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Zendon't - Pop up Bodhi Shop - Everyone Welcome

lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran
edited September 2017 in Faith & Religion

Dear Friends of the Awakened,

This morning I was finishing preparations for my first pop-up Buddhist Practice Centre

The cushions have been washed and are ready. One for Bodhidharma, will go against the wall, Chenresig and Tara in the middle and Guru Rinpoche can also face the wall ...
The Buddha as guest of honour, if he can be tempted from Paranirvana, can sit on his face on a chair, as he is getting on a bit ...

Obviously being Buddhas and all being well they will turn up. We are a few minutes walk from a Buddhist Temple, so they may be busy.

How exciting. ? Everyone welcome. No directions required. Don't disturb the divas, devas or staff. o:)



  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran

    Dear Friends of the Cushion,

    May the Buddhas and their entourage protect us. Yesterday I was able to add lavender furniture polish to the small Buddha table in the picture. I hope they like lavender. Mindful polishing is a wonderful exercise ...

    I also have a large table, which is suitable for the Buddhas to sit around and discuss compassion, wisdom, physical existence etc.

    Cundi may be manifesting shortly in the form of my mobile shrine (I use a tablet/phone and a slideshow facility) ...


  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran
    edited September 2017

    The pop up is now closed after Bodhidharma turned up. See sketch. He told me a Zen joke.

    Naok, Knock
    Who's there?
    Body Dharma - Hoo

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