I got this via the Shambhala Mountain Center's Facebook page:
Looks good. Sakyong is good as is Richard Reoch, Joan Halifax and Fleet Maul are excellent. Topics are interesting and would dove-tail nicely into a number of convo we've had here recently.
Interesting, thanks. I'll check it out.
I attened the Sukavati (funeral) practice for Fleet's late wife. He spoke, of course. I don't recall hearing anything more heart-felt and profund in my life.
The Sakyong, is, well, the Sakyong, and having been raised in Boudler is very representative of the fruition of what occurred their in the '70s.
Richard Reoch formerly led Amnesty International. Neat guy. Excellent teacher.
Tara Brach is a respected Vipassana teacher.
I expect this event will be more about bringing mindfullness into daily life than about practice per se.
There's an interestig slate of teachers and topics.
I'm in.
I registered, too. I consider Fleet Maul one of my first 'teachers'. His 'radical responsibility' is some seriously good stuff. I'm sorry to hear his wife passed away, when did that happen
Years ago. 5? Maybe more. It was a couple years before I quit smoking and that's four, so .....
It starts tonight! I'm looking forward to it......
Thanks for the link @chaz- have signed up!
I thought it went well. I really like the fact that i can still catch it after it starts...up tp 48 hours. Anyway....hubby saw it in Brooklyn....I saw it in Memphis....and we got on the phone after and did a little talkin about it. Im liking this medium/format. Its convient as far as timing...and accessibility. Easy online retreat. ..
My guy Lodro was up tonight. Fantastic! Some real practical advice for work situations. He did a little contemplation exercise that hit on! Here is the link to the vid...it will only be good for the next 48 hours. It's an hour long....but its worth sharing...IMO.
I recently heard an interview with Angel Kyodo Williams that I enjoyed quite a bit, so I'm glad to see her in the line-up.
my greatest disappointment is that these broadcasts cannot be held online longer than 48 hours - I have not had the time to listen to each cast in the way I would have liked. Perhaps there could be a greater delay like 2 weeks! in that way people like me could have enjoyed it more!
I did hate the 48 hour limit....when I missed it twice. haha
But I get it......so.....I took alot from it and was glad I got some good, modern, teaching talks from all kinds of people. Did you catch the different religions discussion night?.....That was one I missed. Argggg!
But I hope they do another one next year..
... I enjoyed all the videos I did squeeze in!
The Art meditations/reflections were beautiful!! The ones that started the day...the flower arranger on day 1 was my fav!!
perhaps someone was wise enough to record and post on youtube - NO?!!!!!
Just joking - much of the discussions are nothing new, that you can't find elsewhere, but a live discussion is always very much more ALIVE
Actually.....'live' wasn't my carrot. I liked the structure content of a retreat but the time of someone who can't do that right now. For my inbetween the Monastery trips.....this was convient and had a flow that hard to get at Temples?...... Does that make sense ??
Practice yes.....but retreats for study is just too much to take on my plate....financially, time and all other ways.....so...like I said...convient...in a pretty online package....hahahaha..I'm studying online....duh. hahaha
oh well $97 and you can buy the discussions to listen at your leisure!
I'll borrow yours.
Ben Franklin would have wanted it that way. .. :vimp: ...