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Body Ads? Wows! Companies paying money for people to wear ads on their bodies?

DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
How far will this go? I remember reading about having ads on a car, and I was actually thinking of doing that. But...this has definitely gone a bit too far? Big companies are putting us into a corner...


  • BhikkhuJayasaraBhikkhuJayasara Bhikkhu Veteran
    old news, and so long as it's a consensual contract I have no issues with it. How is being paid to wear adds on your body being " backed into a corner" ?
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    Jayantha said:

    old news, and so long as it's a consensual contract I have no issues with it. How is being paid to wear adds on your body being " backed into a corner" ?

    I don't think these young adults know any better. They only see dollar signs...My personal opinion.
  • BhikkhuJayasaraBhikkhuJayasara Bhikkhu Veteran
    LeonBasin said:

    Jayantha said:

    old news, and so long as it's a consensual contract I have no issues with it. How is being paid to wear adds on your body being " backed into a corner" ?

    I don't think these young adults know any better. They only see dollar signs...My personal opinion.
    since its a contract thing I would go out on a limb and assume that they have to be legal adults.. therefore able to make decisions. I have a little bit more faith in people then that.

    also they could just as well get some crazy tattoo they will regret in 10 years, at least with this they get reimbursed .
  • BhikkhuJayasaraBhikkhuJayasara Bhikkhu Veteran

    How about all the people that PAY THE COMPANY to wear their advertising? Think NorthFace, PINK, etc.

    Wise Lama is wise..
  • karastikarasti Breathing Minnesota Moderator
    I agree with @lamaramadingdong, totally. I'd much rather someone pay me to wear their stuff, than be constantly paying someone else extra money to display their product and name!
  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    I think the argument can be boiled down to the old: "Are women who use sex appeal to make money being victimized or just savvy?"

    The answer is... it depends on the woman. Citing my experience as a cocktail waitress in a high end strip club, I can honestly say that while it could become a harmful environment to some girls, there were other girls that really excelled and at the end of the day, had no qualms about what they did... just a fat bank account. It's all about how the girls feel about it. I have no doubts that some of those girls are probably laughing thinking, "This is so stupid that these companies will actually PAY me to do this."
  • BhanteLuckyBhanteLucky Alternative lifestyle person in the South Island of New Zealand New Zealand Veteran
    I'll wear an ad sticker on my forehead if somebody paid me enough. I wonder how much they get paid.
    Unfortunately I don't have the legs for it.
  • chelachela Veteran
    I agree with @zombiegirl. The problem is that so many people don't think about what they are doing and end up harming themselves because they are so disconnected with how they "really" feel about themselves and what they are doing. And, my other problem, as a parent, I tend to think about how everything on Earth is sexualized and played out in the media, and how young children are affected by this and they aren't even old enough to really think about it. But that's for a different conversation.
  • karastikarasti Breathing Minnesota Moderator
    That's a good point about how it might affect children, @chela. It is always something to consider. Kids learn too early that sex sells and if they can be sexy they'll be better off. I was embarrassed to watch the Super Bowl with my kids and see what Rhianna wore. I turned it off. There is nothing wrong with being confident and feeling good about yourself, but using it to make someone else feel a certain way or to gain something you wouldn't normally gain isn't something I want to teach my kids. Granted, I have 3 boys so they aren't into that stuff in the same way girls are. My middle son is 10 and I frequently hear girls his age who are in dance especially, talking about how sexy they look in their outfits and such. Disturbing.

    But raising strong kids can be done despite our societal downfalls.
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