I’m rather enthralled by how Zoom has opened up all manner of enticing possibilities to participate in Sangha’s.
Owing to the time difference and my availability during the daytime, I’ve realised that there are opportunities to join with Zoom meditations and dharma talks stateside and with a heads-up email out of courtesy, I have found myself welcomed, nay embraced.
A rather special one today though, with the Bhavana Society.....
Sometimes technology can be wonderful...
Twice a day, a zoom personal room is opened so that anyone wishing to practice 30 minutes of quiet sitting meditation with others can do so. A bell is rung to announce the beginning and ending of the sitting period, Most folks bow or gassho in greeting and respect before and after the sitting. Its offerings and teachings are expressed solely by the meditation that everyone practices. People smile and wave as they depart into their lives at it's end and for me within these days of social isolation it has offered more of a touch of a Sangha connection that I usually experienced before Covid 19 arrived.
@how I love that, please can you post the zoom link ? Or I’ll send you my email address on pm and maybe you could provide that way ?
Well I can recommend @how zoomery sessions.
I attended his evening session (morning for me) every day for a couple of months.
I shall come along shortly, I think it’s 6am and 3pm UK time. I probably won’t make the 6am ones unless I happen to be awake, but the 3pm is possible. See you soon 😁🙏🏻