayama-magganga)
    Trained, developed and aroused so that it are capable of Enlightening!

    The Buddha once said: What mental fermentations (asava) should be
    overcome by development? If a Bhikkhu by careful & rational attention
    develops the Energy Link to Awakening based on seclusion, disillusion,
    ceasing, & culminating in relinquishment, then neither can any mental
    fermentation, nor any fever, or discontent ever arise in him. MN2 [i 11]
    In one who examines, finds out why, & comes to certain comprehension,
    in him his Energy Link to Awakening becomes aroused. He develops it,
    & for him it goes to the culmination of its development. MN118 [iii 85]

    The Ability of Energy is to initiate, launch into effort and to complete any
    undertaking using persistent endurance. When this ability becomes
    unshakable and unfailing, it then becomes the mighty Power of Energy!
    The function of energy is this four-fold right effort of:
    1: Eradicating evil disadvantageous states that have arisen in the mind.
    2: Preventing the arising of yet unarisen disadvantageous mental states.
    3: Initiating and developing yet unarisen advantageous mental states.
    4: Increasing, refining & completing already arisen advantageous states.
    The characteristic of energy is readiness, willingness, enthusiastic ease,
    eager and keen vigour. The manifestation of energy is action, exertion,
    endeavor, industry, struggle, powerful striving and accomplishment!

    The one, who does not rise when it is time to rise.
    Who though young & strong, is weak in mind,
    soft in will, & lazy by nature, such slow one
    does never find the way to Nibbana.
    Dhammapada 280

    Get up! Sit up!
    Of what use are your dreams?
    How can you sleep, when sick,
    stabbed by the arrow of craving...
    Sutta Nipata 331

    Get up! Sit up!
    Push on your training, until reaching sole peace!
    Do not let the king of death see you sloppy and
    thus delude & dominate you like a toy doll...
    Sutta Nipata 332

    Feeding the Energy:
    And what, friends, is feeding the Energy Link to Enlightenment,
    not yet arisen, & food too for boosting of any present Energy?
    1: The element of mental initiative,
    2: The element of launching into effort,
    3: The element of enduring persistence.
    Systematic attention to these, is feeding any yet unarisen Energy
    Link to Awakening, & food too for boosting any present Energy.
    Samyutta Nikaya XLVI 51 Bojjhanga-samyutta

    Fivefold final Energy:
    Following the Buddha the energy in the disciple culminates, when he
    finally thinks: Let just this blood & flesh dry up & wither away so only
    skin, sinews & bones remain, I will not give up my quest and stray from
    this Noble 8-fold Path before having reached Enlightenment...!!!

    For a full Study on Energy (Viriya): The root Hero of all Success:

    Energy: The chief root Hero of all Success!!!

    Have a nice day!

    Friendship is the Greatest
    Bhikkhu Samahita, Sri Lanka
  • samahitasamahita Veteran
    edited March 2008

    What is the Joy (Pîti) Link to Awakening?

    The Joy Link to Awakening (Piti-sambojjhanga) has the characteristic
    of suffusing contentment, and the property of gladdening satisfaction.
    This Joy Link to Awakening manifests as mental elation, which can reach
    five successively increasing degrees of intensity:

    1: Minor Joy, which can raise the hair on the body when thrilled.
    2: Momentary Joy, which is flashing like lightning at various occasions.
    3: Showering Joy, which breaks over the body repeatedly like sea-waves.
    4: Uplifting Joy, which can be strong enough to even levitate the body.
    5: Pervading Joy, which is like a heavy sponge all saturated with water.
    Visuddhimagga IV 94-9

    The Buddha once said: What mental fermentations (asava) should be
    overcome by development? If a Bhikkhu by careful & rational attention
    develops the Joy Link to Awakening based on seclusion, on disillusion,
    on ceasing, & culminating in relinquishment, then neither can any mental
    fermentation, nor any fever, or discontent ever arise in him. MN2 [i 11]

    In one who has aroused enthusiastic energy, there arises a joy not of
    this world & the Joy Link to Awakening emerges there. He develops it,
    & for him it goes to the culmination of its development. MN118 [iii 85]

    Any one convinced by understanding of Buddha, Dhamma, Sangha,
    gets an enthusiastic sense of the sublime good goal of Nibbana &
    gains gladness connected, joined, and fused with this Dhamma...!
    In any one gladdened, Joy is born. The body of the Joyous is calmed.
    One of calm body experiences pleasure and happiness! The mind of
    one who is happy becomes concentrated. The concentrated mind
    sees and knows things as they really are. This brings disgust and
    disillusion, which enables full direct experience of mental release.
    It is in this way that Joy indeed is a factor leading to Awakening!
    MN [i 37-8], AN [iii 21-3], DN [iii 21-3]

    Further inspirations on the elevating & ecstatic quality of Joy:

    Floating on Joy :-) !

