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Since Entering The Path...What's Changed ?

ShoshinShoshin No one in particularNowhere Special Veteran

Focussed Awareness so it would seem, gradually changes the workings of the mind most cases for the better ( it's as if it begins to dissolve away the Samsaric crust that has formed over the true nature of things) ...

However I've found that even though there is a "not two ness ness" at work, there is still a "us" (path dwellers) and "them" (fringe dwellers) , I should stress this is not in any negative superior sense, it's like being bilingual, having both Conventional talk and Dharmic talk, the Conventional for the fringe dwellers (whom perhaps don't know any different) and Dharmic for the path dwellers ( who seem to have a grasp on what is)...But even when speaking conventionally a heavy Dharmic accent is obviously 'present'...

I can't really give an example, ie, explain it ( I know I know I'm sounding all mystical Buddhisty which some might find a little unsettling -but hey my vocabulary is limited -often I lack the most appropriate terms/words and or jump the gun and assume people know what I'm talking about ) but there is definitely something out of the ordinary happening, which in a contradictory sense is really "Nothing Special" (go figure :) )...I can read your cyber minds, you're thinking WTH (some might use the "F" word instead of "H") is Shoshin going on about :D ...So before I confuse/confound everyone completely, I'll cut to the chase....

"Since Entering The Path...What's Changed For You ?" ( I guess the most obvious answer is "awareness"-but I have been known to be wrong :))

May we all (eventually) see clearly now



  • karastikarasti Breathing Minnesota Moderator

    It would be easier to answer what hasn't changed. The entire way I see and interact with the world, that's all ;)

  • WalkerWalker Veteran Veteran

    I have been reflecting much more on interbeing. How everything and everyone is all connected. How actions have repercussions that I didn't think about before.

  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited May 2015

    I'm more patient and positive attitude and more able to do things without overwhelm or lack of energy. I don't lie or steal. I don't drink as much.

  • I've been seeing more with awareness and don't struggle anymore to change things. Also, habitual patterns of mind started to decrease.

  • DavidDavid A human residing in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Ancestral territory of the Erie, Haudenosaunee, Huron-Wendat, Mississauga and Neutral First Nations Veteran
    I imagine I must be more mindful and appreciative than I would be if I never found the dharma but to be honest I don't remember not being on the path I'm on.
  • EarthninjaEarthninja Wanderer West Australia Veteran
    I'm much more appreciative of nature, something incredible about it. :)

    I'm not as social as I once was and enjoy my own company a lot more, often go for walks with just the dogs as my company. :) I feel bad if I leave them behind XD

    My whole way of looking at the world had changed, there is a sense there is no more outside/inside. I can watch thoughts and clearly see them as not self(when awareness kicks in)
    Life is becoming more spontaneous, less person living life/more life living itself. Things aren't as personal anymore.
    I've still got a way to go but it's all happening by itself :)
  • bookwormbookworm U.S.A. Veteran

    @Shoshin said:"Since Entering The Path...What's Changed For You ?"

    That the way to the cessation of dukkha is to be developed.

  • tibellustibellus Veteran
    edited May 2015
    I have more change in my pockets. :lol: But on a more serious note, I could say I feel more at ease and I'm finally accepting the way I am, as I've been my harshest critic my whole life. I seem to be more focused which is a big plus for me, as I had productivity problems and would procrastinate a lot.
  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran

    As part of them there 'thems', I have changed my trousers, just as @tibellus has enriched his pocket.

    Other changes:

    • Nothing to report
    • More form, less emptiness
    • More emptying, less certainty

    @Earthninja said:
    I've still got a way to go but it's all happening by itself :)

    I can hardly wait ...
    Wait ...nothing to wait for ... :3

    We HAZ plan!

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