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The perfect day for Metta(Loving-Friendliness)

BhikkhuJayasaraBhikkhuJayasara Bhikkhu Veteran
edited February 2013 in Buddhism Basics
So I noticed there being a lot of questions on Metta lately and this being Valentine's day, a day celebrating attachment full of dukkha, we could talk about metta! I do a guided metta meditation every Thursday on the Buddha Center and the way I do it almost fully comes from what I learned during a 7 day metta meditation retreat at Bhavana Society, a Theravadan Forest monastery. The metta bhavana shown here is directly from the suttas as what the Buddha taught.

WARNING - LOTS O TEXT - if anyone else has any metta related videos or links they suggest, please post below. Also if any of my friends from other traditions would like to add how they are taught metta, please do so!

When people think of metta, they may often think of the Karaniya Metta Sutta: Good Will. This was in fact the Buddhas directions to monks in developing the metta mindstate for a specific incidence of dealing with devas and ghosts in the forest.

May all beings be happy and secure.
May all beings have happy minds.

Whatever living beings there may be,
Without exception: week or strong,
Long or large, medium, short
Subtle or gross,

Visible or invisible,
Living near or far,
Born or to be born-
May all beings have happy minds.

Let no one deceive another,
Nor despise anyone anywhere.
Neither from anger nor ill will
Should anyone wish harm to another.

As a mother would risk her own life
To protect her only child,
Even so towards all living beings,
One should cultivate a boundless heart.

One should cultivate for all the world
A heart of boundless loving-friendliness
Above,below, and all around,
Unobstructed, without hatred or resentment.

Whether standing, walking, or sitting,
Lying down or whenever awake,
One should develop this mindfulness.
This is called divinely dwelling here.

Not falling into erroneous views,
But virtuous and endowed with vision,
Removing desire for sensual pleasures,
One comes never again to birth in the womb.

The Pali word metta means loving-friendliness. When we develop metta, we develop warm feelings of loving-friendliness first for ourselves and then for all beings. Metta was taught by the Buddha as an integral part of dhamma practice some 2600 years ago and this practice is as needed and as relevant in the modern world as it was then.

Metta is a mental state in which the mind can work to develop equanimity and the uprooting of attachment, aversion, and ignorance in our minds. Metta is one of the four sublime abodes, high mental states which we can strive to live with at all times. When we can live in unconditional unconditional loving-friendliness with ourselves and with all beings, we give a gift of fearlessness to all beings.

Metta is is the only love which is free of suffering(dukkha) and which is truly unconditional love. As opposed to martial love(eros) or family love(Philial), which is conditional and eventually leads to suffering. For this reason we practice metta, as the Buddha did and as the sangha has practiced throughout the millennia.

The Buddha taught two types of metta meditation." Immeasurable release of mind", where you radiate metta in six directions and "Exalted release of mind", where you radiate metta starting from yourself and then growing larger through your town, country, the earth and the universe.

The Buddha taught the benefits of metta in the following sutta -

Metta (Mettanisamsa) Sutta: Discourse on Advantages of Loving-kindness

"Monks, eleven advantages are to be expected from the release (deliverance) of heart by familiarizing oneself with thoughts of loving-friendliness (metta), by the cultivation of loving-kindness, by constantly increasing these thoughts, by regarding loving-friendliness as a vehicle (of expression), and also as something to be treasured, by living in conformity with these thoughts, by putting these ideas into practice, and by establishing them. What are the eleven?

1. "He sleeps in comfort.
2. He awakes in comfort.
3. He sees no evil dreams.
4. He is dear to human beings.
5. He is dear to non-human beings.
6. Devas protect him.
7. Fire, poison, and sword cannot touch him.
8. His mind can concentrate quickly.
9. His countenance is serene.
10. He dies without being confused in mind.
11. If he fails to attain arahantship here and now, he will be reborn in the brahma-world.

So said the Blessed One. Those monks rejoiced at the words of the Blessed One.

In the Suttas the instructions given by the buddha are often phrased in this way -

a bhikkhu abides pervading one quarter with a mind imbued with loving-kindness, likewise the second, likewise the third, likewise the fourth; so above, below, around, and everywhere, and to all as to himself, he abides pervading the all-encompassing world with a mind imbued with loving-kindness, abundant, exalted, immeasurable, without hostility, and without ill will.

and of course I always end metta with this famous section of the Dhammapada -

In this world
Hate never yet dispelled hate.
Only love dispels hate.
This is law,
Ancient and inexhaustible.

I will continue with some directions in a following thread as to not make this one too long.


  • BhikkhuJayasaraBhikkhuJayasara Bhikkhu Veteran
    To start with anyone else who'd like to add videos links, I will add this wonderful metta video chanted beautifully in the Pali, with both the pali and english words on screen so you can chant along. If you feel aversion and anger in you, put this on and you wont for long :)

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran
    valentines day . . . Metta day . . . Everyday :clap:
  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran
  • Everyday is a good day for metta.
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