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Are metta, mudita, and karuna felt in the body?

Are they aggregate feelings? Are they felt in the body?
If so, how do they work with the understanding of unclinging to aggregates such as the feelings?

I hear it's to be cultivated. How much is cultivated? How much is too little/much?


  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran
    edited February 2023

    @FleaMarket said:
    Are they aggregate feelings? Are they felt in the body?
    If so, how do they work with the understanding of unclinging to aggregates such as the feelings?

    I hear it's to be cultivated. How much is cultivated? How much is too little/much?

    It's all a matter of being open to awareness ...and developing experiential understanding of the twelve links of dependent origination ....links six and seven seem to be the sticking points, (pun intended) which one needs to be aware of/pay particular attention to ....

    Awareness is fundamentally non-conceptual before thinking splits experience into subject and object ...It is empty and so can contain everything including thought...It is boundless...And amazingly it is intrinsically knowing

  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited February 2023

    The aggregates aren't set to be gotten rid of. They are just passing feelings etc, but we don't have to get rid of them. The immeasurable (metta, koruna, mudita) include equanimity which helps to avoid grasping. The immeasurable are called such because they can arise even in realms of suffering. So they are helpful in counteracting suffering to have strength to live and practice.

  • … a useful/important question for many of us, from @FleaMarket

    As we know, much being/thinking/attention is focussed from the body. Remove parts of body, no thinking. Minus brain and heart, which contains neurones - fantasies possible?😶🙃😑

    … our bodies create dickheads, periods, illness, well being 🫂… all manner of awareness, forcing 'mindfulness' or mindlessness 💤⁉️

    We literally are complex meat that thinks because we are meat.
    How to cease this chattering mind/body complex? Can we merge body with Gaia, as we all inevitably do? But in this very body?

    Not easy as it is one of our most demanding sense gates to lose sway, holder of the keys so to speak …

    My body makes me what I am BUT Buddhism rightly teaches us that we are 'not the body'. Advanced stuff for us meditation beginners …

    I am (body), therefore I think

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    @lobster said:
    My body makes me what I am

    I’m not sure. My body has been a relatively trim 89 kgs but it has also been a weighty 115 kgs. It is changeable, and I can mould it with effort. Is it right to think, the body makes me what I am, when it can be such extremes?

    I was reading Douglas Harding, On Having No Head, where he presents a picture drawn from the perspective of the artists left eye… one can see the nose, a bit of the cheek, the torso, the legs, and beyond a room in which the reclining artist is lying on a couch. The viewpoint brings home the body as an object.

    The body is not truly ours, it doesn’t respond to our commands. The heart pumps blood, the liver purifies fluids, the kidneys extract waste, the guts process food, the lungs breathe, all without our conscious minds having anything to do with it. It is borrowed, and will eventually return to the earth that it was built from.

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