Ever tried this? We do it at my sangha I visit once a week. As a group we all Stand after sitting meditation and start walking clockwise very slowly in a sort of sequence with each other. At first I thought it was weird and went along with it but now I really see its benefits. It's about paying attention to every sensation you feel and really brings you into the moment. I like to concentrate on the feeling of my feet relaxing onto the floor with every step. I find it much easier to concentrate on than my breath whilst sitting and its a great way to create a bridge of mindfulness from sitting to using it in action.
Yes, walking meditation is a useful practice and is often used in between sitting sessions.
I actually prefer walking meditation over sitting. Our Sangha walks outside....and it raised the ante for me. By prefer...I don't mean easier...
I could never really get into it as a form of meditation, but maybe I haven't really tried earnestly. I usually use it as an excuse to stretch my legs.
With a name like mingle, you should be a natural at it.
Where with sitting meditation, all you need to do is sit with awareness.
With walking meditation, all you need to do is walk with awareness.
A great practice to teach one how to transition meditation from a physically static position into daily activity.
Some folks walk as if each step is a complete action onto itself, others prefect the continuous roll, breathes related to each step, breathes unconnected to each step,
focuses on the hara, the locomotion, maintaining your position within the circle, balancing by bringing each step directly beneath the body's center of gravity or balancing by swinging the body's center of gravity over each footstep, and on and on.
So easy to forget all that it originally took to learn how to walk.
So amazing what any supposedly automatic action is actually comprised of.
With walking meditation, all you need to do is walk with awareness.
That is how I was taught and practice formal walking meditation. I find Qi-ong or yoga can be done much the same ... or any simple activity. I would suggest for the average monkey minded activity and stimulation based individual, walking meditation is often easier. So do that interspersed with short sits. Stillness can be something we are not used to.