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3 things you're supposed to do with your thoughts while meditating

I was listening to radio buddha recently when one of the programs they had talked about the 3 things you're supposed to do with thoughts that come up while mediating. I was in bed and fell asleep within a minute or 2 of hearing it. So I'm asking now, does anyone know what these 3 things are?

Thanks in advance.


  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    1: Don't even think of falling asleep.....
  • See the "Wandering Thoughts" section on p. 43 of Each and Every Breath. Five things to do for the price of three!
  • newtechnewtech Veteran
    you can check sutta mn-20, "The Relaxation of Thoughts".
    If its a distracting thought at first u notice its there, u let it go, relax and you move to a subject where u have nice thoughts (your object of meditation or whatever):).

  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    notice the thought as a thought
    welcome the thought
    notice the space of mind holding the thought as you return to your breath
  • 1. Be aware of their appearance.
    2. To not be engaged in those thoughts
    3. Be aware when they have disappeared.
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