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Virtual Retreat

As we approach the commercial mayhem and frenzy of Xmas, I will be gearing up for a virtual retreat. Will we be hanging a Buddha or two on the Christmas wishing tree? Will we be sharing Dharma gifts? Will we be hanging up our sacks for amrita from bodhisattva Santa Claws (yes a relative)? Will we be chanting Merry Mantras? I can hardly wait . . . :clap:


  • AmeliaAmelia Veteran
    edited November 2012
    My sangha also has a virtual Rohatsu retreat that will end the ango period.

    My teacher also has this website:
  • Well we will be starting in a few days. The theme will be Happiness. I will be learning a new mantra and suggesting practices that make for a happy bodhi. :clap:
  • I would participate, but I'm going on a Goenka retreat on the 5th.
  • following on tumblr :-)
  • fivebells said:

    I would participate, but I'm going on a Goenka retreat on the 5th.

    Well we may have started by the time you get back . . . :clap:

    I have been prostrating to the Buddha begging for amrita, had Tara (one of the names of my shrine/computer) chanting to Amitaba all night.

    Now I am experimenting with meeting points. One place will be this thread another might be here . . .

    As we are themed on 'Happiness' - well why not have a Happy Christmas - stuff the turkey!
    . . . actually some good news my brother in law will be cooking. I will just be general purpose dogsbody. I am thinking of getting a tray, white gloves and saying things like . . . "Dinner is served" and "will that be all Sir and Madam . . ."

    Anyway for now I suggest thinking about times you were happy (if ever) or what would make you happy (if anything) and getting a pic (at least) of amitaba.
    Also learn the Amitaba mantra . . . let me know of any good links for youtube, wallpaper, sound files devoted to Amitaba

  • VastmindVastmind Memphis, TN Veteran
    edited December 2012
    *feeling moments of clarity tonight*

    Had minor surgery on Wed....Recovery will be
    a couple of weeks.....

    Someone is going to need an online retreat.
    Well....look what the Good Lord Buddha brought me!

    Anyway...I heard the meal call, so I thought I would
    shuffle out of my room tonight. hahaha.

    I will never look at a Donkey the same way after today.
    *felt my heart cry at that teaching*
    From the outside in.

    Gratitude for the teachings I am receiving.

    Gratitude for all the things that made this
    opportunity present itself to us.

    BYOB? I got this......Cork Altar on the wall.
  • Hope the surgery recovery goes well

    Dharma noticeboard. Good idea. Good plan.
    Gonna think of a way to implement this . . .

    Yes the documentary about a rinpoche living in a shed
    and his compassion for donkeys and the search for lost teachings - very good

    thanks for following on tumblr TreeLuvr87 :-)
  • I suppose we should have an agenda. :)

    Practice in the morning
    Practice in the evening

    I don't usually practice in the evening. So will look for happiness (that should be fun) and radiate to our retreat participants . . .

    What practice? Whatever makes you happy. Just do a bit more than normal . . . :clap:
  • I had to abandon Amitaba for various reasons. So the name and nature of the retreat is likely to emerge after its completion.

    We now have a formal agenda. As you can imagine it is very disciplined . . . or not . . .
    The link for 'what meditation really is', should provide a variety of online teachings . . .

    Those of you able and willing to share a teaching or provide a talk are very welcome to suggest your blog, youtube video, podcast, text, link to a post here or other material you feel worth sharing . . .

    It is of course totally drop in and drop out . . .
    How long will we go? When did we start? . . . nobody really knows . . .
  • DairyLamaDairyLama Veteran Veteran
    lobster said:

    Practice in the evening

    I thought evenings were for slobbing out in front of the TV? :p
  • VastmindVastmind Memphis, TN Veteran
    lobster said:


    It is of course totally drop in and drop out . . .

    How long will we go? When did we start? . . . nobody really knows . . .

    Who drops in and out? I know duality when I see it. lololol

    If you dont mind......I'm there all the time.
    I'm there with and each and every time.
  • thanks guys,
    a little mahamudra for your contemplation
  • VastmindVastmind Memphis, TN Veteran
    edited December 2012
    *putting on a leotard*
    *snapping of my pink ballet shoe*

    Hey other I the only one nervous
    about the olympic/spiritual games starting?

    These guys look serious. haha
    How do I know what event(s) to enter?
    Who are my opponents?
    The venue laws could get tricky...
  • Hey other I the only one nervous
    about the olympic/spiritual games starting?

    The games are now closed. Fearless and focussed training continues for the next opening. :clap:

    Being serious may lead to suffering. Being sincere to the wrong event may also result in suffering. Entering the wrong lane may lead to suffering.

    What is a potential Buddha to do?


    Where is my tutu? :wave:
  • rastafari jah selassie
  • I read the spiritual Olympics and laughed the whole way through, good show, good show. :)
  • Jeffrey said:

    rastafari jah selassie

    As a pastafarian (devotee of HH The Flying Spaghetti Monster - Peace and Sauce be Upon Hymn) I and I am glad to be the source of amusement . . .
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