    Have a nice day!

    Friendship is the Greatest
    Bhikkhu Samahita Sri Lanka
  • samahitasamahita Veteran
    edited March 2008

    What is the Tranquillity Link to Awakening?

    The Tranquillity Link to Awakening (passaddhi-sambojjhanga) has the
    characteristic of peace, and the function of stilling, which manifests
    as absence of restless trembling. Stillness of feeling, perception and
    mental construction is the factor that induces bodily Tranquillity.
    Stillness of consciousness itself induces mental Tranquillity.

    The proximate cause of Tranquillity is the satisfaction within Joy!
    The resulting effect of Tranquillity is the bliss within Happiness!
    The Buddha once said: What mental fermentations (asava) should be
    overcome by development? If a Bhikkhu by careful & rational attention
    develops the Tranquillity Link to Awakening based on seclusion, based
    on disillusion, based on ceasing, and culminating in cool relinquishment,
    then neither can mental fermentation, nor any fever, nor any discontent
    ever arise in him. MN2 [i 11]

    In one who is joyous, the body becomes calm & the mind becomes calm.
    The Tranquillity Link to Awakening emerges right there. He develops it,
    & for him it goes to the culmination of its development. MN118 [iii 85]

    Calm is his thought, calm is his speech,
    and calm is his deed, who, truly knowing,
    is wholly freed, perfectly tranquil and wise.
    Dhammapada 96

    The one who eliminates discontent, tearing it out
    by the roots, utterly cuts it out, such one spontaneously
    becomes absorbed in the calm of tranquillity both day & night.
    Dhammapada 250

    The one who is tranquil in movement, calmed in speech,
    stilled in thought, collected & composed, who sees right
    through & rejects all allurements of this world, such one
    is truly a 'Peaceful One'.
    Dhammapada 378

    Further inspirations on the calming & soothing quality of Tranquillity:

    Serene Tranquillity...

    Have a nice day!

    Friendship is the Greatest
    Bhikkhu Samahita, Sri Lanka
  • samahitasamahita Veteran
    edited March 2008

    What is the Equanimity Link to Awakening?

    Even evaluation is characteristic of the Equanimity Link to Awakening:
    (Upekkha-Sambojjhanga). Preventing both deficiency & excess and
    securing impartiality is the function of Equanimity. Imperturbable
    ballance is the manifestation of the Equanimity Link to Awakening.
    Equanimity just looks on whenever new phenomena arises and ceases.
    This stable yet plastic patience purifies all the other advantageous
    mental states, which reach maximum, when joined with Equanimity...

    Equanimity (Upekkha) is a moderating mental construction.
    Equanimity is also a mood of neither gladness nor sadness.
    Equanimity is also a feeling of neither pain nor pleasure.
    Equanimity is also the neutral ability to be indifferent.
    Equanimity is also the 4th infinitely divine dwelling.
    Equanimity is also a quite high form of happiness.
    Equanimity is also a refined mental purification.
    Equanimity is therefore a Link to Enlightenment...

    There is Equanimity both regarding live beings and dead things.
    There is Equanimity both regarding all internal & external states.
    There is Equanimity both regarding all past, present and future.
    There is Equanimity both regarding all mentality & all materiality.

    The Buddha once said: What mental fermentations (asava) should be
    overcome by development? If a Bhikkhu by alert & rational attention
    develops the Equanimity Link to Awakening based on seclusion, based
    on disillusion, on ceasing, culminating in full renouncing relinquishment,
    then neither can mental fermentation, nor any fever, nor discontent
    ever arise in him. MN2 [i 11]

    When mind is concentrated one can observe all closely in equanimity.
    The Equanimity Link to Awakening arises right there. He develops it,
    and for him repeatedly meditating it goes gradually to the completion
    of its development. MN118 [iii 85] Further inspirations on the imperturbable quality of Equanimity:

    Cool Calm is the Ultimate Balm!

    Have a nice day!

