This evening I tried meditation whilst listening to authentic Tibetan meditation music, I generally find that I get overly hung up on counting my breaths and do not allow my mind to explore other Avenues, or my mind wonders in to strange dark corners of my mind I'm not sure I quite ready to deal with yet, tonight however I was able to bring myself to a deep meditive state the likes of which I have yet reached, anyone else have sucess meditating to music?
Yes, because I don't just listen to the music, I LISTEN to the music; that is to say, I pick out one particular tone (let's say for argument's sake, an orchestral piece) and focus to listen only to the violin part, or the timpani, or the brass.... Or maybe I really focus on permitting the meditative music to absolutely fill my attention, so that I exclude the possibility of any invading distracting thoughts...
If it works, it works.
What music was it?
Hi Steve the music is called deep shamanistic meditation, its very traditional Tibetan style music I pulled from a free mp3 downloading service, very relaxing indeed.
There is a Japanese sect that 'Plays" music instead of sitting or chanting. Whatever works for you is the best, in my small opinion. _/|_
I do enjoy meditating to music but I feel like I'm more zoning out then meditating.
This song really fits with meditation. Most will not get it.
Well for a start, I can't get any sound. Either by turning up my speakers, or on the volume control of the video itself, so no, to that point you're right. All I see is some dated pseudo-gigolo gyrating his hips and looking suggestive!
Get in tune with the natural sounds, man, like the wind in the trees and the waves on the shore, even the sound of your breath. Mellow out, and rediscover your mojo.