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Must I care about humans?

When I was young, I was idealistic and believed that everyone must be protected/respected, everyone deserved rights and freedoms, that one must protest against injustice and fight for progressive reforms, etc.

But now as an older person, I just don't feel that way. In fact, I feel humanity is not worthy of good things. Even if another Hitler were to come along, a part of me would say, "That's what humans deserve." It is like I have come to the conclusion that humans deserve only bad things and that good things are not worth fighting for. Not that I hate humans, not that I wish to actively harm them. Not at all. Whatever else I may be, I do not actively seek to hurt anyone. I just don't care, that's all.

Is this wrong? Must I feel kinship with humans just because, through the accident of birth, I am human?


  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    Okay, let's accept your premise.

    But, you're human. So:

    You deserve another Hitler, too.
    You are not worth of good things, either.
    You deserve only bad things, too.
  • I was going to post in this thread and then realized how silly any answer would be, so here is a face :buck:
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