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Contemplating on the body



  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited December 2017

    I think we generally like 'knowing'. Isn't it said somewhere that suffering is caused by not knowing the nature of how reality is?

    I think in tantra there is 'knowing' as a basic energy and it has varying levels of distortion or corruption or what have you. and within that there could be many attached versions of knowing.

  • pegembarapegembara Veteran
    edited December 2017

    Asubha practice isn't for everyone as the Buddha himself found out.

    Then the Blessed One, emerging from his seclusion after half a month's time, said to Ven. Ananda, "Ananda, why does the community of monks seem so depleted?"

    "Because, lord, the Blessed One, with many lines of reasoning, gave the monks a talk on the unattractiveness [of the body], spoke in praise of [the perception of] unattractiveness, spoke in praise of the development of [the perception of] unattractiveness. The monks — [thinking,] 'The Blessed One, with many lines of reasoning, has given a talk on the unattractiveness [of the body], has spoken in praise of [the perception of] unattractiveness, has spoken in praise of the development of [the perception of] unattractiveness' — remained committed to the development of [the perception of] unattractiveness in many modes & manners. They — ashamed, repelled, & disgusted with this body — sought for an assassin. In one day, ten monks took the knife. In one day, twenty monks took the knife. In one day, thirty monks took the knife. It would be good, lord, if the Blessed One would explain another method so that this community of monks might be established in gnosis."

    There is a "better" way.

    Then the Blessed One went to the assembly hall and sat down on a seat made ready. As he was sitting there, he addressed the monks: "Monks, this concentration through mindfulness of in-&-out breathing, when developed & pursued, is both peaceful & exquisite, a refreshing & pleasant abiding that immediately disperses & allays any evil, unskillful [mental] qualities that have arisen. Just as when, in the last month of the hot season, a great rain-cloud out of season immediately disperses & allays the dust & dirt that have been stirred up, in the same way this concentration through mindfulness of in-&-out breathing, when developed & pursued, is both peaceful & exquisite, a refreshing & pleasant abiding that immediately disperses & allays any evil, unskillful [mental] qualities that have arisen.

  • Good reminder from @pegembara

    Twenty monks partcipate in self murder/assassination/ultimate nihilism because of the Buddha not paying attention. Tsk, tsk, so not perfect/flawed teacher that awake Buddha ... (who noticed) ...

    Rejecting the body because it is ill, immature, over ripe, self willed, missing bits etc is no more skilfull than adorning, polishing, painting, botoxing or lip fat pumping etc

    It is the element of overly rejection/attraction that makes many unhappy.

    Body calming/compassion for physical frailty/impermenance often comes with meditation. Hooray!

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    If one wants to undertake it, it is important to remember to balance Asubha (disgust) meditation with metta meditation.

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    Found this great meditation on the 32 parts of the body. Suggest you google image each part if you can’t imagine it.

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