So one thing I have found is that vipassana can have a rather deadening influence. It’s a good meditation, but it can carry you beyond clarity and liveliness to a place where there is so much peace that liveliness disappears.
One tip I was given was to try five minutes of talking gibberish before starting vipassana. I’ve found it to be very lightening of the mood and the mind, maybe you might find it of benefit.
No no, it wasn’t meant to be a joke post, serious meditation practice
Haha fair enough. An interesting technique
Interesting. I had found my own use for narrating gibberish to myself. It would break up intrusive voices I deal with. Either that technique was very effective or my medication just happened to kick in (after weeks) to break apart and greatly reduce these intrusive voices. Possibly the gibberish similarly breaks up or suppresses negative things such as heaviness for neurotypical people in meditation?
I'm still stuck in shamatha
On days where I am quite lonely, I sing terrible opera to myself sporadically to lighten my mood. I wonder if my neighbors think I'm crazy yet?
@Jeroen Would you say the important element is practicing vipassana with a lightening of mood and mind? Could one, say, listen to uplifting music or stand-up comedy before instead? So long as they entered meditation with lightened mood and mind?
I don’t think that would work as well. It’s the inner energy of vipassana, aligning with the hara, which can lead to a stilling, and gibberish counteracts that, by spreading the mental energy out and introducing a certain chaos.
Maybe laughter might work as well, laughing meditation beforehand could do a lot of good. But its important to be speaking, bringing forth whats in the mind, rather than just taking in music or standup.
Sorry @Jeroen but I had to laugh when I read this because of what came to mind... preachers of the Pentecostal church talking gibberish in tongues,...
My attempts to experience meditation in a specific way, in hindsight, have always turned out to be about my inability to truly accept the meditation for what it simply was.
The possibility of being present for whatever lays beyond the colorings of our own ego's storylines.
If one repeats the same word over and over again, it becomes meaningless gibberish....
But at the risk of becoming monotonal and hypnotic. Think i prefer straight gibberish