Ahh lately meditation has been great. I have just allowed my mind to be my mind. Not stressing to much on my concentration. I get little windows of opportunity where my mind says "your thinking/feeling this, go back to breathing when your done" this has brought me to a state of mind where I just feel at peace with everything my mind throws at me and I'm just like " anger, happiness, judgement... What evv it's all just life baby". Lifes a bitch you can't change that let life be a bitch, haterz gonna hate oh well let them hate. I can't change that so why bother. Life is suffering isnt it. I think happiness isn't being blissfully ignorant of the world and having nice things, I think it is knowing the world can be a terrible place and accepting it fully. Sure bad things... Terrible things happen, the future might be terrifying, your past may have been scarring but what does that all weigh against right now. Right now you can laugh if you want, you can smile, how do we know life isn't just one big joke and some guy out there has got a weird sense of humor. When we are truly happy we live in the moment.
Be patient...
With the bad stuff
And the good.
The hard stuff is easy. It's the easy stuff that's hard.
@Mingle and that's the secret of life! Not just meditation.
Well done mate.
Tempted to get a tattoo across my body that reads "What evv it's all just life baby"
It must be a week for great meditation. I sat with a group for the first time this week and it was great. It was my first 30 minute meditation, and during the first few minutes, my brain was very chaotic. Then, suddenly, everything got very calm and time flew.
Yes, it's worth pushing beyond 15 or 20 minutes, monkey mind gets tired after a while and takes a nap.
I tried visualizing monkey sleeping on my lap while meditating. Seems the monkey can be taught to stay just still -- Taking a nap until 30 mins is up. Felt compassion and love to my monkey mind, understanding and accepting.
The mind is innocent.
Yes, you learn to take a step back and note to yourself: "I don't have to be a part of those stories. They are real only because you believe them to be so and become caught in the web. Right here and right now, things are actually alright."
Just when you were having fun ... oh well you can always be mindful when no one is looking ...
I rather like that visualisation. It is very soothing. Monkey is what we make of Hymn [apologies to grammarians, aliens and Catholics].
Good god alive, @lobster, where the hell do you find these images - ?!
I know that is rhetorical but I choose to be literal ...
At the moment I am using the DuckDuckGo search engine ...
Google is now a bought, disinformation, commercial and political pawn.
Then I add the keywords which in this case were buddhism, monkey, mindfulness or similar
I work and respond well to visual imagery, I find it conveys a lot of questions ...
and now back to the wonderful ...