Even more proof for me; but it seems that my laziness kicks in almost every day and just totally destroys my consistency and focus. Perhaps, what the article outlines - start small and I could possibly gain a deeper understanding of inner-self, compared to long bouts of non-meditation and then meditation.
Kia Ora LeonBasin,
Have you checked out : The Mind & Life Institute ?
Metta Shoshin
"Destructive emotions," "Emotional Awareness," "Buddha brain," "The mind's own physician"....
Most of them Mind & Life books.
They have been around for at least ten years.
Very relevant but not new, though it's always important to be reminded that our brain never stops learning and we can train it to think in positive ways.
Crucial task is to find good place. In home there is lot disruptions so it is almost impossible to meditate.
When we visit clean natural environment alone, it becomes so easy to mediatate perhaps i think we automatically turn to meditate
The object is to calm and discipline the mind to accept whatever may be happening, so that it can be stilled and serene whatever the distraction. Eventually, the whole day will be one of meditation....
Neuroscience Proves that Meditation Works.
It is more important that meditation works for you.
Anyone can do that. It is much harder to take your practice from the cushion to your everyday life as it is, without any frills and lipstick.
The idea is to live your life in a meditative way, not to look for a meditative kind of life.
For me that the scientific method has proof that it does " work" supports my practice so to speak. It also makes mindfulness more "legitimate" to the mainstream where in the past it hasn't been viewed as such as widely. I like that. lol!... I just chuckled to myself... "I like that"....anyhow...
"The proof is in the pudding" with mindful practice I will have to "try it and see what happens" Bob
No, thank you! I appreciate it!!
Great points!!
Absolutely! For me though, it's more about it's more about stopping or controlling procrastination!! LOL!
Yep! To sit is to find what works for you!
I do like how science and buddhism both reinforce each other!
I found out today that even Judaism has a some connection with Buddhism!! There is a book called: One God Clapping!! http://www.amazon.com/One-God-Clapping-Spiritual-Rabbi/dp/1580231152 - Pretty amazing to say the least! I just bought it through Amazon.
Totally agree! This is exactly what I am working on at the moment! Especially at work.
Hi, @LeonBasin! Hope you get some good answers from these books.
The key is simply that we can condition our brain to work for us and help us make skillful choices about our life.
I hope so too! I also need to meditate more to really dig deeper, however.
Quite possibly.
Not everyone has that discipline and inclination. Maybe you have :clap: .
By retreats, study, the interaction with practitioners, students, sangha, teachers and Dharma on youtube, we have many resources for inspiration . . .
Mindfulness is going mainstream. Meditation, visualisation and other spiritual technology is finding confirmation in Western science and medicine.
The spiritual traditions have more experiential knowledge that goes far beyond sciences current remit.
You want results? We haz path. Ours is called the Middle Way.
In the words of Capt Bodhi Picard (Who boldly went were no one has gone before . . . well apart from aliens . . .)
Engage .
That was beautiful! thank you!! I don't have the consistency, but if i start slow it will be okay. Thanks for the reminder!
It is a nice feeling when you have allies.
That's great, Leon!
Thank you!:0