Rigid thinking, feeling and expression comes very easy. However when we enter the path to becoming a Buddha for real, rather than some future or present fantasy, how pliant or single minded must we be?
What is stopping our realisation, practice, devotion to dharma, mindfullnes and other required qualities?
Need another initiation, retreat, mantra or year? Another life of ducking dukkha?
Enough already.
Time to
work on qualities.
Time to change our being.
Time to find and ask for blessings.
So dear friends I ask for your prayers, puja and blessing for those wishing to attain Buddhahood in this body, in this mind, in this year.
May all benefit. May all be auspicious.
Spin the wheel of semi dharma drama or continue?
Should we take refuge in our commitment and the three jewels? Of course.
Nothing can knock us off or on course except our own efforts and the blessings of others.
How wonderful. How just. How inevitable.
"Yes, lord."
"Now what do you think, Sona. Before, when you were a house-dweller, were you skilled at playing the vina?"
"Yes, lord."
"And what do you think: when the strings of your vina were too taut, was your vina in tune & playable?"
"No, lord."
"And what do you think: when the strings of your vina were too loose, was your vina in tune & playable?"
"No, lord."
"And what do you think: when the strings of your vina were neither too taut nor too loose, but tuned[1] to be right on pitch, was your vina in tune & playable?"
"Yes, lord."
Blessing and inspiration in dharma
However I am asking for distance reiki and other subtle energy practices . . .
After all expecting to reach Buddhahood without the help of the three jewels, the mantras and practices of our future Buddha self might be necessary . . .
. . . especially when starting from the condition of ignorance that we potential one-year-to-Buddha wannabees are up against . . .
A friend, reiki practitioner and ki-ong teacher phoned today out of the blue . . . I am not so selfish as to deny their sending energy my way . . .
Each of us has to develop compassion for each other, for ourselves and sincerely believe the efforts we make enable the way for others. It starts with intention, with metta, with blessing . . . and it ends in compassion . . .
Hope someone jumps in soon about the reiki for you
@lobster said "......However when we enter the path to becoming a Buddha for real, rather than some future or present fantasy, how pliant or single minded must we be?
What is stopping our realisation, practice, devotion to dharma, mindfullnes and other required qualities?
From what I know so far, we have to be VERY single
What is stopping me?? All my attachments. They come
from my cravings. Im working on those.... I'm not
attached to alot of stuff.....but yes, some stuff.
Present fantasy?
Until my mind is in a present enlightement/nirvanna/nibbana....
well...it's all I got. The fantasy of it. Even those trying to get that absent
feeling again, and again, and again. 3 mins? 7 mins? 28 seconds?
Your preaching to the choir, here. lololol
Am I ducking dukkha? Yes.
I'm trying to cut that out. Day by day.
It's a slow process.
The article you posted said it...
"It's all doable"
Im doing it, dammit.
I'm really trying with the rest of the thread,
I just cant make this connection with the one-year-buddha
goal you got going on..... and the Middle way felt
like a thrown in...hahaha.
I will continue with effort.
In terms of rasayana or Buddhist alchemy, this refers to a tightening of the wheel of dharma (coagulate) and a loosening when too up tight . . . (dissolve).
Our ego likes the slogans: 'there is nothing to achieve', or 'you are already awake' or ''practice is enlightenment'.
They are empty.
They are True.
. . . and so I intend to realise Nothing . . . for everyones benefit. Your prayers and puja will aid that happening . . .