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Becoming Buddha

As I approach the guileless and goalless state, who apart from 'me' will know?

Oh the humanity!

. . . so I have to be kinder, more selfless and just all around wonderful . . .
Seems like a plan . . . I won't mention my many merits and virtues as they develop . . . They should become apparant . . . Obvious really, the expression is the nature of the inner person. :clap:


  • I am checking in on the advice of enlightened Zen Roshi

    Quite a surprise to find 'nothing' is everything . . . :wave:
  • lobster said:

    As I approach the guileless and goalless state, who apart from 'me' will know?
    . . . so I have to be kinder, more selfless and just all around wonderful . . .

    Just a genuine, innocent question: why does one -have- to be kind? Isn't this a contradiction, being as though being kinder is your goal, yet you seek to have no goal?

  • One does not have to be kind.
    It is our innate nature. As the obscurations and conflicted emotions; fear, anger, pride etc. clear, then inevitabley our innate kindness, bodhicitta, metta shines increasingly . . .

    The enlightened state is paradoxical, it is present or realised but has 'no qualities'. Rather it is the removal of dukkha, that allows attributes or the quality of the real to enable its true being. A true being that . . . Wait for it . . . Is empty. :scratch:

    It does indeed seem contradictory. :wave:
  • genkakugenkaku Northampton, Mass. U.S.A. Veteran
    'Becoming a Buddha' is like a drunk 'becoming' sober: It may be a no-fooling-around effort, but sober is what any drunk was from the beginning, so it's not really anything new or novel.
  • genkaku said:

    'Becoming a Buddha' is like a drunk 'becoming' sober: It may be a no-fooling-around effort, but sober is what any drunk was from the beginning, so it's not really anything new or novel.

    So do we conclude that you are a Buddha ?
    And before you say it..I am not.

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