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MaryAnneMaryAnne Veteran
edited October 2012 in General Banter
To all the (U.S.) East Coasters out there ... storm'sa coming!

Last hurricane in my neck of the woods (Jersey shore, August, 2011) we lost power for about 14 hours... but many areas were badly flooded, lots of tree and structure damage, and lost power for 2-3+ days.

* Keep your cell phones (and iPads, Mp3 players, etc) charged-up,
* Secure all outdoor furniture and grills,
* Make sure your pets get outside to do their bizness several times *before* the winds and rain get really bad,
* Have plans made with friends or relatives in case you need to evacuate,
* Make sure you have gas in your cars,
* Have pet carriers and/or leashes within reach,
* Have plenty of candles, battery or rechargeable lanterns, flashlights, as well as matches or lighters,
* If you have an electric stove but no power, use your outdoor gas grill once the brunt of the storm has passed,
* Have a first aid kit handy,
* lay in a good supply of bottled water, canned goods, bread and sandwich makings,

* PLEASE stay off the roads during and for a good amount of time after the storm, unless it is absolutely necessary ... especially if it turns out to be as bad - or worse- than they are predicting!

Stay safe everyone!! ((((hugs))))

Oh, and PLEASE remember to check on elderly relatives or neighbors before, during and after the storm!!


  • Yeah, it's amazing. NYC has completely shut down.

    We have severe wind warnings (Toronto) and we're expecting power outages. Our hydro comes from Niagara which they're expecting to be hit hard, and they think fallen trees are going to take out power lines. YYZ has basically been closed down.

    I'm a little spooked by it all. I've been in a hurricane before, in Florida, but it was really mild. We shouldn't get hit too hard by it, but power outages will not be fun.

    Have you been evactuated? I know NJ has some shelters set up (and filled) already and that people are getting away from the area. Hope you're safe!
  • My neighborhood is doing OK, Rebecca... thanks for asking. :-) We're not considered a high risk flood area; our issues usually involve winds and trees coming down, knocking out power or doing property damage. But so far, it's not too bad.
    I'm on the west end of my town, about 3-5 miles inland from the river, the bay and ocean. Rain might cause street flooding, but we won't have ocean flooding at least.

    I've been keeping up with reports from areas right ON the ocean and last I heard the waves were now breaching the boardwalks and retaining walls and flowing down the streets in some areas. My daughter evacuated her home, which is 4 short blocks back from the beachfront, earlier this morning.

    We haven't lost power (yet) and the winds are not really that impressive (yet?). But I think more problems will arise once the ground gets totally saturated and the winds pick up over the next 24-36 hrs... that's when the trees and large branches start going down and taking wires with them.

    But so far- :thumbsup:
  • MaryAnneMaryAnne Veteran
    edited October 2012
    This is what it looks like when the ocean doesn't stop at the beach front.... (first two pictures are from today, about 4-5 miles east of me. Third shot is Atlantic City, about 45 min. south, also early today):

  • Great news! Glad your daughter is out... Better safe than sorry. I watched a video of the ocean waters and it looked pretty crazy.

    Yeah, I think the worst of it will be hitting this evening/tonight and that's when we'll start seeing the real winds.
  • Brace yourself guys!
    We hope you all make it through the storm without damage or injury.
  • Northeast Pa. is under the warnings, but so far only the low lands got flooded out. It's 7:12 pm now, and so far it's somewhat calm; in a few hours from now we'll be getting the worst of it here. Harrisburg and places south will bear the brunt of the pounding.
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    Yesterday one of the reporters (I think it was CNN) said: "Everyone will he home watching television to learn when the power will be restored."
  • And just think, he went to college for those remarks. :screwy:
  • DavidDavid A human residing in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Ancestral territory of the Erie, Haudenosaunee, Huron-Wendat, Mississauga and Neutral First Nations Veteran
    I think we will be ok here and glad to hear you guys are alright. It just started here with the wind and the rain and they say we will get hit hard but they also tend to exaggerate. I'm expecting the power to go out eventually but nothing too major although some parts of Hamilton are prone to flooding.
  • JohnG said:

    And just think, he went to college for those remarks. :screwy:

    Where else could you learn such things?
  • RebeccaSRebeccaS Veteran
    edited October 2012
    @ourself you are in the TO area?

    Woman killed by debris on Keele St Clair, just around the corner from us. Horrible stuff.

