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"A Modern Monk's Tale"

genkakugenkaku Northampton, Mass. U.S.A. Veteran
edited September 2012 in General Banter
Words stick in my throat when I try to describe the power I found in "A Modern Monk's Tale" by John Cavanagh, a former Trappist monk who tried, like so many before and after him, to bring clerical misdeeds to his superiors' attention ... and, like so many before and after him, was told to keep his mouth shut.

First of all, it's well written. Second it tells the tale of a person who arose from the well-heeled realms of Roman Catholicism. Rich was holy. Holy was rich. Third, there is little or no soap box in it -- no wails or whines of despair ... just the story.

It twinkles in my mind like a diamond, facet after facet catching the light of what it is to exist in a realm of power run amok. "A Modern Monk's Tale" happens to be about Roman Catholicism.

It might as easily be about why Occupy Wall Street brought so many to their feet.


  • Sounds interesting.... I might look into a Kindle download if available. Thanks!
  • genkakugenkaku Northampton, Mass. U.S.A. Veteran
    @MaryAnne -- It's about 20 pages long with a lot of pix and is available as linked above, though I can imagine sitting in front of computer screen might be a bit tedious.
  • Durrr... I totally missed the link in your op. I will read it later. :)
  • Pleased to hear the author recovered from his troubles with alcohol .... From my experience it is not only those who ordain into the Catholic church who have a particular draw to the bottle from their experiences with being brought up Catholic.
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