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song of ignorance

As some of you know, The enlightened have a habit of occasionally singing songs of accomplishment.
The ignorant should have a voice:

here is my 'song of ignorance':

just do it
Believe in better,
because you are worth it
think different

with thanks to Bodhisattvas Loreal, Nike, Apple etc

Over to you . . .


  • ZeroZero Veteran
    We know the feeling,
    It's the real thing.
    Every little helps
    to work rest and play.
    That's why mums go to Asda,
    for the best a man can get.
    Life's complicated enough
    without empowering people
    to taste the rainbow.
    Impossible is nothing
    doing what we do best.
    Ariston... and on... and on...!

    Great concept - made me chuckle throughout - you've tickled my surreal bone again... many thanks!! :D now out my head slogans that should never have nested there...!!
  • Ain't nothing like the real thing baby
    Leggo my eggo
    The taste the taste the taste: It's gonna mooove you
    Catch the wave
    The choice of the next generation
    You're not fully clean unless your zestfully clean
  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran
    Zoom, zoom, zoom...
    The choice of a new generation
    The Real Thing
    The happiest place on earth
    Snap Crackle Pop
    Taste the Rainbow
  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    Treat yo'self!
    Karma's a bitch.
  • NevermindNevermind Bitter & Hateful Veteran
    Life is dissatisfaction!
  • DavidDavid A human residing in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Ancestral territory of the Erie, Haudenosaunee, Huron-Wendat, Mississauga and Neutral First Nations Veteran
  • ZeroZero Veteran

    Karma's a bitch.

    :D great slogan..

    Elastoplast... because Karma's a bitch!! :D
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