    There are around 10 people dead because of the storm I think :( Hope everyone here is safe.
  • DavidDavid A human residing in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Ancestral territory of the Erie, Haudenosaunee, Huron-Wendat, Mississauga and Neutral First Nations Veteran
    Brutal... I lived right at Dufferin and St. Clair for a while. Yeah, Hamilton is just the other side of the Golden Horseshoe from Toronto. About a half hour drive around the lake going south.

    Be safe!

    Seems to be someone killed in Toronto by building debris every year... What's up with that?
    RebeccaS said:

    @ourself you are in the TO area?

    Woman killed by debris on Keele St Clair, just around the corner from us. Horrible stuff.

    There are around 10 people dead because of the storm I think :( Hope everyone here is safe.

  • Hopefully things aren't too bad where you are. We're pretty much dealing with the same stuff, but have power for now! Apparently we'll (GTA) see the worst of it between 1+4 am so hopefully we'll be asleep if there is an outage where we are. I think the Beaches were hit the worst.
  • I live near Philadelphia International Airport in Delaware County. At this very moment, things sound quite calm out there although it was certainly windy as hell. Unlike hurricane Irene, we were quite fortunate to have not lost power this time around which I consider quite the bit of luck (and no basement flooding!), as well over fifty thousand people are without power in this county, and I saw the sky light up from what I believe to be blown transformers several times and heard plenty of sirens.
  • How is everyone doing this morning? Our area was one of the worst hit by outages, but thankfully our building hasn't been affected. TO saw some damage to cars, power lines and houses, but it could have been a lot worse.

    The East Coast is a disaster area, hope all our friends over there are safe and well.

  • For anyone who hasn't watched this. US coast guard is the best. You must be proud of them.
  • WooHoo! Made it! Our power just went back on about an hour ago- after 46 hr outage. Not fun. This is/was very very bad. No one can claim it was too much hype. The Jersey shore is devastated! We have never ever seen such damage from any hurricane or blizzard - ever.

    My daughter and her fiance, are homeless. They lived in a rented house about 4 blocks from the beach, in Point Pleasant Beach- one of the hardest hit areas. House was flooded, now it's unsafe. They had evacuated to my other daughter's house, but they are moving in with me by the weekend. They will live here until June...

    My sister-in-law and brother-in-law lost their house to flooding. After 28 yrs in the same house and neighborhood, they can't go home. :-( It's so sad. They lived a few blocks from lagoons, and ended up with about 5' of water in the house. Everything destroyed. But they are all safe and relocated as well...

    2 million people in NJ alone were without power at one time. Little by little power is being restored, but it could take several more days before everyone inland has power again. It could take WEEKS for those areas really hit hard... like right along the beach towns.

    First pic below- before and after shot of very 'famous' landmark - Casino Pier in Seaside Heights NJ. In the last photo, you can see how long and huge that pier was... and how wide and beautiful the beach was... now- Gone.
    The rest, well.... as you can see, just horrendous.
  • We donated to the red cross. So sorry to see the destruction.
  • Sorry they lost their homes, that's so awful. But thank goodness everyone is safe! Such a mess, the whole thing.
  • The scary thing is they've been predicting that this sort of thing would become more common, and that the streets of Manhattan would be permanently underwater in another generation or two.
  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    Thanks for the update @MaryAnne That's so crazy. I'm glad everyone is okay!

    I feel like I see natural disasters on the news all of the time, but living in a Midwestern state, I so rarely see it myself. Those images are really bringing it home for me.

    Compassion to everyone struggling to put their life back together on the East coast.

    I wonder what kind of effect all of this will have on election day. It hardly seems fair for some of those hit really hard and I have trouble believing everything will be back in running order by Tuesday.
  • MaryAnneMaryAnne Veteran
    edited November 2012
    Here's another update... from an up-close, street level view:

    This is about 3 weeks after the storm surge:

    For these people "cleaning up" means literally turning their house or business inside out and putting everything - every thing - on the curb for disposal. It's a sad sight...

    But the last three photos were taken at just one of the several distribution locations, where all your donations of clothing, non-perishable groceries, household goods, etc are being handed out to needy families - for free.
    This particular one is set up in an empty "Super Foodtown" store and even though it's a huge store, it was filled to the brim! And as I said, there are places like this for each area or township that's been hurt so badly.
    Thank You, kind people everywhere!
  • These are a few pictures of my sister-in-law's cute three-bedroom home ... this is what "gutted by flood" looks like:

    Most of the rooms had wall-to-wall carpeting which was only a few years old. Carpets (like everything else) have to be ripped up and taken out for disposal.

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