    Friendship is the Greatest
    Bhikkhu Samahita Sri Lanka
  • samahitasamahita Veteran
    edited March 2008

    How do the 7 Links to Awakening develop Sequentially?

    1: Whenever withdrawn in body and withdrawn in mind one reflects on the Buddha-Dhamma,
    then the Awareness Link to Awakening arise and develop. Thus aware one examines that!

    2: Whenever examining a mental state, then the Investigation Link to Awakening arises and
    develops. While thus being curious & enthusiastically investigating, keen energy is aroused!

    3: Whenever energy is aroused in one who is enthusiastic, then the Energy Link to Awakening
    arise and develop. While energetic & enthusiastic one succeeds: Therefore Joy is born!

    4: Whenever succeeding in enthusiastic joy, then the Joy Link to Awakening arise & develop.
    One thus joyous becomes mentally satisfied and therefore calmed both in body and mind!

    5: Whenever calmed in body & mind, then the Tranquillity Link to Awakening arise & develop.
    One thus satisfied, calmed, serene, settled & tranquil in both body & mind becomes happy!

    6: Whenever calmed & comfortable in body & tranquil & happy in mind, then the Concentration
    Link to Awakening arise & develop. Concentrated one reviews all rationally and reasonably!

    7: Whenever one well balanced reviews all mental states rationally and reasonably, then the
    Equanimity Link to Awakening arise & develop. In Equanimity one knows & sees things right.

    It is in this very way that the seven Links to Awakening develop sequentially, one after the
    other; successively one leading to & producing the next...

    Source (edited extract):
    The Grouped Sayings of the Buddha. Samyutta Nikaya.
    Book [V: 67-69] section 46: The Links.3: Morality....

    Have a nice sequential day!

    Friendship is the Greatest
    Bhikkhu Samahita, Sri Lanka
  • samahitasamahita Veteran
    edited March 2008

    How to be a Real Buddhist through Pure Observance?

    Medin Poya day is the full-moon of March. This holy day celebrates
    that the Buddha visits his parental home after his supreme Enlightenment,
    and ordains his son prince Rahula, & half brother Nanda. This day is
    also called: The Sangha Day, since on this full-moon day 1250 Arahats
    spontaneously met & assembled around the Buddha without any call.
    Buddha then spoke the famous Ovada Patimokkha core teaching!

    On such Full-Moon Uposatha Poya Observance days:

    Any Lay Buddhist simply joins the Three Refuges and undertakes the
    Five Precepts like this: Newly bathed, shaved, white-clothed, with clean
    bare feet, one kneels at a shrine with a Buddha-statue, and bows first
    three times, so that feet, hands, elbows, knees & head touch the floor.
    Then, with joined palms at the heart, one recites these memorized lines
    in a loud, calm & steady voice:

    As long as this life lasts:

    I hereby take refuge in the Buddha.
    I hereby take refuge in the Dhamma.
    I hereby take refuge in the Sangha.
    I hereby seek shelter in the Buddha for the 2nd time.
    I hereby seek shelter in the Dhamma for the 2nd time.
    I hereby seek shelter in the Sangha for the 2nd time.
    I hereby request protection from the Buddha for the 3rd time.
    I hereby request protection from the Dhamma for the 3rd time.
    I hereby request protection from the Sangha for the 3rd time.

    I will hereby respect these Three Jewels the rest of my life!

    I accept to respect, keep & undertake these 5 training rules:

    I hereby accept the training rule of avoiding all Killing.
    I hereby accept the training rule of avoiding all Stealing.
    I hereby accept the training rule of avoiding all Sexual Abuse.
    I hereby accept the training rule of avoiding all Lying & Cheating.
    I hereby accept the training rule of avoiding all Alcohol & Drugs.

    As long as this life lasts, I am thus protected by these 5 precepts...

    Then, one keeps and protects these sacred vows better than one's
    own eyes & children!, since they protect you & all other beings much
    better than any army! They are the highest offer one can give in & to
    this world! The journey towards Nibbana: The Deathless is hereby started!
    This is the Noble Way to Absolute Peace, to Complete Freedom, to Ultimate
    Happiness, initiated by Morality, developed further by Dhamma-Study and
    fulfilled by training of Meditation...

