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Destination Addiction

KotishkaKotishka Veteran
edited September 2022 in Mindfulness

I'm currently studying to get a better/more fullfilling job and sometimes (most of the time) -especially for the first two years- I kept just dreaming of finishing, seeing it as a toil... instead of enjoying, learning, exercising, living the moment, growing....

I'm changing this and this video has been a refresher of what not to recede into again.



  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    A bricklayer, but also a philosopher

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran
    edited September 2022

    @Kotishka said:

    I'm currently studying to get a better/more fullfilling job and sometimes (most of the time) -especially for the first two years- I kept just dreaming of finishing, seeing it as a toil... instead of enjoying, learning, exercising, living the moment, growing....

    I'm changing this and this video has been a refresher of what not to recede into again.

    Great video @Kotishka.....However, be careful not to make the content/essence of this video into a destination addiction ....if you get my drift....

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran

    The idea of nowity, mindfulness, living in and for the present momentousness is now mainstream. That does not make it easy, simple or even possible all the time for everyone. Even experienced practitioners know the drifting into past, future, mindless chatter and all the distractions of the undisciplined …

    Formal practice, as for example in mindful brick laying, or sitting against a brick wall or on a few, is partly a way.

    So is any craft, repetitive or slowed being.

    Ideally any moment is awareness.

    And breath in … and breath out … and there is our breath addiction …

    So for example today; I have been hitting part of a brick wall provided by circumstance. A karmic life brick if you will. Now that might knock some sense into me … but in fact I treated as a pain to avoid.

    Yes! Send that crustacean to the back of the class, to contemplate being a … [nothing as usual] … :3

  • He has very good insight on his understanding of addiction. He does seem very keen on enjoying the moment instead of escaping into addiction and away from the moment. I might attribute that to an addiction style which numbs you to the present moment.

    But what of addiction to "enhancing" the present moment rather than escaping it? Something like being addicted to MDMA or even caffeine for that matter. I don't believe those users are attempting to escape the present moment but live it in a more enhanced way albeit artificially enhanced with downsides seeded in tomorrow. That type of addiction seems more about forgetting tomorrow and forgetting yesterday for the sake of today rather than the reverse.

  • I think those substances are used to escape or enhance a situation which doesn't require so.. Now.. I understand the human need for experimentation, and everyone to their own fun to be honest, but from my experience and from seeing it around my social circle, I don't see an addiction towards the present moment, more like bored and desensitivised to it. They addicted to getting out of that present moment, call it sober, conventional, etc.

    I remember when -I love my Mary Jane I won't lie but I know that making it a habit is not good- even taking a walk around the forest required marijuana. The end was to consume more to keep this feeling, this habit... Techno lifestyle required MDMA, Speed, all to continuously keep the strange discordant dance which it enabled.

    It is an addiction towards being unsatisfied with the present moment to the point you have developed a very good -and expensive- habit of "what else can I get from this experience through substance use".

  • @Kotishka said:

    I suppose you can't force it. Can't smoke it higher. Can't drink it away. Just have to be and let it come. A good ol' fashion "Deal wiv it". Challenge accepted.. again..

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