On another forum, someone asked if anyone practiced 'Won Buddhism,' and so far, no one had even heard of it, so I thought I'd ask if anyone here has heard of it. I did google and found this but have only skimmed the info: http://www.wondharmacenter.org/won-buddhism/what-is-won-buddhism
It says it's something new out of Korea. So it's a type of Korean Buddhism, which is a branch of Zen, but with some kind of a new modern twist, they say.
I don't know anything about it, but this reminds me of a "new" Buddhist sangha or movement someone posted an announcement about last year, that was heavily hyping what looked like a Chinese "guru" in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. It announced the opening of a new temple in San Francisco. Further info showed that it was mostly Chinese embassy officials who attended the opening ceremony: a ahem "red" flag if I ever saw one.
It's pretty standard advice to test the waters carefully when searching for a sangha for oneself. Thanks for the opportunity to post a general reminder.
Yep. A type of Korean Buddhism. While Jogye is the traditional and main sect, it appeals mainly to the older generation. It's still a religion of monks with the lay population attending various ceremonies. Christianity has overtaken Buddhism as the religion of choice for today's generation and that worries a lot of Koreans. Think of Won as Korean Buddhist's attempt to modernize and make Buddhism more accessible to the lay population. Beyond that, I've never talked to a Won Buddhist and only know what's on their website.
Isn't that when one wins an awakened mind ????
Won Ton soup takes on a whole new meaning.....
Sounds like something that might happen at a carnival attraction... Hit the clinging aggregate three times and get an awakened mind fluffy to take home?
Stall run by Buddhist master "Hoo Won Teddy"