    Today indeed is Pooya or Uposatha or observance day, where any lay
    Buddhist normally keeps also the Eight Precepts from sunrise until the
    next dawn... If any wish an official recognition by the Bhikkhu-Sangha,
    they may simply forward the lines starting with "I hereby ..." signed with
    name, date, town, & country to me or join here. A public list of this new
    quite rapidly growing global web Saddhamma-Sangha is set up here!

    The New Noble Community of Buddha's Disciples: The Saddhamma Sangha:

    Can quite advantageously be Joined Here:

    May your journey hereby be light, swift, and sweet. Never give up !!

    Bhikkhu Samahita:

    For Details on The Origin of Uposatha Observance Days:

    Medin Poya Day!

    Pure Observance!
  • samahitasamahita Veteran
    edited March 2008

    Exceptionally Rare is the arising of the Links to Awakening!

    The Blessed Buddha once said:
    Bhikkhus, these exquisitely refined & sophisticated Seven Links to Awakening do
    never arise apart from the appearance of a Well-Come-Well-Gone One, an Arahat,
    a Perfectly Self-Enlightened Buddha! They never emerge outside the discipline of
    a thus Happy & Successful One! Which seven?

    1: The Awareness Link to Awakening: sati-sambojjhanga.
    2: The Investigation Link to Awakening: dhammavicaya-sambojjhanga.
    3: The Energy Link to Awakening: viriya-sambojjhanga.
    4: The Joy Link to Awakening: piti-sambojjhanga.
    5: The Tranquillity Link to Awakening: passaddhi-sambojjhanga.
    6: The Concentration Link to Awakening: samadhi-sambojjhanga.
    7: The Equanimity Link to Awakening: upekkha-sambojjhanga.

    These uniquely advanced, delicate & intricate Seven Factors of Awakening do never
    emerge other than after the arrival of a Tathagata, an Arahat, a Perfectly Self-
    Enlightened Buddha! They never emerge outside the discipline of a Fortunate One!
    How wonderful!

    Source (edited extract):
    The Grouped Sayings of the Buddha. Samyutta Nikaya.
    Book [V: 77] section 46: The Links. 9+10: Arising...

    Rare Emergence!

    Have a nice day!

    Friendship is the Greatest
    Bhikkhu Samahita, Sri Lanka
  • samahitasamahita Veteran
    edited March 2008

    Who can do it ?

    Urge, incite & teach yourself by yourself!
    Examine & evaluate yourself by yourself!
    Guard yourself, aware of yourself, by yourself!
    Bhikkhu & you will live in happiness ...
    Dhammapada 379

    For self is the master of self.
    For self is the protector of self.
    For self is the Saviour of self.
    Control therefore yourself by taming,
    as one who have bought a new horse.
    Dhammapada 380

    Full of Joy, content & satisfied, the Noble friend
    with perfect confidence in the Teaching of the Buddha,
    will reach the place of Peace, the unconditionally
    unconditioned sameness of Happiness itself ...
    Dhammapada 381 More here:

    Who can do it?
    U can do it!
    Do it Urself!

    Have a nice day!

    Friendship is the Greatest
    Bhikkhu Samahita, Sri Lanka
  • samahitasamahita Veteran
    edited March 2008

    What are The 7 Fruits of the 7 Links to Awakening!

    The Blessed Buddha once said:
    Bhikkhus, when the Seven Links to Awakening have been developed, completed
    and refined, the winning of the seven fruits is indeed to be expected.
    What are the benefits of these seven fruits?

    They are, either:
    1: One attains final knowledge early in this very life. Or:
    2: One attains final knowledge at the moment of death. Or:
    Having destroyed the five lower chains and spontaneously re-arisen;
    3: One attains Nibbana in the first half of the life as a divine brahma. Or:
    4: One attains Nibbana in the second half of the life in these pure abodes. Or:
    5: One attains Nibbana as a Noble non-returner without effort. Or:
    6: One attains Nibbana as a Noble non-returner with some effort. Or:
    7: One is bound upstream, surely heading towards the highest Akanittha realm.
    When, Bhikkhus, these Seven Links to Awakening have been thoroughly developed
    and cultivated exactly in this way, these seven fruits & benefits may be expected....

    Explanation of the Seven Links to Awakening:

    Source (edited extract):
    The Grouped Sayings of the Buddha. Samyutta Nikaya.
    Book [V:69-70] section 46: The Links.

    The 7 Fruits!

    Have a nice day!

    Friendship is the Greatest
    Bhikkhu Samahita, Sri Lanka
This discussion has been closed.