As we know augmented reality or AR is already here for those attached to their 'mobiles', unsociable media or other projection.
As a YinYana Buddhist, the metta ray or Maitreya is the result of the projected becoming aware of its being.
By then all our outdated predictions, beliefs and ideas will be gonners.
What will happen?
The singularity?
Elevated sales of motion sickness medicine
Heh! Heh! Some people are living an augmented reality. Quite a number of them in politics.
Indeed @Lionduck
We are in a sense robots or slaves of our mind/body/karma.
A sentient AI is some way off and will be a revelation, including to it's self (even without one)
When an AI starts to empower the enlightenment of humans we may unplug the virtual for The Real … We may empower a no-politician/self appointed elite/habitual-hierarchy society …