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@Zania said:
I think maybe I feel a bit self conscious.
mmm ...
I tried to see if I could meditate while looking casual. It was too difficult to do, and the distractions at the shopping center was overpowering, but actually still possible to do. I wouldn't recommend it and prefer regular seated meditation. The only good thing about the experience that I remember is that I was able to capture thoughts and notice the breath.
I sometimes take someone on a walking meditation and nobody seems to notice the strange dog. If I was wearing a casual hat and sunglasses, I might attract attention ... Going inward is a good practice even when dragging along humans ... http://opcoa.st/0kfbk
@lobster does posing as a dog in public require a furry coat, or just a leash?
DavidA human residing in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Ancestral territory of the Erie, Haudenosaunee, Huron-Wendat, Mississauga and Neutral First NationsVeteran
@RuddyDuck9 said:
So many layers of meditation to be had.... it's like the table at my local shopping mall where the Mennonite ladies sell their home-made baked goods.... I want them all!! But I must be patient and have only one at a time.
Yep. How can you truly taste the brownie if you still have apple pie in your mouth?
@David then it becomes an experiment in flavors, which could reveal a whole other level of insight! Do you see my conundrum? It's difficult to pick just one thing and focus on it, as we all know here. I'm moving away from mantra meditation, and focusing more on my breath. Letting my wandering mind do its thing without yelling at myself. Funny how people can tell you to do something but it really doesn't make sense, and then you get the "aha!" moment. Like, wow! They're all so correct! Duh!... I think what helped me with this is positive reinforcement with the new pup. He responds so much better to being told he's good at good times, than he does to being yelled at when he's naughty. My mind is the same. Ignore the naughty, multiply love to myself when it's all good. At the very least it can't hurt!
My problem now is, if I can get past being self-conscious in public, my next concern is, "what if I'm smiling and people think I'm on drugs?" haha. Or what if I get a sunburn?
DavidA human residing in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Ancestral territory of the Erie, Haudenosaunee, Huron-Wendat, Mississauga and Neutral First NationsVeteran
Sunburn could be a problem but you can avoid it.
What people think of you doesn't really matter but it's not like you have to go into full lotus and start chanting, lol.
@RuddyDuck9 said:
My mind is the same. Ignore the naughty, multiply love to myself when it's all good. At the very least it can't hurt!
Sounds like a plan.
My problem now is, if I can get past being self-conscious in public, my next concern is, "what if I'm smiling and people think I'm on drugs?" haha. Or what if I get a sunburn?
People think all kinds of crap stuff - Get used to it. Smile like the Mona Lisa, not like The Joker/Cheshire Cat.
@lobster Yes, too harsh! All it takes is 5 minutes in the sun for me. I could reapply spf 30 every 45minutes to and hour and still come home with a burn. My ancestors must have been serious cave folk, like Gollum or sumfin'.
federicaSeeker of the clear blue sky...Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubtModerator
edited August 2016
@RuddyDuck9 said: @lobster Yes, too harsh! All it takes is 5 minutes in the sun for me. I could reapply spf 30 every 45minutes to and hour and still come home with a burn. My ancestors must have been serious cave folk, like Gollum or sumfin'.
Here's an interesting fact.
You know the SPF numbers? SPF15, 25, 30, 50...etc?
Let's say for argument's sake that at midday, you sit in full sun, with no cream on.
You say "All it takes is 5 minutes in the sun for me...."
So let us presume that after 5 minutes, you feel that familiar tingle, that familiar prickle as your skin begins to react adversely to the sun's power. Your solar resistance, is therefore 5 minutes.
Ok so far?
Now let's take that SPF number again.
Let's say you apply SPF30.
That number - is what you multiply your 5 minutes' solar resistance, by.
so, 5 x 30 = 150.
That's one-hundred-and-fifty minutes. That's 2 and a half hours. At midday.
(Probably, towards a hotter part of the day, say between one and 4 pm, you're liable to burn more quickly, but I think it's the wise person who avoids full/direct sun during those hours...)
Now here's the important bit.
If you've applied SPF30, and you've sat in the sun for those 2 and a half hours, - NO MATTER HOW MUCH MORE SPF30 YOU APPLY, IT WILL NOT PROTECT YOU FROM FURTHER EXPOSURE
You've had your full quotient of sun, at that SPF level. Slap on as much more as you want, once you've done your time - that's it.
So meditate for as long as you want, but use the appropriate cream.
mmm ...
I sometimes take someone on a walking meditation and nobody seems to notice the strange dog. If I was wearing a casual hat and sunglasses, I might attract attention ... Going inward is a good practice even when dragging along humans ...
@lobster does posing as a dog in public require a furry coat, or just a leash?
Yep. How can you truly taste the brownie if you still have apple pie in your mouth?
@David then it becomes an experiment in flavors, which could reveal a whole other level of insight! Do you see my conundrum? It's difficult to pick just one thing and focus on it, as we all know here. I'm moving away from mantra meditation, and focusing more on my breath. Letting my wandering mind do its thing without yelling at myself. Funny how people can tell you to do something but it really doesn't make sense, and then you get the "aha!" moment.
Like, wow! They're all so correct! Duh!... I think what helped me with this is positive reinforcement with the new pup. He responds so much better to being told he's good at good times, than he does to being yelled at when he's naughty. My mind is the same. Ignore the naughty, multiply love to myself when it's all good. At the very least it can't hurt!
My problem now is, if I can get past being self-conscious in public, my next concern is, "what if I'm smiling and people think I'm on drugs?" haha. Or what if I get a sunburn?
Sunburn could be a problem but you can avoid it.
What people think of you doesn't really matter but it's not like you have to go into full lotus and start chanting, lol.
Sounds like a plan.
People think all kinds of crap stuff - Get used to it. Smile like the Mona Lisa, not like The Joker/Cheshire Cat.
Sunburn? You need a mommy? [too harsh?]
Some handy hints for examples of public smiling:
@lobster Yes, too harsh! All it takes is 5 minutes in the sun for me. I could reapply spf 30 every 45minutes to and hour and still come home with a burn. My ancestors must have been serious cave folk, like Gollum or sumfin'.
Here's an interesting fact.
You know the SPF numbers? SPF15, 25, 30, 50...etc?
Let's say for argument's sake that at midday, you sit in full sun, with no cream on.
You say "All it takes is 5 minutes in the sun for me...."
So let us presume that after 5 minutes, you feel that familiar tingle, that familiar prickle as your skin begins to react adversely to the sun's power. Your solar resistance, is therefore 5 minutes.
Ok so far?
Now let's take that SPF number again.
Let's say you apply SPF30.
That number - is what you multiply your 5 minutes' solar resistance, by.
so, 5 x 30 = 150.
That's one-hundred-and-fifty minutes. That's 2 and a half hours. At midday.
(Probably, towards a hotter part of the day, say between one and 4 pm, you're liable to burn more quickly, but I think it's the wise person who avoids full/direct sun during those hours...)
Now here's the important bit.
If you've applied SPF30, and you've sat in the sun for those 2 and a half hours, - NO MATTER HOW MUCH MORE SPF30 YOU APPLY, IT WILL NOT PROTECT YOU FROM FURTHER EXPOSURE
You've had your full quotient of sun, at that SPF level. Slap on as much more as you want, once you've done your time - that's it.
So meditate for as long as you want, but use the appropriate cream.
@federica I'm almost speechless at this. I thought I knew everything there was to know about being pale!