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Easter hymns

genkakugenkaku Northampton, Mass. U.S.A. Veteran
edited April 2015 in General Banter

I posted this on my blog and repeat it here by way of offering a "Happy Easter" to one and all. Maybe you have hymns you prefer. These are just my picks.

Without criticism, I do wonder how often Jesus has to be resurrected before Christians get used to it.

Whatever the case, it's a brilliant Easter morning and, rather than sing my own songs, I will borrow again the songs of others. Nothing like a nice song, a little hallelujah, to brighten the day.

The first was written by my younger son when he was nine:


The very big trees
Are in my backyard.
I visit them every day
So they won't get lonely.
They give me shade
And keep me dry from rain.
I can climb them
And get delicious fruit --
The most delicious fruit. -- Ives Fisher

The other, entitled "Homage to my Father," was written by Seido Ray Ronci, and, like my son's words, soars in my mind:

My father said:
Fuck Father Farrell,
what does he know, that old bastard!

Study all the religions. Learn Italian.
See Venizia, Firenze, talk
to all kinds of people
and never, never think you know more
than someone else! Unless,
unless they're full of shit.

And if they are, tell them;
and if they still don't get it, fuck it,
there's nothing you can do about it.

Learn how to bake bread.
If you can make pasta and bake bread
you can always feed your family,
you can always get a job.

Keep your house clean
and don't worry what anyone else does.
Cut your grass,
prune your fruit trees
or they'll die on you.

Don't drink too much
but don't always be sober --
it makes you nervous.

A couple glasses of wine,
some anisette now and then,
a cigar never hurt nobody.

Nervous people always got an ache here,
an ache there, they get sick,
they die --

Look at Father Farrell:
he'll be dead in a year.

Fuck him!

OK, that's my resurrection schtick for the moment ... resurrecting on someone else's dime.



  • DairyLamaDairyLama Veteran Veteran
    edited April 2015

    I just made up this little ditty:

    Easter is a pagan time,
    With lots and lots of choclit.
    Churches are empty, shops are full,
    The candles don't get lit.

  • karastikarasti Breathing Minnesota Moderator

    Churches are empty? Just wondering if that is an observation or just for funsies in your ditty. Xmas Eve and Easter morning are the only days the churches here are packed. If you aren't there an hour early, you'll be standing. Thankfully we instead participated in the rituals of egg dying and finding, and candy for breakfast. I was wondering yesterday why do we (in the US at least) celebrate all our holidays with candy? Candy for easter, candy for independence day, candy for Halloween, candy for Christmas. The only biggie that has no candy is Thanksgiving and that's because there is copious pie.
    The only thing resurrected for me is weight I lost in anticipation of our holiday next week. Thanks, Cadbury.

  • genkakugenkaku Northampton, Mass. U.S.A. Veteran
    edited April 2015

    I was wondering yesterday why do we (in the US at least) celebrate all our holidays with candy?

    @karasti -- Nice question. The first thing that came to mind -- without getting too ishy-squishy solemn about it -- is that perhaps it reflects the fundamental sweetness that only turns sour when it gets institutionalized: Communism, Christianity, etc. speak at their roots to a direct decency anyone might acknowledge or aspire to. And who in their right mind could disdain the direct understanding that a good piece of chocolate inspires? :)

  • silversilver In the beginning there was nothing, and then it exploded. USA, Left coast. Veteran

    Very sweet tree poem by your son, @genkaku. <3

    But, I'm also for a little irreverence...any Sunday of the week! o:) ~~ >:)

  • Well, I can't bear anymore the teaching of a God capable of sending people to eternal hell , only because a person didn't make it good at this lifetime. Living good for 50-80 years simply short to qualify a person to go to heaven either.

  • genkakugenkaku Northampton, Mass. U.S.A. Veteran

    I can't bear anymore the teaching of a God capable of sending people to eternal hell

    @mockeymind -- Perhaps George Carlin can lighten your load....

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran
    My wife (ex Christian) told me last night that Christians base their belief that Jesus came to life again on the fact that his body was gone from where he had died when they came back to that spot.

    That's a bit of a stretch isn't it?!
  • Many people, some here have been deeply scared by Father Farrell and Hymn who must be Obeyed.

    Understanding that please be aware of those who have been deeply moved by the story of the man who came back from the dead to claim his hot cross buns . . .

    In the spirit of the original posting:

    Live Long and Prosper
    From a Vulcan hymn

  • windfallwindfall Explorer

    Guess the easter bunnies funny. But what about all those homeless that life in unheated spaces? Do they have sticky buns?

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    I guess not. But that's not to say none of us are doing our 'bit'. What point are you making, @windfall ?

  • KundoKundo Sydney, Australia Veteran

    @mockeymind said:
    Well, I can't bear anymore the teaching of a God capable of sending people to eternal hell , only because a person didn't make it good at this lifetime. Living good for 50-80 years simply short to qualify a person to go to heaven either.

    That';s what you get when people take both OT/Torah and NT literally........... bad translations and ignorance. The Torah nowhere speaks of "hell" Jews don't believe in Hell and believe in Reincarnation.

    Jesus spoke of a fiery pit - a literal firepit that burned rubbish near where he lived.

    /end trivia

  • Hey God, why are you doing this to me?
    Am I not living up to what I'm supposed to be?
    Why am I seething with this animosity?
    Hey God, I think you owe me a great big apology

    Terrible lie
    Terrible lie
    Terrible lie
    Terrible lie

    Hey God, I really don't know what you mean
    seems like salvation comes only in our dreams
    I feel my hatred grow all the more extreme
    hey God, can this world really be as sad as it seems?

    Terrible lie
    Terrible lie
    Terrible lie
    Terrible lie

    Don't take it away from me, I need you to hold on to
    Don't take it away from me, I need you to hold on to
    Don't take it away from me, I need you to hold on to
    Don't take it away from me, I need someone to hold on to
    Don't tear it away from me, I need you to hold on to
    Don't tear it away from me, I need someone to hold on to
    Don't tear it away from me, I need you to hold on to
    Don't tear it... don't tear it... don't take it, don't take it, don't...

    Hey God, there's nothing left for me to hide.
    I lost my ignorance, security and pride.
    I'm all alone in a world you must despise.
    Hey God, I believed the promises, your promises and lies

    Terrible lie
    Terrible lie
    Terrible lie
    Terrible lie

    You made me throw it all away
    My morals left to decay (terrible lie)
    How many you betray
    You've taken everything (terrible lie)
    My head is filled with disease
    My skin is begging you, please (terrible lie)
    I'm on my hands and knees
    I want so much to believe

    Don't take it away from me
    I need someone to hold on to
    Don't take it away from me
    I need someone to hold on to

    i give you everything.
    my sweet everything
    hey God, i really don't know who i am.
    in this world of piss

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