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if there is a hinduist i wanna tell you buddha was not an avatar of vishnu

i respect indians and hinduist but i don't like they said buddha was an avatar of vishnu without fact . most hindus think buddha was a indian (yes that is true) and he was a founder of new religion(yes that is true) it means buddha was an avatar of our god. in fact in mahayana buddhism there accept hindu deities such as shiva vishnu brahma and etc but they are deva not buddha according to the buddhism deva is one of the 6 realms and that is in samsara


  • genkakugenkaku Northampton, Mass. U.S.A. Veteran
    edited January 2013
    @absolute -- As someone who studied a fair bit of Hinduism before jumping on the Buddhist bandwagon, I can imagine that this matter might be of concern to 'true believers' and the like: "Buddha was an avatar ..." "Jesus was an avatar..." etc. etc. etc.

    I would suggest, however, that whether the Buddha was an avatar -- or even a Twinkie -- hardly matters much to someone who actually practices. Practice has its own lessons and those lessons go way beyond anything an avatar or a Twinkie might dish up.

    Buddha was enlightened ... prove it!
    Buddhism is wise ... prove it!
    Nirvana is to be desired ... prove it!
    Emptiness is worth realizing/actualizing ... prove it!
    Holy texts are holy ... prove it!
    Compassion and clarity arise with practice ... prove it!
    Wise teachers are wise ... prove it!
    Buddhism is different from Hinduism ... prove it!
    Buddhism is the same as Hinduism ... prove it!

    Pick an 'avatar' and go for it.

    I think practice is a good idea.
  • TheEccentricTheEccentric Hampshire, UK Veteran
    I must say it is a bit annoying how they try and make the Buddha there's when we know better and it's ludicrous, the Buddha said himself that he was a normal human and should not be worshipped
  • ToshTosh Veteran
    I thought I read somewhere that Gandhi was a bodhisattva?
  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran
    genkaku is right. We prove it for ourselves . . . So simple . . . This lifetimes work . . .
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited January 2013
    Just say calmly that you don't believe Buddha is an avatar. You're pissing in the wind if you try to get others to believe how you believe. They will believe just exactly as they do. I know this from experience trying to advocate my sanghas views on this forum. Still, we will probably do it anyways.

    If you're talking about hindus on this forum, I don't recall discussing that very often. There are Hindus I think and some Buddhist/Hindu hybrids. But again it's not in your control to tell them what to believe. That is suffering to try to control that which is not under your control.

    Of course you can have a discussion, but if you are relaxed and let them have their own views it can be a friendly discussion.
  • If Hindus believe that the Buddha was an avatar of Vishnu, that is their belief and should not concern people of other religions - including buddhists. They are simply viewing the Buddha as a God. Why the objection? How does it affect our practice? There are also people who believe Prophet Muhamed was a avathar of Vishnu.
  • Invincible_summerInvincible_summer Heavy Metal Dhamma We(s)t coast, Canada Veteran
    I agree with @sukhita. If they think the Buddha is an avatar, so what? Are we going to get all worked up because Christians don't really recognize the Buddha in their scriptures?
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    absolute said:

    i respect indians and hinduist but i don't like they said buddha was an avatar of vishnu without fact . most hindus think buddha was a indian (yes that is true) and he was a founder of new religion(yes that is true) it means buddha was an avatar of our god. in fact in mahayana buddhism there accept hindu deities such as shiva vishnu brahma and etc but they are deva not buddha according to the buddhism deva is one of the 6 realms and that is in samsara

    Who cares?
    Let them believe what they want to believe.
    Their practice is not your concern.
    Your practice is your concern.

    You should be more worried about this insistent tendency to prove them wrong and you right.

    There is nothing to prove.
    Be calm, and just focus on your own "Suffering".

    My opinion.

  • JasonJason God Emperor Arrakis Moderator
    edited January 2013
    absolute said:

    i respect indians and hinduist but i don't like they said buddha was an avatar of vishnu without fact . most hindus think buddha was a indian (yes that is true) and he was a founder of new religion(yes that is true) it means buddha was an avatar of our god. in fact in mahayana buddhism there accept hindu deities such as shiva vishnu brahma and etc but they are deva not buddha according to the buddhism deva is one of the 6 realms and that is in samsara

    Luckily, Buddhism doesn't get to define Hinduism for Hindus any more than Hinduism gets to define Buddhism for Buddhists.
  • I know this is an old thread, and people generally hate it when threads are resurrected, but I came across it and would like to set the record straight as much as I can.

    Not all Hindus believe Buddha was an avatar of Vishnu; not all Hindus believe in avatars. Shaivas (devotees of Shiva) don't. Only a certain portion of Vaishnavas (devotees of Vishnu) believe Buddha was the 9th avatar. Hinduism is so vast with so many sects and sub-sects it's impossible to make any kind of generalization. In my temple, on the walls of the Vishnu sanctums, Buddha is not depicted. In fact, he is not anywhere in the temple. In his place in the several sanctums are Dhanvantari and Balarama. I think one would be hard-pressed to find any Hindu temple that has a depiction of Buddha.
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