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Bad Jew finds refuge ...

From another thread:

Now Yom Kippur is also coming, and that is the Jewish Day of Atonement (equivalent to the Christian Good Friday). On Yom Kippur we offer genuine repentance for all wrong doings we have committed and strive to make amends if we can with those we have wronged.

I am a useless Jew. I was made an honorary Jew by a cyber friend in Isreal. I thought Yom Kippur was 'Yum Kipper' so was looking foward to it ...
Even though I have taken hands (become a Muslim) I still think bacon is halalish or delicious. Poor pigee.
I have also been through the baby drowning ceremony of Christianity (Baptism) for all the good it did.

I am clearly unfit with such a record to take refuge in the three jewels. However I will:

I take refuge in the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha

Now can I have a happy life please ... B)



  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    Well your background is chequered but as an Osho sannyasin of Dutch Reformed Christian heritage I think I have the edge in disreputableness... like some people here combine the Buddha with Jewishness, I combine him with an Indian guru. That's ok.

    I see more difficulty in trying to combine Jewishness with Christianity and Muslim-ness :3

  • KundoKundo Sydney, Australia Veteran

    @lobster said:

    I thought Yom Kippur was 'Yum Kipper' so was looking foward to it ...

    I don't think I have laughed that hard in a long time. I even snorted Coke Zero up my nose (hmmm, tasty).

    Even though I have taken hands (become a Muslim) I still think bacon is halalish or delicious. Poor pigee.
    I have also been through the baby drowning ceremony of Christianity (Baptism) for all the good it did.

    I am clearly unfit with such a record to take refuge in the three jewels. However I will:

    I take refuge in the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha

    I think you are much wiser than you give yourself credit for my crusty friend <3
    _ /\ _

  • KundoKundo Sydney, Australia Veteran

    @Kerome said:

    I see more difficulty in trying to combine Jewishness with Christianity and Muslim-ness :3

    Totally agree with that.

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran

    @dhammachick said:
    I think you are much wiser than you give yourself credit for my crusty friend <3
    _ /\ _

    My 'wisdom' has been grossly exaggerated - mostly by me ... :3

    Thanks guys. Let me explain how I value the three Abrahamic religions ...

    Judaism is extremely monotheistic, when I heard one could be challenged to combat, I immediately knew my Tai Chi Chuan and Judo training might be useful. Just wait till I get YHWH in a choke hold. Curtains.

    Apart from Catholicism and 'The Life of Brian', my Christianity is equally suspect. I prefer the teachings of the Gnostics ...

    Islam is the end of the line ...

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